Thanos Snap Could Be Responsible For Adam Warlocks MCU Story

Thanos’ Snap Could Be Responsible For Adam Warlock’s MCU Story

It’s possible that Adam Warlock was directly affected by Thanos’ snap in Avengers: Infinity War. Here’s how it could set his MCU story in motion.

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Thanos Snap Could Be Responsible For Adam Warlocks MCU Story

Thanos’ snap in Avengers: Infinity War could be directly responsible for Adam Warlock’s story in Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 3. He was already set up in Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2, but there are other MCU events that may influence the movie’s plans for the character. Played by Will Poulter, Adam Warlock is confirmed to make his live-action debut in the upcoming 2023 film.

The groundwork for Adam Warlock’s introduction was laid by a post-credits scene in Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2, which established that he was a creation of Ayesha’s gold-skinned race. Based on what was said in the scene, Adam’s first mission in the MCU will be to take down Star-Lord’s team. However, Adam Warlock’s comic history indicates that even if he does become a villain, this arc won’t last long. Instead, it’s assumed by most that Adam will evolve into one of the most important superheroes in the cosmic side of the MCU. There’s a good chance he could join the team, or perhaps receive a roster slot in Guardians of the Galaxy 4.

Exactly how he’ll enter the picture may be determined by what transpired in Avengers: Infinity War. Thanos’ snap could have had a tremendous, off-screen impact on his character, especially if he emerged from his cocoon during the five-year time skip between Infinity War and Avengers: Endgame. During this time, the only living Guardians were Rocket Raccoon (Bradley Cooper) and Nebula (Karen Gillan), which means that the majority of his targets were dead. Since the team split apart, it may have been difficult – if not impossible – for Adam to track the Guardians. If so, that would mean that Adam could have gone up to five years without being able to complete his task. By the time Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 kicks off, he could have already abandoned his mission.

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Marvel going in this direction could have some interesting implications for Adam Warlock, whose path in the MCU could reflect his comic book backstory. His Marvel Comics counterpart experienced a great internal crisis shortly after being born into the world. He spent a significant amount of time uncertain of what he should do with his life. For a while, he was just wandering around in space, with no clear goal in mind. That changed when he met the High Evolutionary, who gave him a new purpose by sending him off to save a place called Counter-Earth.

If the MCU interpretation of Adam Warlock was born between Infinity War and Endgame, he could be headed in a similar direction. It’s possible that he too felt lost. Not being able to fulfill the purpose he was created for could make Adam desperate for a new cause to follow or an enemy to fight. If that’s the case, Adam’s story in Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 could begin with his character in a dark place. Depending on what happens when he meets the Guardians, Adam could find a reason to exist and slowly transform into a major MCU superhero.

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