The Arrowverse Just Confirmed The Price Of A Batarang

The Arrowverse Just Confirmed The Price Of A Batarang

For the first time in the Arrowverse, Batwoman reveals how much individual batarangs cost and why this info sets it apart from the other shows.

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The Arrowverse Just Confirmed The Price Of A Batarang

The Arrowverse just confirmed the price of a batarang. In season 2, episode 3 of Batwoman, titled “Bat Girl Magic,” Luke Fox (Camrus Johnson) revealed how much it costs to buy an individual batarang. The ways in which Batman —who has long been known for his very many (and very expensive) gadgets and tech — acquired his batarangs and how much money he dropped on them has never been confirmed in the Arrowverse before. However, Batwoman changed that.

During “Bat Girl Magic,” Ryan Wilder (Javicia Leslie) is out fighting bad guys and haphazardly throwing around her supply of batarangs, with most of them missing the target completely. Over the comms, Luke is frustrated that Batwoman can’t aim and also that her poor throwing skills is costing them a lot of money. According to him, each batarang costs $1,000 and he thinks Batwoman needs to appreciate the fact that the weapons don’t come cheap and he tells her as much when she’s back in the Batcave.

To be fair, spending a thousand bucks on anything is a lot of money and Luke probably doesn’t want to keep wasting it on a weapon that can be flung and returned back to its owner. However, a lot of his irritation at her poor aim (and the cost) stems from his unwillingness to embrace Ryan as the new Batwoman. By the end of the episode, however, Luke makes amends and even buys Ryan a new batarang made especially for her. He’s putting that $1,000 to good use!

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The Arrowverse Just Confirmed The Price Of A Batarang

In the Batman movies, Christian Bale’s iteration returned to Lucius Fox again and again to ask about spelunking, armored vehicles, and other technologies and weaponry that he’d created in Batman Begins. The Dark Knight put them all to good use and, considering that he’s a billionaire, it was clear that he could afford it no matter the cost. In Joel Schumacher’s Batman & Robin, the Caped Crusader hilariously had a bat-credit card that never expired, suggesting that he had millions of dollars he could endlessly spend on anything. However, none of the films have ever confirmed exactly how much Batman actually spent on his vigilante lifestyle. And, of course, Batwoman’s revelation regarding the cost of the batarang doesn’t mean the $1,000 Luke bought it for will be the same amount throughout the rest of DC media. For now, the price is unique to the show and the Arrowverse at large, but it is intriguing that it’s never been brought up before.

For as long as Batwoman has existed in the Arrowverse, the aforementioned episode is the first time fans learn of the batarang’s price tag. It’s interesting because it’s not often that the cost of being a vigilante is revealed or focused on. Oliver Queen had a whole bunker full of gear and tech, but Arrow never really confirmed the exact amount of how much he was spending on any of it. Barry Allen owns S.T.A.R. Labs, bequeathed to him by Eobard Thawne’s Harrison Wells, but The Flash never breaks down the price of individual tech or how much it costs to keep the place going for that matter. The same goes for Supergirl, thus making Batwoman the first Arrowverse show to delineate this information to the audience.

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