The Big Bang Theory 10 Things The Characters Wanted In Season One That Came True By The Finale

The Big Bang Theory: 10 Things The Characters Wanted In Season One That Came True By The Finale


In the first season of The Big Bang Theory, the gang revealed what hopes and dreams they had about the future. But, did they all come true by the end?

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The Big Bang Theory 10 Things The Characters Wanted In Season One That Came True By The Finale

The Big Bang Theory has had a historic run and broke many records; not only was it able to give a fulfilling trajectory to each character but everyone on the show went through some terrific emotional growth. For fans looking back at Season 1, it is somewhat surreal to see how different the main cast was and how they have matured over the years.

Though many of them changed priorities over the course of the show, the main characters did stick to some of their ambitions. Sheldon had wanted a Nobel Prize from Season 1 and Raj had wanted a healthy relationship with a woman, which he eventually does get. So what are the things that the characters wanted in season 1 and actually found by Season 12? Let’s find out…

10 Raj Could Talk To Women

The Big Bang Theory 10 Things The Characters Wanted In Season One That Came True By The Finale

One of Raj’s biggest fears in Season 1 was interacting with women. At this point, he had only figured out that alcohol could help with his selective mutism, meaning he couldn’t talk to any women sober, including Penny.

However, by the finale, not only had he successfully come up with a functional solution to his condition but he had also sustained several healthy relationships. Raj also goes through tremendous emotional growth as he comes to terms with his own flaws and learns to work at them without self-loathing.

9 Penny Found A Stable Partner

The Big Bang Theory 10 Things The Characters Wanted In Season One That Came True By The Finale

Penny primarily wanted two things in the first season – to become a successful actor and to get herself a loyal and loving boyfriend. When she was first introduced, Penny had revealed that she had moved across from Sheldon and Leonard after breaking up with her boyfriend of four years. So, she was quite hurt and was guarded about letting people into her life.

Although she does date a few men in the first season, she is clearly looking for partners who are loyal and can commit. In the last season, she and Leonard seem to have a pretty strong marriage, based on a steady foundation of friendship. This makes their relationship really functional and it does mean that Penny finally gets the kind of relationship she always wanted.

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8 Sheldon Got A Nobel Prize

The Big Bang Theory 10 Things The Characters Wanted In Season One That Came True By The Finale

Sheldon seldomly talked about winning a Nobel Prize. Although most scientists probably do that, Sheldon’s plans about winning a Nobel were pretty far-fetched and he even planned his scientific papers and missions which were targeted at winning a Nobel.

However, in the series finale, both Sheldon and Amy win the Nobel Prize in physics for their discovery of super asymmetry. This was actually quite a strategic plot maneuver because it finally proves that Sheldon had grown enough to share his most coveted honor with someone else, which is something Season 1 Sheldon would not have been okay with.

7 Raj Becomes A Successful Astrophysicist

The Big Bang Theory 10 Things The Characters Wanted In Season One That Came True By The Finale

During an episode in season 1, a heavily intoxicated Raj admits to Penny that he wanted to become a famous, particle astrophysics. And a few episodes later he is included in the People’s ‘30 Under 30’ People to look out for after discovering a planetary body.

By the later seasons, Raj’s career continues to excel. In Season 11, he starts working at the Griffith Observatory as a speaker in the planetarium; a job he still has when the show ends. In the first episode of Season 12, Raj also appears on a show to discuss a meteor shower and ends up in an Internet feud with Neil deGrasse Tyson. While he doesn’t become a household name, Raj goes on to acquire quite a bit of acclaim and fame.

6 Howard Gets Sheldon’s Approval

The Big Bang Theory 10 Things The Characters Wanted In Season One That Came True By The Finale

Sheldon has been a bully to Howard since they met. The fact that Howard doesn’t have a doctorate didn’t help because it gave Sheldon a lot of opportunities to intimidate Howard intellectually and make fun of how his job as an engineer.

However, when Howard goes to space, Sheldon finally begins to acknowledge the engineer’s accomplishments after he goes to space and also helps Sheldon meet Stephen Hawking. And even though Howard has never explicitly talked about wanting Sheldon’s approval, he has often secretly strived to one day get Sheldon’s respect.

5 Leonard Gets His Love Story With Penny

The Big Bang Theory 10 Things The Characters Wanted In Season One That Came True By The Finale

Leonard’s undying love for Penny has been the mainstay of the show, even after they got married. Fans have often expressed wonder at how this almost one-dimensional obsession with one woman could anchor a show for more than a decade, but somehow it did.

Leonard has wanted his happy ending with Penny ever since she moved into the apartment next door and by Season 12, he has it of course. Not only is he married to Penny after a long on-again, off-again relationship but Penny was about to have their first child.

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4 Stuart Finds A Compatible Partner

The Big Bang Theory 10 Things The Characters Wanted In Season One That Came True By The Finale

Stuart has always been depicted as the hapless comic book store owner who can’t seem to get any dates. Even when he does, they tend to be dysfunctional and somewhat demeaning. However, by the final season, his luck seems to have changed.

By Season 12, he begins a relationship with Denise, who’s not just an artist like him but also shares many similar interests. They both love Star Wars and they are also intellectually compatible too. Stuart has always wanted a regular relationship with respect, dignity, and love, he finally finds it with Denise

3 Leonard Finally Understands Casual Relationships

The Big Bang Theory 10 Things The Characters Wanted In Season One That Came True By The Finale

By the finale, Leonard had a much better understanding of how adaptable relationships can be. Not only just long-term commitment-led relationships but also with non-committal ones too. In Season 1, Leonard is depicted as someone who falls in love with anyone who pays him even a little bit of attention.

He becomes invested too quickly, which is why he could never really understand the no-strings-attached rendezvous he had with Penny and Leslie. But, by Season 12, Leonard gathers enough experience to understand the benefits and pitfalls of casual relationships and chooses to go for something steadier which makes him feel more secure.

2 Leonard Finally Confronts His Mother

The Big Bang Theory 10 Things The Characters Wanted In Season One That Came True By The Finale

Leonard has always ranted about not receiving enough attention as a kid, especially from his mother. But in Season 12, he finally decides to confront his mother and demand answers for years of indifference. Surprisingly, Beverly exhibits genuine pride over Leonard’s work only to reveal eventually that she is trying different parenting techniques for scientific purposes.

In an emotional meltdown, Leonard finally manages to muster the courage to let her know how much she has hurt him over the years. This is quite remarkable because throughout his 20s and early 30s, Leonard has never been one to demand dignity or basic respect in any relationship. And not only did he demand answers from his mother, but was also big enough to forgive her, which was a huge step up.

1 Everyone Gets A Working Elevator

This was perhaps the biggest surprise on the show but definitely the most well-scripted one; the makers decide to finally fix the elevator which has been the biggest running gag on the show. Though it makes no sense that residents of the building would be stuck with a broken elevator for more than 12 years, it was perhaps a symbolic gesture to indicate a sort of happy ending since everyone has ranted about the elevator at least once. Especially when their food deliveries were delayed.

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