Supermans Cousin Power Girl Has DCs Most Ridiculous Weakness

Superman’s Cousin Power Girl Has DC’s Most Ridiculous Weakness

Power Girl has all the powers of a Kryptonian – but also an insane weakness so exploitable that she needs to avoid sticks and stones to stay alive.

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Supermans Cousin Power Girl Has DCs Most Ridiculous Weakness

DC’s Power Girl, Superman’s cousin, is insanely strong but also has one of the most inane weaknesses in comics – and it’s nearly killed her. The character – who hails from a parallel Earth but currently resides in the main DC universe – has all the powers of her fellow Kryptonians, but this weakness is unique to her and her alone. Most surprising of all, it hasn’t been officially removed or retconned in any comic, as writers usually choose to ignore the absurd weakness entirely.

Power Girl has gone by many names in DC Comics; she was born Kara Zor-L, adopted the name Karen Starr on Earth, and is most famous for being Supergirl’s equivalent on Earth-2. Her backstory changed after Crisis on Infinite Earths, but she eventually made a name for herself on DC’s prime Earth as the head of her own software company Starware Industries. Power Girl’s origins have changed quite a bit since her debut in 1976’s All-Star Comics #58, but her Kryptonian heritage has mostly stayed intact, along with her unique weakness to – literally – sticks and stones.

In Supergirl Vol. 4 #16 by Peter David and Leonard Kirk, in a battle with the villain Tracer, Power Girl is ambushed and then knocked to the ground by a tree branch. Tracer then impales Power Girl through the back with the branch; Kara Zor-El, Supergirl, is quite surprised to see her Earth-2 counterpart fall so quickly. She removes the branch and it’s here where Power Girl explains her vulnerability: she’s weak to “any raw, unprocessed natural material. So sticks and stones can break my [bones].” Power Girl has fought armies of alien invaders…but one minion with a stick or a rock can take her down.

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Power Girl’s weakness is probably one of the most impossible-to-overcome handicaps in comics when one considers all the variables associated with fighting on any planet. “Raw, unprocessed” materials is so broad a specification that one hopes Power Girl has the sense to only pick her battles within Metropolis city limits and its manmade structures. Is the ocean considered raw and unprocessed? What about dirt, soil, and sand? To say nothing of air – is breathing Earth’s oxygen/nitrogen/argon atmosphere deadly to Zor-El as well?

Smartly, most modern writers tend to outright ignore this laundry list of weaknesses in favor of standard Kryptonian vulnerabilities: magic, other Kryptonians, and villains with telekinesis and/or telepathy. These days, Power Girl is very rarely taken out by tree branches or sharp sticks. The character has received so many rewrites (sometimes within the same series) that it’s entirely possible Power Girl’s next major overhaul is coming soon. Then, Kara would finally be able to fight evil in forests without fear of sticks and stones.

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