Teen Wolf One Quote From Each Character That Goes Against Their Personality

Teen Wolf: One Quote From Each Character That Goes Against Their Personality


The characters in supernatural drama show Teen Wolf are well-defined, but they each have one line that completely misrepresents their personality.

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Teen Wolf One Quote From Each Character That Goes Against Their Personality

The characters in Teen Wolf are easily distinguishable from one another based on their personalities. Although they may be similar at their core, every member of the McCall Pack is one of a kind and viewers relate to some individuals in the main cast more than others.

Each of them has a quote that sums up their character in Teen Wolf, but they also have one that does the opposite. There are times when the characters misrepresent themselves, intentionally or otherwise, and say a line that doesn’t reflect who they really are.

10 Isaac Lahey: “I’m Not Witty.”

Teen Wolf One Quote From Each Character That Goes Against Their Personality

Isaac’s wit is one of his most outstanding characteristics. He manages to make any situation comedic, even if the timing is wildly inappropriate. Upon Isaac’s initial introduction to the series, his sense of humor was much darker and stemmed from his arrogance.

He was clearly trying to hide his suffering, and Issac used cold-hearted comments as a shield. However, after forming a friendship with Scott, it’s revealed that Isaac isn’t at all what he seems. He becomes a light-hearted presence in the show and his wittiness is a major reason why.

9 Kira Yukimura: “It’s Not For My Parents. It’s Not For You. It’s For Me.”

Teen Wolf One Quote From Each Character That Goes Against Their Personality

Kira does have a storyline surrounding her kitsune powers, but every discovery she makes is in the name of helping others. Kira puts her own needs on the backburner and lets her life revolve around Scott and her friends.

Making the decision to go with the skinwalkers is Kira’s most iconic moment in Teen Wolf. She goes against her nature by putting herself first and finally choosing her own path. Kira should have returned after learning how to control her abilities, as there’s no doubt she had significant development offscreen.

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8 Jackson Whittemore: “I Can’t Believe You Actually Thought I Forgot Our Anniversary.”

Teen Wolf One Quote From Each Character That Goes Against Their Personality

When Jackson returns for the series finale of Teen Wolf, he’s completely unrecognizable from the character viewers remember. He didn’t have many real friends due to how badly he treated them, and Lydia received the worst treatment of all.

Although the show tries to say otherwise at the last minute, Jackson never acted like he was in love with Lydia. He yelled at his girlfriend constantly and didn’t make romantic gestures. Jackson has clearly changed since dating Ethan, but forgetting an anniversary is something that is perfectly in character.

7 Liam Dunbar: “I’m Not Scared.”

Teen Wolf One Quote From Each Character That Goes Against Their Personality

No matter how hard he tries to put on a brave face, Liam is scared all of the time. Given that he is a high school freshman when he’s turned into a werewolf, there’s nothing shameful about the way he feels.

No fourteen-year-old should have to fight for their life every day, and as the show proves with each additional season, there’s always a new threat lurking in the shadows. Although they’re more used to the chaos than Liam is, everyone in the McCall Pack lives in fear. Characters such as Scott are just better at hiding it.

6 Allison Argent: “That Night At The School I Felt Utterly Weak. Like I Needed Someone To Come In And Rescue Me.”

Teen Wolf One Quote From Each Character That Goes Against Their Personality

After feeling this way once, Allison makes sure to never feel it again. She takes it upon herself to learn new skills and becomes a force to be reckoned with. No matter how terrified Allison is, she never lets her enemies sense her fear.

Her confidence is what makes her such a threat and she gets a kick out of proving herself and exerting her power. Allison takes control of every situation that she’s in to help ensure others’ safety, in addition to her own.

5 Derek Hale: “I Asked You Politely.”

Teen Wolf One Quote From Each Character That Goes Against Their Personality

Derek does follow this up by stating that he only asks politely once, which makes him sound a lot more like himself. When Derek needs things done, he wants them done immediately, and he doesn’t bother with formalities.

During the beginning of the series especially, characters only help Derek because they don’t want to face his wrath. Being on Derek’s bad side is never a good idea, which Stiles and Scott learn early on. Because Stiles is human, Derek has a much easier time using threats to ensure his cooperation.

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4 Malia Tate: “I’m Done With Mysterious Animal Situations.”

Teen Wolf One Quote From Each Character That Goes Against Their Personality

She might not become a main character until the fourth season, but fans learn plenty about Malia in Teen Wolf. Malia was trapped in the body of a coyote for half of her life and has trouble readjusting to society and letting go of her animalistic tendencies.

Whether it’s personal or pack-related, all Malia does is end up in mysterious animal situations. There’s no shortage of them in Beacon Hills, and she either gets willingly involved or allows herself to be dragged in by her friends.

3 Lydia Martin: “I’m So Bad At This.”

Teen Wolf One Quote From Each Character That Goes Against Their Personality

The most impressive thing about Lydia is that she’s good at everything. She has a large variety of different skills and can accomplish whatever she sets her mind to.

What Lydia lacked in fighting abilities she made up for in brainpower, but even self-defense is something she eventually excels at. Lydia misrepresents herself at the beginning of the show in order to maintain a certain image, yet it sets her up for one of the best character arcs in Teen Wolf.

2 Stiles Stilinski: “Personally, I’m A Fan Of Ignoring A Problem Until Eventually It Just Goes Away.”

Teen Wolf One Quote From Each Character That Goes Against Their Personality

This may be an iconic Stiles quote, but it also can’t be further from the truth. Stiles doesn’t ignore problems — he actively seeks them out. He keeps an evidence board in his room and uses different colored strings to mark different stages of an investigation.

Stiles and Lydia are the show’s detective duo, and without them, most of the supernatural cases would remain unsolved. It makes perfect sense that Stiles decides to attend George Washington University and begin a career within the FBI.

1 Scott McCall: “I Think I Might Kill Someone.”

Scott’s refusal to kill his enemies is what makes him stand out from the other werewolves in the series. While killing an alpha is how a beta steals its power, Scott achieves the title by doing the opposite.

True alphas only come around once every century and Scott becomes one based on the content of his character. He struggles to maintain control of himself during season 1, but despite the effect that the full moon has on him, Scott doesn’t kill a single person throughout the entire series.

Link Source : https://screenrant.com/teen-wolf-main-character-quote-against-personality/

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