The 10 Best Costumes Worn By Sitcom Characters In Classic Holiday Episodes

The 10 Best Costumes Worn By Sitcom Characters In Classic Holiday Episodes


Christmas sitcom episodes are a great chance to see everyone dressed up for the holidays – and these are the most unforgettable costumes of all.

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The 10 Best Costumes Worn By Sitcom Characters In Classic Holiday Episodes

One of the best parts of a sitcom Halloween episode is when audiences can see all their favorite characters dressed in costumes befitting of the holiday that encourages disguises. However, Halloween is not the only holiday that boasts costumes. The winter season, with its Hanukkah and Christmas festivities, also comes with plenty of costumes.

Yet, those costumes aren’t just limited to Santa Claus, reindeer, and some elves. Thanks to some outside-the-box thinking from some of the most beloved television comedies of all-time, the wardrobe is plentiful across myriad programs. These ten happen to be great costumes with some real thought put into them, as well.

10 Joey Tribbiani: Superman

The 10 Best Costumes Worn By Sitcom Characters In Classic Holiday Episodes

Friends always had a slew of classic Christmas episodes, but the most memorable must be “The One with the Holiday Armadillo” from season seven. In this episode, Ross tries to introduce Ben to Hanukkah.

This results in a number of hijinks as the characters do their best to sport holiday costumes Ben would find engaging. In a hilarious moment, Joey punctuates the episode’s antics by entering the apartment in a Superman costume and declaring, “Merry Christmas!”

9 Chet: Christmas Tree

The 10 Best Costumes Worn By Sitcom Characters In Classic Holiday Episodes

The first ever Christmas episode of Bob’s Burgers came in season three and it also came with an appearance from Zach Galifianakis, as Chet a local squatter. It ends up being Chet who dons the cutest costume in Bob’s Burgers storied arsenal of holiday installments.

While Gene and Tina embrace the mannequin lifestyle by putting themselves on display as Christmas presents, Chet takes on the role of the tree. It might be the most memorable tree costume across the medium.

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8 Lucy Ricardo: Santa Claus

The 10 Best Costumes Worn By Sitcom Characters In Classic Holiday Episodes

In the famed holiday special from I Love Lucy, the costume of Santa Claus is so much more than it sounds. Lucy, along with Ricky, Fred, and Ethel, all dress up as Santa to surprise Little Ricky on Christmas morning.

But what makes Lucy’s costume so special is the fact that a fifth person enters, also dressed as Santa before fading away and revealing his beard is real. Lucy’s costume went right up against the costume from the real Santa. That’s a magical outfit.

7 Rob And Laura Petrie: Billowing Santas

The 10 Best Costumes Worn By Sitcom Characters In Classic Holiday Episodes

The classic Santa Claus costumes don’t stop with I Love Lucy, though. Another classic sitcom, The Dick Van Dyke Show, embraced the variety revue format for its holiday episode. In that installment, Rob and Laura dress as billowing versions of Santa Claus.

These costumes are keenly conducive to the talents of both Dick Van Dyke and Mary Tyler Moore, providing new, sweeping visuals to their already impeccable motion talents.

6 Schmidt: Sexy Santa

The 10 Best Costumes Worn By Sitcom Characters In Classic Holiday Episodes

Back in the early-2010s heyday of the Fox comedies, the characters were always known to embrace different molds of Santa costumes. Mindy Kaling’s Mindy Lahiri showcased a distinctly sleek and beautiful version of Santa and Andy Samberg’s Jake Peralta dressed as a filthier version of Santa while on the job.

But New Girl’s Santa Claus was played by none other than Schmidt. And honestly? It’s an iconic look. He proclaims himself to be a Sexy Santa and showcases a ton of skin. It’s highly unforgettable.

5 Josh Nichols: Santa’s Sack

The 10 Best Costumes Worn By Sitcom Characters In Classic Holiday Episodes

Many forget that the final episode of Drake & Josh also occupied the role of one of the series’ only movies and Christmas-themed stories. At the outset of the film, Drake plays Santa in the mall, but Josh is given the chance to play Santa’s sack.

Josh Peck always had great line deliveries, but his sack costume is buoyed by the kids who come to see Santa and remark, “Bye Santa. Bye Sack.” It’s classic Nickelodeon dadaist humor, really.

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4 Phyllis Lapin-Vance: Santa Claus

The 10 Best Costumes Worn By Sitcom Characters In Classic Holiday Episodes

Returning to the iconic costume of Santa Claus for a moment, Phyllis’ take on the role for the season six holiday episode of The Office, “Secret Santa,” is classic because of what it means, rather than what it looks like.

Michael Scott is considered the Santa stalwart at Dunder Mifflin, but Phyllis breaks new ground by finally achieving one of her lifelong office dreams: portraying Santa. It’s a move supported by David Wallace, Jim, and Bob Vance, along with the entirety of the Scranton office (sans Dwight).

3 Michael Scott: Jesus Christ

The 10 Best Costumes Worn By Sitcom Characters In Classic Holiday Episodes

While Michael always made for an entertaining Santa, seeing that role stripped from him resulted in the best holiday costume ever adorned on The Office. This would, of course, be Jesus Christ.

In a tantrum, Michael inverts his Santa outfit into a Jesus Christ ensemble. He proclaims himself to have the powers of flight and healing leopards. It’s what the holiday season is all about, really.

2 Annie Edison: Ballerina

The 10 Best Costumes Worn By Sitcom Characters In Classic Holiday Episodes

In Community’s best Christmas episode, “Abed’s Uncontrollable Christmas,” Annie Edison is depicted as a ballerina in the stop-motion world within Abed’s mind. It’s also the costume affixed to a member of the study group with the most meaning.

For example, “Troy Soldier” is mostly a pun-based costume. Annie’s ballerina, however, can be construed as her being “thin and graceful” or “fragile and tightly-wound.” It’s a classic Community subversion with clever, thoughtful writing all the way.

1 Ross Geller: Holiday Armadillo

Bringing this piece full circle, it’s time to return to Friends’ “The One with the Holiday Armadillo.” While Joey’s take on Superman is delightful and Chandler makes for an endearing Santa Claus, it’s Ross who gets the best costume.

The “Holiday Armadillo” is, frankly, an iconic ensemble costume for sitcom history. Not to mention, David Schwimmer’s mastery of physical comedy goes a long way for this costume, too. It’s a brilliant stroke of laughter on the sitcom that always seemed to be topping itself.

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