The Big Bang Theory 10 Most Heartbreaking Separations

The Big Bang Theory: 10 Most Heartbreaking Separations


Although The Big Bang Theory mainly provides plenty of humourous scenes, the writers did bring a few tears to the fans’ eyes with these separations.

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The Big Bang Theory 10 Most Heartbreaking Separations

Although The Big Bang Theory was famous for its comedic setup, there were times when the show delved into somber storylines. The Big Bang Theory tackled deep issues, had sad storylines that pulled at the audience’s heartstrings, and some heartwarming moments that never failed to leave fans in tears.

For the most part, The Big Bang Theory gang stuck together but once in a while, they went their separate ways. Whether it was over a disagreement between friends, a couple breaking up, or something more permanent like death, there were some heartbreaking separations on the show.

10 Sheldon Runs Away

The Big Bang Theory 10 Most Heartbreaking Separations

Overwhelmed by the changes happening in his life, Sheldon decided to run away from his problems rather than face them in “The Status Quo Combustion.” At the time, Penny and Leonard were engaged and talking about moving in together and the university was insisting that Sheldon continue his String Theory research. Leonard and Penny eventually caught up with him at the train station, where he planned to “get on a train and run away forever.”

Leonard initially tried to talk him out of his plan but Penny convinced him to let Sheldon go. Their role in Sheldon’s life straddled the line between parental and friendly, and at that moment it felt like they were watching their son leave for college. The touching goodbye was heartbreaking, at least until Sheldon made a snide comeback after Leonard said he’d miss him.

9 Raj’s Parents Divorce

The Big Bang Theory 10 Most Heartbreaking Separations

Among the main characters of The Big Bang Theory, Raj was notorious for being the unluckiest when it came to matters of the heart. His misfortunes with love seemed to run in his family as his parents divorced in “The Septum Deviation.” The decline of their relationship was shown gradually, albeit subtly, throughout the show until they finally announced their separation.

At first, Raj seemed to be okay with it, but when Howard asked him how he was coping, he broke down. Even though jokes were thrown in to make the situation lighter and funny, it was still sad for the couple to part ways after a long marriage, especially since Raj was trying to think of a gift for their fortieth anniversary at the time.

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8 Lucy Breaks Up With Raj

The Big Bang Theory 10 Most Heartbreaking Separations

Lucy was one of Raj’s first serious girlfriends on the show and also his first heartbreak. Unable to overcome her social anxiety, Lucy broke things off with Raj in the season 6 finale. Heartbroken, Raj cried while Penny comforted him and he ended up speaking for the first time in her presence without the help of alcohol.

While this was hardly the last time a woman broke up with Raj, it was the first one the audience got to see and the only time he cried. He genuinely liked Lucy and had high hopes of them going the distance, so it was heartbreaking to see them part ways and how much it crushed him.

7 Sheldon And Amy Breakup

The Big Bang Theory 10 Most Heartbreaking Separations

Sheldon and Amy’s relationship was a surprise for both the characters and the audience. After seasons of focusing on science, comic books, and movies, Sheldon fell in love. It took time for Sheldon to even admit he was in a relationship with Amy, let alone actually commit to it, but it was heartwarming to see him get there.

That’s why the audience was heartbroken when Amy broke up with him in “The Commitment Determination,” when she felt like he was taking her for granted. While she was completely justified in doing this, that didn’t make it hurt any less, especially when the audience discovered Sheldon wanted to propose to her.

6 Howard Leaves For Space

The Big Bang Theory 10 Most Heartbreaking Separations

One of the best, defining moments of Howard’s career was when he was chosen to go to the International Space Station. Although it was a positive and exciting thing, he was understandably terrified and Bernadette was sad to see him go. She and the rest of their friends watched the launch of his rocket on the TV, while the scene flashed back to her wedding to Howard.

Although it had been their decision to get married before his trip, it was quite sad that they had to separate before they could enjoy marital bliss. Granted, it was a separation on good terms, but it was still heartbreaking that they had to be apart, not knowing if Howard would safely get to Space and back.

5 Bernadette Goes To Work

The Big Bang Theory 10 Most Heartbreaking Separations

Bernadette struggled with motherhood for a while after having Halley, but she eventually got the hang of it. Before long, her maternity leave was over and she had to go back to work and get separated from her daughter. While this separation wasn’t a permanent one, it was definitely an emotional one the first time around.

With Bernadette going back to work, Halley was meant to go to the Caltech daycare center for the day. Bernadette said a tearful goodbye to her daughter, realizing that she would be asleep by the time she got back home from work. Even Howard and Stuart joined in, making the scene sadder. This kind of separation is one that many new parents are familiar with.

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4 Penny And Leonard

The Big Bang Theory 10 Most Heartbreaking Separations

Due to their on-and-off relationship, Penny and Leonard went through more breakups than any other couple on the show. After a while, it became less sad and funnier whenever they broke up as the audience knew they would find their way back to each other eventually. However, one of their separations hit harder than the rest.

Throwing newlyweds into chaos seems to be a recurring theme in The Big Bang Theory as Leonard and Penny’s marriage almost came to an end, mere hours after they would have been married. The most heartbreaking thing about this was that they were finally getting their happy-ever-after before disaster struck.

3 Raj Ends His Friendship With Howard

The Big Bang Theory 10 Most Heartbreaking Separations

After an insightful conversation with his father, Raj decided to break things off with Howard because he was always making fun of him, stating that their friendship had become toxic. Howard didn’t take him seriously at first, but Raj held his ground and proceeded to make some changes in his life with his newfound confidence.

Sometimes, a separation can be the hardest thing to do. However, this one was needed as it was in the person’s best interests. This was one such case.

2 Howard’s Mother’s Death

The Big Bang Theory 10 Most Heartbreaking Separations

Howard lost his mother in “The Comic Book Store Regeneration,” and while the audience never got to see her properly, her constant yelling and remarks made her one of the funniest characters on the show.

Since she was such a huge part of Howard’s life, her death was truly heartbreaking for him. In a comedy like The Big Bang Theory, this sad moment hit even harder as it was such a departure from the show’s regular funny tone.

1 Sheldon Moves Out

Before Penny came along, Leonard and Sheldon lived together, fighting occasionally and getting along to some extent. When Leonard and Penny got married and Sheldon and Amy finally officially moved in together, Sheldon was torn up about it. On one hand, he enjoyed living with Amy, but on the other, he missed Leonard.

Sheldon hardly ever shows his emotions, so the few times he does really pull at the heartstrings. When he finally made the decision to move in permanently with Amy was one of those moments. Although it was long overdue, the change was a big one and certainly a little sad.

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