Supernatural 5 Best Things Dean Has Done For Sam (& 5 Best Things Sam Has Done For Dean)

Supernatural: 5 Best Things Dean Has Done For Sam (& 5 Best Things Sam Has Done For Dean)


Even though dysfunction is at the forefront for the Winchester brothers and their relationships, they care for one another and for their friends.

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Supernatural 5 Best Things Dean Has Done For Sam (& 5 Best Things Sam Has Done For Dean)

Supernatural is well known for its close-knit community. Friends become family, creating the SPN family that we know and love. Family is the most important thing for the Winchesters. There is nothing they wouldn’t do for each other. Fifteen years’ worth of episodes has proven that time and time again.

Even though dysfunction is usually at the forefront for the Winchester brothers and their relationships, they care for one another and for their friends. Sam (Jared Padalecki) and Dean (Jensen Ackles) have both done incredible things for each other, so it makes it harder to narrow down the 5 best things they’ve done for one another, but here you go.

10 Sam: Found A Faith Healer

Supernatural 5 Best Things Dean Has Done For Sam (& 5 Best Things Sam Has Done For Dean)

In Season 1, when Dean is severely electrocuted, he’s left with a weak heart and a small window of time to live. Refusing to accept the facts, Sam sets to work on finding his brother a cure, no matter what it takes. He manages to find their miracle, and Dean is saved.

This is one of the very first instances in which we see the depth of dedication the brothers have for one another, making this life-saving effort on Sam’s part that much more significant. Unfortunately they had to put the faith healer out of business, as his wife was utilizing a reaper to give the healer his power, and it meant a lot of people had to go home without miracles. No one said their jobs were easy.

9 Dean: Saved Sam From A Loveless Marriage

Supernatural 5 Best Things Dean Has Done For Sam (& 5 Best Things Sam Has Done For Dean)

In Season 7, Becky (Emily Perkins) goes way overboard for love. She gets Sam to elope with her in Las Vegas, and from minute one Dean is suspicious. Sam falls completely for Becky while under the influence of her potion. Dean is then busy investigating how Becky is tricking Sam and sets out to end it.

Had Dean simply accepted Sam suddenly falling in love, and Sam would’ve been stuck in a marriage in which he was constantly under the influence of a potion, spending his life with a woman he didn’t even love. Dean knows his brother, and he’d know when Sam was really in love.

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8 Sam: Didn’t Ruin Dean’s Fantasy

Supernatural 5 Best Things Dean Has Done For Sam (& 5 Best Things Sam Has Done For Dean)

Maybe it seems little, but oftentimes, it’s the little things that count. In Season 13’s “Scoobynatural”, Sam and Dean find themselves inside Scooby-Doo and Dean instantly goes for Daphne. He believes she’s settling for Fred, and tries, albeit unsuccessfully, to woo her.

Sam rolls his eyes and goes along with it, but this is a big deal. In their lives, they don’t get to have many good days, let alone live out any of their fantasies. For just one day, Dean got to be with Daphne, and Sam didn’t interfere with that. Sam eventually went along with being in a cartoon, even if he wasn’t as into it as Dean.

7 Dean: Helped Sam Get Off Demon Blood

Supernatural 5 Best Things Dean Has Done For Sam (& 5 Best Things Sam Has Done For Dean)

In Season 4, Sam is heavily addicted to demon blood. It gives his powers a boost, and by association, Sam’s also entered into an unhealthy relationship with Ruby (Genevieve Padalecki), who began and subsequently encourages Sam’s addiction.

When Dean finds out, it breaks his heart, but he resolves to do the right thing for his brother: get him help. Demon blood isn’t easy to detox from, and the side effects are brutal. It’s hard for Dean to lock up his brother and let Sam ride it out, but at least he had Bobby (Jim Beaver) for support. Plus, he saved Sam’s life and never left Sam to deal alone.

6 Sam: Helped Dean Through Aftereffects Of Hell

Supernatural 5 Best Things Dean Has Done For Sam (& 5 Best Things Sam Has Done For Dean)

Sam continually asks Dean about his time in Hell. Sam obviously feels incredibly guilty, as Dean went to Hell to save him to begin with. Dean at first lies and tells Sam he remembers nothing and struggles alone. Sam knows his brother too well to not see through Dean’s charade, so he presses.

Dean finally lets Sam in on how he really feels, and at the end of the day, Sam listens and is there for his brother. Sometimes just listening and being there for someone is all you can do, and Sam doing that was one of the best things he has ever done and the best thing he could do for Dean at the time.

5 Dean: Helped Sam Move On From Jessica

Supernatural 5 Best Things Dean Has Done For Sam (& 5 Best Things Sam Has Done For Dean)

Dean got Sam out of the fire that killed Sam’s beloved girlfriend Jessica, whom he intended on marrying. Dean helps Sam deal with his grief. Sure, they may have been driving around the country and killing monsters together, but for the Winchesters, that’s the most normal manner in which they process their grief.

As more time goes on, Dean starts encouraging Sam to take an interest in other girls, most notably with Sarah at the end of Season 1. Dean may have pushed Sam a little too much from time to time, but he always had the best intentions, and Sam never would’ve gotten through this tough time in his life without his big brother.

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4 Sam: Saved Dean From Being A Demon

Supernatural 5 Best Things Dean Has Done For Sam (& 5 Best Things Sam Has Done For Dean)

In the beginning of Season 10, Sam tries to figure out what has happened to his brother and discovers Dean has become a demon. Sam then makes it his mission to save his brother from such a fate, no matter what. He keeps Dean trapped in the bunker, giving him medicine to turn Dean back into a human.

Dean escapes and nearly kills Sam, but Cas (Misha Collins) interferes before he can do so. Despite all this, Sam never gives up on his brother and stays nearby, much like Dean had done for Sam when Sam was getting over his addiction to demon blood.

3 Dean: Made Deal To Save Sam

Supernatural 5 Best Things Dean Has Done For Sam (& 5 Best Things Sam Has Done For Dean)

When Sam is killed for the first time in Season 2, Dean is understandably devastated. He blames himself, as he failed to protect Sam when he needed it the most. Despite knowing all the risks, Dean doesn’t hesitate to consult a crossroads demon to make a deal for Sam’s return.

Unfortunately, instead of the usual ten years, he’s only given a year to live. He’ll do anything for his brother, even if it means the end of his own life. When Sam finds out, he’s furious, but truth be told, he’d do the same thing for his brother without a second thought.

2 Sam: Wanted Dean To Have A Family

Supernatural 5 Best Things Dean Has Done For Sam (& 5 Best Things Sam Has Done For Dean)

When the end looks bleak for Sam in the conclusion of Season 5, he makes Dean promise to go back to Lisa and Ben. Sam wants his brother to live a normal, happy life, and he knows how much Lisa and Ben mean to Dean. Dean does keep his promise, and in many ways, the mother and son help Dean heal from Sam’s loss, at least until Sam makes a reappearance in Season 6.

The point is, Sam didn’t want Dean to be alone or to suffer because of the hunter’s lifestyle any longer, and he knew Lisa and Ben could give Dean a better life–a life he deserved.

1 Dean: Never Gives Up On Sam

Dean is the more dedicated of the two brothers. His loyalty knows no limits, and he has always, always been there for Sam. He’s taken care of Sam his entire life and never complained. He still looks after Sam, and even when Sam has taken off or died, Dean never failed to look for him or bring him back.

It’s just who Dean is. Even Sam hasn’t been as loyal to his brother – he did fail to look for Dean while Dean was trapped in Purgatory. Never giving up on someone is admirable. Dean goes above and beyond the call of duty.

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