The Batman Photos Hint Why Farrells Cobblepot Is Really Called Penguin

The Batman Photos Hint Why Farrell’s Cobblepot Is Really Called Penguin

The Batman takes place within a dark and realistic version of Gotham City, and new photos tease the true reason behind Penguin’s aquatic nickname.

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New photos from the set of The Batman offer a potential reason as to how Colin Farrell’s Penguin gets his nickname. The DC movie universe has no shortage of Batmen at present, with Michael Keaton and Ben Affleck both returning to the streets of Gotham in the near future, but even with these seasoned vigilantes dusting off their grappling hooks, a huge amount of buzz remains over Robert Pattinson’s debut in The Batman, directed by Matt Reeves. Chronicling his second year fighting crime, The Batman pits Bruce Wayne against Paul Dano’s Riddler, Zoë Kravitz’s Catwoman and Colin Farrell’s Penguin. Although Farrell previously confirmed that Oswald Cobblepott has a relatively minor role in The Batman, his near-unrecognizable appearance in the first trailer was the subject of much discussion.

Already, The Batman has drawn selectively from DC mythology to craft a realistic world for Pattinson’s Batman to inhabit. Bruce’s Batmobile is now a souped-up muscle car, and Edward Nashton is the Riddler’s real name, rather than the traditional, pun-tastic Edward Nigma. The cast of The Batman were recently snapped filming a funeral sequence in Liverpool, England, and the on-location shoot resulted in clear images of Batman, Catwoman and Penguin. While Pattinson looked as deep and moody as he did in the trailer, Selina Kyle came across a true leather-clad fashionista in her civilian getup, but perhaps the most interesting shot was of Farrell’s Penguin.

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This iteration of the classic Batman villain is stockier and more physically intimidating than the traditionally short and stout Cobblepott in the DC comics, cartoons and Batman Returns. Crucially, Farrell’s character has extensive scarring running down his right cheek towards his nose and chin. The wound cuts a shape into Cobblepott’s face that looks suspiciously like a Penguin beak, with a clear triangle shape, following down into the beginnings of a head. Although it’s too early to say for certain, the outline of Cobblepott’s scarring could be the reason for his “Penguin” nickname.

Colin Farrell looks unrecognizable as Oswald Cobblepot/The Penguin on the set of “The Batman” with Robert Pattinson & Zoe Kravitz – see the set pics!

Traditionally in Batman lore, Cobblepott is called “Penguin” due to the way he looks and dresses. Born short and round with a beak-like nose, Oswald was often clad in black and white evening suits, giving him the appearance of a penguin and earning him the corresponding nickname from an early age. Alternate backstories behind the Penguin’s name have also been used. Danny DeVito’s Penguin in Batman Returns was raised by zoo penguins through childhood, and Gotham’s version walked with a limp that other criminals compared a Penguin’s waddle. Oswald Cobblepott receiving his Penguin nickname due to the shape of scars on his face is a novel route to take, but could explain why The Batman is loading Colin Farrell’s face with such heavy prosthetics – the scar has to be emphasized because it informs the character’s nickname.

If scarring is the reason behind Cobblepott’s nickname in The Batman, this deviation from canon would suit both the overall design of Farrell’s villain, and the wider ethos of Matt Reeves’ Gotham City. Unlike his comic counterpart, Farrell’s Penguin appears to stand at regular height and is wearing a blue and navy suit, rather than black and white. His nose is rather majestic, but it’s not big enough to warrant being called “Penguin.” The facial scar allows The Batman to turn Cobblepott into a more realistic gangster character, while still using a physical deformity as the inspiration behind his nickname.

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While it’s natural to assume that Cobblepott’s penguin-shaped scar resulted in his nickname, the opposite could also prove true when The Batman finally releases. Cobblepott might’ve been known as “Penguin” even before receiving his facial injury, and a rival gangster could have intentionally carved an image of the bird into Oswald’s face to disgrace him. Whatever the case, The Batman continues to shake up established canon in a way that feels unique while still respecting the Dark Knight’s DC history.

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