The Batmans Gordon Change Hints At Matt Reeves Big Dark Knight Promise

The Batman’s Gordon Change Hints At Matt Reeves’ Big Dark Knight Promise

A behind-the-scenes video from The Batman hints at one of Matt Reeves’ biggest promises for the movie, and it’s all about Gordon and Batman.

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The Batmans Gordon Change Hints At Matt Reeves Big Dark Knight Promise

New footage from Matt Reeves’ The Batman shows the Caped Crusader and James Gordon working together, hinting at Reeves’ big Dark Knight promise. The superhero genre continues to be one of the most popular and profitable ones, and there are two connected universes that are dominating this area: the Marvel Cinematic Universe and the DC Extended Universe. The latter hasn’t had the smoothest run so far, and Warner Bros. has been making changes to it, including recasting Batman and giving him a new solo movie separate from the DCEU.

The DCEU already had its Batman in Ben Affleck, who played the role in Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice and Justice League, but he failed to connect with the audience. The Caped Crusader is now getting a new chance thanks to Matt Reeves in the movie simply titled The Batman and with Robert Pattinson playing Bruce Wayne. The Batman will follow a younger Bruce on his second year of crime-fighting in Gotham City, and it will also bring some of the biggest villains from Batman’s universe: Selina Kyle/Catwoman (Zoë Kravitz), Oswald Cobblepot/Penguin (Colin Farrell), Carmine Falcone (John Turturro), and Edward Nashton/Riddler (Paul Dano), the latter serving as the main antagonist.

Although Warner has already released a teaser and a full trailer for The Batman, little is still known about the plot, but set photos and videos have been giving fans an idea of the scenes and situations that will make it to the movie. All the behind-the-scenes footage has teased chases, funerals, and more, and one of the latest videos to make it to the internet shows Pattinson’s Batman working alongside James Gordon (Jeffrey Wright), which hints at Reeves’ promises about this new take on the Dark Knight and the dynamic between him and Gordon, which could be a closer one than the one seen in Christopher Nolan’s The Dark Knight trilogy between Christian Bale’s Batman and Gary Oldman’s Jim Gordon.

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The now-deleted video showed Wright’s Gordon working with Batman and discovering the Batmobile for the first time, hinting at a closer relationship between these two which in turn supports Reeves’ tease of The Batman exploring the title character’s detective side. Although Batman and Gordon worked together in Nolan’s Dark Knight trilogy, it came to a point where Batman would just slip off into the shadows after mysteriously showing up, and in Reeves’ movie, their working relationship seems to be a lot closer. This also shows Batman doing police work, which is fitting with Reeves’ tease about The Batman covering the detective side of the Caped Crusader, which has been mostly set aside in other adaptations. All this proves that Reeves wasn’t messing with the audience and The Batman is truly going to deliver on the World’s Greatest Detective aspect of the character.

As the release date for The Batman approaches, it’s unlikely more plot details will be released as the trailers have been very careful not to reveal too much and even the on-set photos that leaked didn’t show much about the story – but details like James Gordon and Batman working together and possibly forming a close working relationship make the project even more exciting, as it shows that Matt Reeves has been very honest and transparent and all those teases and hints he has been giving weren’t just lip-service.

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