Supernaturals Season 15 Finale Can Beat The Shows Original Ending

Supernatural’s Season 15 Finale Can Beat The Show’s Original Ending

Supernatural season 15 will bring the story of Sam and Dean Winchester to an end. But can it improve upon the show’s original season 5 ending?

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Supernaturals Season 15 Finale Can Beat The Shows Original Ending

The Supernatural series finale has huge expectations to live up to, but can the ending outdo Sam and Dean’s original season 5 conclusion? With its fifteenth season, Supernatural was rapidly hurtling towards its final episode when real world events stepped in and put production on hold. The CW have confirmed Supernatural will finish as planned, but there’s no confirmed time frame on those remaining episodes airing at present. It goes without saying that Supernatural’s longevity is hugely impressive, and such a lengthy run isn’t something the show’s creator anticipated.

It’s often said that Eric Krikpe had a 5-season plan for Supernatural, but that doesn’t tell the full story. The man himself has confirmed that he never knew when Supernatural would be cancelled and always tried to early write season finales as a potential series closer. With that said, Kripke’s time as showrunner spanned Supernatural’s first 5 seasons and did tell an overarching satanic narrative that brought the main story to a natural close. Everything had been building towards Lucifer’s arrival, but with Sam sacrificing himself, the devil was sent back to his cage in “Swan Song.” The episode is still considered one of Supernatural’s best and the upcoming season 15 finale faces a tall order in topping the ending of the Kripke era.

Many Supernatural fans maintain that the show suffered a drop in quality after Kripke’s departure, but regardless of whether this is true, season 15 can deliver a more satisfying ending than season 5. In terms of bringing narrative closure, “Swan Song” wraps up the story Supernatural began with the death of Mary Winchester. The family had already taken down Azazel, and subsequently worked their way up to the top of the demon food chain with Lucifer, the villain behind the whole wicked plot. Aside from completing their quest for vengeance, Supernatural’s season 5 finale also dealt with the importance of the Winchester brothers, revealing each brother to be an archangel vessel for the apocalypse.

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Supernaturals Season 15 Finale Can Beat The Shows Original Ending

While “Swan Song” certainly would’ve worked as a final chapter, some elements of the ending wouldn’t be quite so satisfying. Firstly, there’s no grand sense of legacy. The personal story of the Winchesters comes to an end and the brothers save the world without any sort of recognition from outside. Supernatural season 15 is heading towards a different conclusion. Over the past 10 seasons, the Winchester reputation and influence has grown exponentially, and the gang have made friends with angels, demons, humans and vampires during that time. Most importantly, Sam and Dean have been acting as surrogate parents to Jack, Lucifer’s child. This hints towards a series finale with a far grander legacy for the Winchester brothers – saving the world and making it better.

Another element of “Swan Song” that wouldn’t work as a very final episode is the fates of the Winchesters themselves, with Sam in hell and Dean surviving him. Whatever befalls the Winchester brothers, the same thing needs to happen to both. Even by Supernatural season 5, it was clear that one living brother would always go to hell and back (literally) in order to resurrect the other, inevitably leading to more problems down the line. Either Sam and Dean both live or they both die, otherwise Supernatural can never truly end. As for whether the Winchesters survive the end of Supernatural, surely the more conclusive ending would be that they don’t. If the Winchesters are still alive when the final credits roll, viewers know the brothers will continue their hunting adventures and that’s something fans want to see. Season 15 can improve on the original season 5 ending by having both Winchesters meet their demise, thereby drawing a firm, emotional line under their story.

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