The Dundie Award Each Parks & Rec Character Would Win

The Dundie Award Each Parks & Rec Character Would Win


If The Office’s Michael Scott was the boss of the Pawnee Parks Department, which Dundie would each Parks & Rec character be awarded?

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The Dundie Award Each Parks & Rec Character Would Win

In the world of The Office the Dundies is an annual event held by boss Michael Scott. The ceremony sees him present his employees with awards for everything from “fine work” to having the whitest sneakers. Everyone receives a Dundie, no matter how good of an employee they are.

Parks & Recreation is similar to The Office in many ways. Not only is it created and written by many of the same writers and producers, but it is also a mockumentary-style show set in an office, albeit a local government office. Nevertheless, it raises the question: If Michael Scott was the boss of Leslie, Ron, April, and the rest of the parks department, which Dundie would he bestow on each of them?

10 Ron – Fine Work Award

The Dundie Award Each Parks & Rec Character Would Win

It wouldn’t be hard to mistake Ron’s quiet demeanor for someone who has his head down working. Michael would see Ron as a reliable presence in the office, someone who keeps to himself. It would also be ironic for Michael to present the fine work award to an employee who almost never does any work and believes his job is pointless.

Stanley Hudson was The Office’s recipient of this award, and the two characters have some similarities. They both largely keep out of office shenanigans, enjoy simple pleasures, and are very private people.

9 Leslie – Busiest Beaver Award

The Dundie Award Each Parks & Rec Character Would Win

Even someone as naive, and at times ignorant, as Michael wouldn’t overlook the competence and success of Leslie Knope. It’s impossible to imagine Michael wouldn’t acknowledge Leslie’s consistent hard work and problem-solving abilities, some of her best traits.

Someone as sunny and kind as Leslie would also be very grateful for the award. She is known for her great speeches — fans will recall Li’l Sebastian’s eulogy to her live TV speech explaining that she was born in Eagleton — so her acceptance speech would probably be moving and entertaining.

8 Chris – Hottest In The Office

The Dundie Award Each Parks & Rec Character Would Win

The “Hottest in the Office” award originally went to Ryan Howard, then a temp, for whom Michael regularly expresses his fondness. If Ryan wasn’t around, this Dundie would undoubtedly go to Chris Traeger, the man who is so healthy he believes he will live to be 150 years old.

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Chris is obsessed with physical fitness and uses his good looks to form relationships with several women over the series’ run. He dates Ann Perkins during the show’s third season before breaking up with her without her realizing it. He then dates Jerry’s daughter Millicent before she breaks up with him. It’s not hard to envisage Michael noticing and admiring Chris’ appearance, and the fact that Chris is nice to everyone means that Michael would undoubtedly think highly enough of him.

7 Jerry – Extreme Repulsiveness Award

The Dundie Award Each Parks & Rec Character Would Win

Even though Jerry doesn’t impose HR policies on anyone, he is still the closest thing to a Toby in the parks department, i.e., the person who is the object of ridicule and unprovoked criticism. Even Leslie is cruel to Jerry.

Michael would surely join in with the mocking of Jerry, whether it’s speculating about how he got his beautiful wife to marry him or laughing at him when he mispronounces words or makes other mistakes. However, because Jerry isn’t as much of a buzzkill as is Toby, it’s possible Michael would also award him the “Best Dad Award.”

6 Ann – Redefining Beauty Award

The Dundie Award Each Parks & Rec Character Would Win

This Dundie went to Phyllis during “Michael’s Last Dundies.” Michael would probably view the “Redefining Beauty Award” as a compliment and present it to Ann with the best intentions. Being non-confrontational and generally quite sweet, Ann would accept the award, although she would be confused about what it means.

Ann is often on the receiving end of jokes. When April goes to the hospital and sees that Ann is her nurse, she demands a different nurse (or janitor) while persistently pressing the call button. When Ann enters Ron’s office while eluding Chris, he says he wishes his office only had walls. It’s therefore not hard to imagine Ann receiving a less-than-complimentary Dundie.

5 Andy – Whitest Sneakers Award

The Dundie Award Each Parks & Rec Character Would Win

Pawnee City Hall’s resident shoeshiner is a shoo-in for the “Whitest Sneakers Award.” Andy Dwyer does actually wear sneakers, albeit ones with a more gray hue than Pam Beesly’s shoes. However, it’s likely that Michael would see the connection to Andy’s role as a shoeshiner as enough to qualify him for this award. Every employee gets one after all.

Andy would likely be overjoyed with this prize, and, like Dwight Shrute from The Office, would be one to display it prominently in his home. He is easily pleased, and this Dundie would no doubt be the highlight of his day.

4 Donna – Show Me The Money Award

The Dundie Award Each Parks & Rec Character Would Win

Oscar was the original recipient of this award, as is seen when Pam searches through archival footage of previous years’ Dundies. However, unlike the level-headed accountant, Donna would be the best fit for the “Show Me The Money Award” because of her wealth. It’s highly likely that Michael would reference this, as he often treats sensitive or personal topics with too much candor.

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Donna is the second wealthiest character on the show, and it’s revealed that she has multiple properties, including a condo in Seattle, famous relatives, and shares in the Snakehole Lounge. Despite her matter-of-fact demeanor, Donna has shown a willingness to support her friends’ events, so it’s possible she would gracefully accept this Dundie.

3 April – Shortest Engagement Award

The Dundie Award Each Parks & Rec Character Would Win

Pam Beesly famously won the “Longest Engagement Award” for her three-year engagement to the inattentive warehouse employee Roy. However, if Michael were to award another engagement-related award, it wouldn’t be for a long engagement, but for an extremely short one.

April and Andy’s engagement is so short that they have only been dating for a month when they announce, during their surprise party, that it is actually their wedding. With no place to live and very little knowledge about adult things such as opening a bank account and paying bills, it’s not a recipe for a successful marriage. However, unlike Roy and Pam, not only do they actually go through with their wedding, but their marriage endures and they even have a child, Jack Dwyer, in season 7.

2 Ben – Tight-Ass Award

The Dundie Award Each Parks & Rec Character Would Win

Ben is somewhat similar to Toby in that he is often the one offering the voice of reason and reeling in everyone’s outlandish behavior. However, it’s hard to imagine Michael disliking Ben in the same way he hates Toby. Therefore, Ben would likely be the recipient of the “Tight-Ass Award,” to at least acknowledge his uptight manner and penchant for following the rules.

Angela was the original owner of this Dundie, yet she refused to accept it. Ben, however, is a much more tolerant person. He probably would begrudgingly accept his prize and return to his seat, giving the camera a Jim-like shrug on the way.

1 Tom – Moving On Up Award

Michael Scott and Tom Haverford are fellow entrepreneurs, and it’s likely that they would have been friends had they worked in the same office. Michael would have been impressed by Entertainment 720 and Tom’s other great (and terrible) ideas. He is, after all, an inventor himself, having created “Toilet Buddy,” a net that catches things that fall from your pocket so that they don’t go in the toilet; “Chair Pants,” a chair that is part of your pants; and even the Michael Scott Paper Company.

Michael would therefore want Tom to do well and would expect him to achieve great success. For this reason, he would have awarded Tom with the “Moving On Up Award.” Darryl received this award in The Office for quickly rising through the Dunder Mifflin ranks. On Michael’s last day, he even gifts Darryl his only copy of “Somehow, I Manage,” his memoir about being a manager.

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