The 10 Bravest Moments In Each Live Action SpiderMan Movie

The 10 Bravest Moments In Each Live Action Spider-Man Movie


It takes more than powers to be a hero, and these ten moments from the live-action Spider-Man films prove that Peter Parker has earned the title.

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The 10 Bravest Moments In Each Live Action SpiderMan Movie

There are several things that make a hero heroic, and one of the most important is bravery. Spider-Man has proven time and time again that he knows this, and this is why he is one of the greats. Spider-Man has appeared in ten live-action movies, both solo and as part of an ensemble, and he has accumulated plenty of brave moments.

Of these moments, some shine above others as true acts of heroism worthy of praise and admiration. Whether it is for personal gain or to save others, Peter Parker remains one of the bravest Marvel characters, and he continues to prove it.

Facing Thanos – Avengers: Infinity War / Avengers: Endgame

The 10 Bravest Moments In Each Live Action SpiderMan Movie

As soon as Peter knew something was up in the highly quotable Avengers: Infinity War, he jumped into action with little hesitation. He soon realized exactly the threat he was up against, the Mad Titan Thanos. Regardless of the immense danger presented, Peter still takes Thanos on. In Endgame, Peter joins the heroes who returned from The Blip and charges for round two.

Thanos is certainly a force to be reckoned with and was absolutely the biggest threat Spidey had faced up until that point, yet he still stood tall and fought the good fight as any hero should, even though he suffered a brutal defeat the first time around.

Sacrificing His Happiness – Spider-Man

The 10 Bravest Moments In Each Live Action SpiderMan Movie

Peter Parker knows how important sacrifice is. He also knows that sometimes, sacrifice is more than putting your life on the line. In Sam Raimi’s Spider-Man, Peter is hopelessly in love with a girl he feels doesn’t even know he exists. Mary Jane finally does the thing Pete has dreamt of and confesses her mutual love for him.

Peter makes the difficult decision to shut her down, even though he knows how happy he would be. He does this because he knows if his enemies discover who he is, she would be at risk. This is a perfect moment of Spider-Man putting the lives of others before his own and shows that sacrifice is an important life lesson Spider-Man taught in the movies.

Returning To Face Rhino – The Amazing Spider-Man 2

The 10 Bravest Moments In Each Live Action SpiderMan Movie

Suffering a tragic loss is not easy to handle, especially when one blames themselves for it. This is exactly what happens to Peter when he blames himself for Gwen’s death in Amazing Spider-Man 2. After her death, he decides to hang up the mask and retire from crimefighting. He continues to feel as if he has made the right decision, until Rhino goes on a rampage, forcing Peter out of his early retirement.

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This moment is brave, not due to the fight itself, but because Peter has to resolve his inner struggle for the greater good. Putting his feelings aside and realizing his destiny is just one of several ways the movie is not as bad as Spider-Man fans make it out to be.

Fighting Bonesaw – Spider-Man

The 10 Bravest Moments In Each Live Action SpiderMan Movie

Before Peter fully comprehends his powers, he decides to use them to his advantage and earn some easy money wrestling. He realizes he is in way over his head when he not only receives several warnings, but he sees what is left of the other opponents of Bonesaw. At this point in the story, Peter has no idea what is really capable of so, for all he knows, Bonesaw could clobber him with ease.

Despite these reservations, Peter goes through with the match and comes out victorious. Most people would have opted out as soon as they had a chance, but not Pete. Even though he was there purely for selfish monetary gain, this still shows Peter is brave, albeit foolish, even before he officially became Spider-Man.

Rushing Into Battle With Vulture – Spider-Man: Homecoming

The 10 Bravest Moments In Each Live Action SpiderMan Movie

One thing that makes Tom Holland’s take on Spidey one of the more Marvel Comics-accurate ones, is his teen-like eagerness. If somebody as young as Peter gets fantastic powers, they would be excited to test them out and web up some baddies. Because of this, Peter jumps into battle without fully understanding the situation.

Even when he does realize how dangerous things are, he still faces the threat head-on. When Tony takes his advanced suit away, he claims he is nothing without it. Thinking the best part of him has been taken away, he still goes after Vulture in an attempt to take him out. This bravery proves that he is much more than just a fancy suit, to himself, Tony, and the audience.

Revealing His Identity To Captain Stacy – The Amazing Spider-Man

The 10 Bravest Moments In Each Live Action SpiderMan Movie

In one of the most thrilling scenes in The Amazing Spider-Man, Peter is cornered by police and unmasked. He has to quickly take them out before one of them sees his face. It finally comes down between Peter and Captain Stacy, and Peter decides to turn to Stacy and reveal who he is.

Peter is dating the Captain’s daughter, so he knows exactly who he is. Peter could have knocked him out or swung away, but this act shows that Peter trusts him, and is brave enough to take the risk, If things went south, Stacy knows exactly where to find Peter, but he takes the risk hoping Stacy will let him go to save his daughter, a risk that pays off.

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His Leap Of Faith – Spider-Man

The 10 Bravest Moments In Each Live Action SpiderMan Movie

After Peter is bitten by a radioactive spider, he begins noticing changes. Among these changes, are the abilities to crawl on walls and to shoot webs from his wrist. Peter has no clue what to expect from these strange powers, yet he is still compelled to take a literal leap of faith.

He slings a web and steps off of a tall building, swinging for the first time. This may have been seen as stupid, because Peter had no idea if the web would hold, but it is also a brave first step. This moment helped plant the seeds that would bloom into Spider-Man, meaning this bit of bravery saved countless future lives.

Facing Mysterio Head On – Spider-Man: Far From Home

The 10 Bravest Moments In Each Live Action SpiderMan Movie

Despite suffering a humiliating defeat at the hands of Mysterio in Spider-Man: Far From Home, Peter still goes after him and faces him head-on. Peter knows that Beck not only has access to illusion technology designed by the late Tony Stark, he now has his hands on deadly drones that he tricked Peter into giving him. Spider-Man still manages to get through Mysterio’s defenses and comes face to face with him.

He uses his newly discovered “Peter Tingle” to separate illusion from reality, and realizes when Mysterio tries to take one final shot at him. Peter showed immense bravery by showing up for a rematch, even if Mysterio had one more trick up his sleeve that Peter now has to deal with.

Stopping A Train – Spider-Man 2

The 10 Bravest Moments In Each Live Action SpiderMan Movie

Right after getting his powers back, Peter has to go through one of the most difficult battles he has ever faced. He faces Doc Ock and the battle leads them onto a train. After a fierce struggle, Octavious destroys the train’s brakes, and it is speeding toward a drop-off. Peter has to find a way to force the train to stop, or everyone aboard will plummet to their demise.

On top of all this, Peter has been unmasked, adding even higher stakes to the intense scene. Spider-Man puts his own life on the line to save those on board, and it leads to one of the best scenes in comic book film history. Spider-Man 2 has been called one of the best superhero sequels, and with scenes like this, it is no secret why.

Runs Into A Burning Building Without Powers – Spider-Man 2

A key plot point in Spider-Man 2, is that Peter has lost his powers. At first, he takes this as a good thing as he can focus more on his personal life. That is until he discovers at his heart, he is still a hero even though he can’t stop a simple mugging. This comes to a head when he runs into a burning building to save a little girl.

If he had powers, this would have been a cakewalk. Instead, he puts his life at risk like he never had before, as one mishap could have ended his life. What makes this scene so powerful and brave is that Spider-Man didn’t save that little girl, Peter Parker did.

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