Teen Wolf 8 Best Families Ranked

Teen Wolf: 8 Best Families, Ranked


From the Stilinskis to the Argents, Beacon Hills has been home to many iconic families. But if Teen Wolf fans had to pick, which one is the best?

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Teen Wolf 8 Best Families Ranked

If there is one thing that the Teen Wolf fans have learned about Beacon Hills, it’s that there is a strong sense of loyalty among them – particularly between the families. Although Scott McCall’s (Tyler Posey) pack often got themselves into trouble with the law and made several enemies for themselves, fans weren’t surprised to see their parents and guardians standing right beside them, ready to support them.

However, that doesn’t mean this went one way. Their children also proved that they would do whatever it took to make sure they weren’t in harm’s way. But while each family has its own merits and some great moments together, which one would fans say were the most memorable?

8 The Martins

Teen Wolf 8 Best Families Ranked

Although Lydia (Holland Roden) and Natalie Martin (Susan Walters) didn’t get to have many storylines together since Lydia’s mother didn’t want to be involved in anything supernatural, that didn’t mean there weren’t several hilarious moments.

For instance, despite Lydia’s maturity, there were quite a few Teen Wolf moments where fans got to see her act as a typical teenager. She would often joke around with her mother about her fashion sense, get embarrassed by her mother’s behavior at school, or got annoyed at her overprotectiveness. Fans loved watching the two of them bicker back and forth as it did add something of a relatable quality to the characters.

7 The Tates

Teen Wolf 8 Best Families Ranked

Although the Tates were one of the last families to arrive in Beacon Hills, they had a profound effect on the characters straight from their introduction. Not only did Malia (Shelley Hennig) end up becoming one of the most likable characters on Teen Wolf, but her family also brought several mysteries with them too.

While fans would have loved it if the writers would have shown more scenes between Malia and her adoptive family (particularly before her mother and sister died), at least they got to see the dynamics between her and her father, Henry (Todd Stashwick). Despite being separated for years, it was quite touching to see that the love Henry had for his daughter remained and he was more than accepting of her supernatural abilities.

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6 The Calaveras

Teen Wolf 8 Best Families Ranked

Despite only appearing in a couple of episodes, the Calaveras family certainly had a great impact on fans. In fact, it was so big that some Teen Wolf viewers would love to see them get a spinoff so they could see their origin story explored even more.

This was mainly because fans were intrigued by Araya (Ivonne Coll) and Severo Calavera’s (Ivo Nandi) bond as it seemed to be unbreakable. It was particularly interesting to see that their hunting faction was actually quite successful due to the strong trust and faith that the mother and son had in one another. There were certainly a lot more storylines the writers could have used them in.

5 The Hales

Teen Wolf 8 Best Families Ranked

Although Scott was certainly a unique Alpha, he wasn’t the only werewolf that was living in Beacon Hills. Fans later found out that he had been bitten by an individual from one of the most respected families: the Hales.

When it came to the Hales, there was a certain aura of mystery surrounding them, especially since many of the living family members either lived in their burned-out house or turned up when a dead body was found. However, as the season progressed, fans got to witness them become great mentors for Scott’s pack and forge some amazing friendships with them too. Considering how apathetic they were in season 1 about Beacon Hills, it was really touching to see them all come together to defend their hometown in the end. Their mother, Talia (Alicia Coppola), would be proud to see what came of them in the end.

4 The Yukimuras

Teen Wolf 8 Best Families Ranked

Kira Yukimura (Arden Cho) was, by far, a Teen Wolf character that deserved much more since there were still a lot of things fans wanted to learn about her and her parents. When the Yukimuras were first introduced to the show in season 3, their appearances were quite refreshing as their storylines added some new supernatural creatures and included stories from Japanese mythology.

Unlike some of the other parents on the show, Kira’s parents, Ken (Tom Choi) and Noshiko (Tamlyn Tomita), also had well-written and individual storylines that majorly impacted the events of season 3. It would be great to see them all make an appearance in the Teen Wolf movie if the writers can find a way to make this happen.

3 The Argents

Teen Wolf 8 Best Families Ranked

Despite them mainly appearing to be the antagonists of the show, the Argents still remain one of the fans’ favorite families. Whenever an Argent was introduced to the show, viewers were always on tenterhooks as they could never get a good read on any of them since they were master manipulators. However, this wasn’t a bad thing as it meant that fans would never find them dull and boring.

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Fans particularly enjoyed watching Allison’s (Crystal Reed) and Chris Argent’s (JR Bourne) stories the most as they eventually grew to have an amazing relationship and underwent a tremendous character transformation together. No one would ever forget Allison’s death in a hurry, especially since this was one major Teen Wolf event that changed everything and affected many characters’ storylines in the future.

2 The McCalls

Teen Wolf 8 Best Families Ranked

It’s no wonder that Scott McCall ended up becoming a True Alpha when fans take a look at his upbringing. With Scott mainly growing up living with his mother, Melissa (Melissa Ponzio), fans watched as he grew up to be a caring and attentive young man, who tried his best to protect his loved ones and support his mother.

Although his father, Rafael (Michael Del Negro), made an appearance in the last couple of seasons to try and form a relationship with Scott, viewers would still say that it was Scott’s bond with Melissa that ended up being the most significant relationship in his life. She was the one who comforted him when he was in pain and offered him some thoughtful advice when he was troubled. Melissa even helped Scott with his supernatural woes. Their relationship was an element that fans loved to watch grow and develop as the show progressed.

1 The Stilinskis

One of the most endearing relationships to ever be seen on Teen Wolf was the one between Stiles (Dylan O’Brien) and his father, Sheriff Noah Stilinski (Linden Ashby). After it was revealed that Stiles’ mother had sadly passed away prior to season 1, fans got a glimpse of Stiles’ home life, where they could see how much the pair were quite protective of one another.

As the years went on, the audience grew to love the pair even more as they proved to be two of the bravest and most altruistic people in Beacon Hills. Not only would both men have done anything to make sure that their friends and the other residents in their hometown were safe, but they also would have risked their own happiness to do so. Fans would agree that the Stilinskis were the breakout stars of the show and hopefully, they will have everything they ever wanted by the time the Teen Wolf movie is released.

Link Source : https://screenrant.com/teen-wolf-best-families-storylines/

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