Superman Officially Passes The Torch To DCs New Man of Steel

Superman Officially Passes The Torch To DC’s New Man of Steel

Superman is officially off to Warworld, meaning Jon Kent’s time as Earth’s new Superman of the DC Universe has finally arrived.

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Superman Officially Passes The Torch To DCs New Man of Steel

Warning! Spoilers for Action Comics #1035 and Superman: Son of Kal-El #3 below

Clark Kent has officially headed to Warworld and passing the torch of Earth’s Superman to his son Jon Kent. In this week’s DC Comics releases, Superman shares one last moment with his son before heading off to take on Mongul and free those enslaved on the villain’s homeworld. With Kal-El gone, Jon is officially the new Superman of Earth.

Superman’s departure from Earth has been teased for a while now by DC Comics, as the Man of Steel had been building up Jon Kent as his replacement. Kal-El is heading to the Mongul-ruled Warworld to free those currently being held prisoners on the dangerous planet. Jon was terrified of his father leaving Earth, as his time with the Legion of Super-Heroes suggested his father would die at some point. However, both heroes put their fears behind them, as Superman officially departed Earth – but not before sharing a touching moment with his son.

Superman and Jon Kent’s last conversations before the former leaves Earth are revealed in this week’s Superman: Son of Kal-El and Action Comics. In Superman: Son of Kal-El #3 by Tom Taylor, John Timms, Gabe Eltaeb, and Dave Sharpe, Kal-El tells Jon that he can’t come looking after him – which his son refuses. Jon tells his dad he’s been to the future and knows how his story ends. Superman calms his son down and tells him he doesn’t believe in fate, but “I do believe in Jon Kent.” Finally, Superman hugs his son as he tells him that he’s the “Man of Tomorrow,” while Jon is “for the days after.”

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In Action Comics #1035 by Phillip Kennedy Johnson, Daniel Sampere, Adriano Lucas, and Dave Sharpe, Superman is kicked out of the Justice League for involving himself in an international incident involving a Genesis Fragment. Jon is upset about the decision, but Superman tells him it “was the right call.” Superman tells his son not to worry about the future without him he saw and that he needs to believe in himself. Kal-El tells his son, “I’ll always come back, pal.”

Whether Jon Kent believes he’s ready or not, he’s now officially the Superman of Earth. It must have been devastating to see his father fly away to a faraway planet, but Jon – despite pleading with him to stay – understands Kal-El needs to save those stranded on Warworld. Clark Kent believes his son is more than capable of being Superman, telling him he has the chance to be an even better hero than he was. Now, Jon Kent will see if he can live up to his father as he takes on his role as the protector of Earth.

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