The Boys 5 Ways Ryan Would Be Better Off With Homelander (& 5 With Billy Butcher)

The Boys: 5 Ways Ryan Would Be Better Off With Homelander (& 5 With Billy Butcher)


Billy Butcher and Homelander are both undeniably not cut out for fatherhood, but if Ryan had to go with one of them, who’s the best choice?

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The Boys 5 Ways Ryan Would Be Better Off With Homelander (& 5 With Billy Butcher)

The big cliffhanger ending in the second season finale of Amazon Prime Video original series The Boys – easily one of the best series of 2020 – saw Billy Butcher’s wife Becca accidentally killed by her own supe son. Ryan, meanwhile, was taken by Billy and sent off to presumed safety with Grace Mallory.

But was that really the right decision? While it’s no secret that Homelander is a despicable, deeply troubled person (and superhero), Billy is not exactly the most stable person either. It’s like choosing between the lesser of two evils.

That said, there are valid arguments for why Ryan would be better off in the care of Homelander come season three, and reasons why Billy becoming an adoptive dad might actually be good for both of them.

10 Homelander: He’s His Father

The Boys 5 Ways Ryan Would Be Better Off With Homelander (& 5 With Billy Butcher)

The most obvious reason Ryan should be put into Homelander’s care is that he’s his biological father. Given their familial connection, it only makes sense that when one parent dies, the child is put into the custody of the other.

Of course, this depends on that person’s condition and capabilities. Nonetheless, Ryan should at least be given to Homelander until the situation can be assessed to determine what would be best for the young boy.

9 Billy Butcher: He’s Becca’s Husband

The Boys 5 Ways Ryan Would Be Better Off With Homelander (& 5 With Billy Butcher)

While Homelander is Ryan’s father, he didn’t really know him until recently. Becca raised Ryan on her own, so his only connection is to his mom. And he knew, prior to her death, that Billy was her husband and that she loved and adored him.

Knowing how his mother felt about Billy, Ryan would likely feel most comfortable with him. If Becca and Billy were still together this whole time, Billy would have been Ryan’s adoptive father anyway.

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8 Homelander: He Can Protect Him

The Boys 5 Ways Ryan Would Be Better Off With Homelander (& 5 With Billy Butcher)

Homelander is not only the most powerful superhero in the world, but he also has the entire Vought corporation in his corner. There’s no limit to the resources he could draw on to keep his son protected.

This includes also having people on hand to help Homelander raise the young boy, get him an education, and ensure he is well-read, fed, and cared for. If Ryan were in Homelander’s care, he would be virtually untouchable. There would be no risk of him ever getting hurt.

7 Billy Butcher: It’s What Becca Would Have Wanted

The Boys 5 Ways Ryan Would Be Better Off With Homelander (& 5 With Billy Butcher)

Even in her dying words, Becca pleaded with Billy to look out for Ryan. That is exactly what he did by keeping the boy away from Homelander and handing him over to Grace. He was honoring his dying wife’s wishes.

Becca might not have wanted Billy to be the sole caregiver for Ryan, knowing that he never wanted kids and that the situation would be awkward. But she most definitely would want him away from Homelander.

6 Homelander: He Could Inspire Change In Homelander

The Boys 5 Ways Ryan Would Be Better Off With Homelander (& 5 With Billy Butcher)

Who knows: maybe having Ryan in tow could actually soften Homelander. With someone to care for and a deep connection that he has obviously been craving, Homelander might become a better version of himself and continue his character arc in a completely different direction. He might realize that there’s someone more important than himself.

Becoming a parent changes anyone, so it stands to reason that it could inspire positive change in Homelander too, even if he is only now getting to know the young boy.

5 Billy Butcher: He Would Be A Better Role Model

The Boys 5 Ways Ryan Would Be Better Off With Homelander (& 5 With Billy Butcher)

Between Homelander and Billy, neither is a good role model (though both make pretty good cosplay fodder!) But in having to choose, love him or hate him, at least Billy has morals and a sense of doing what’s right. Homelander, on the other hand, is all about himself and doing whatever it takes to keep himself important and needed.

Billy might have violent tendencies and a terrible potty mouth. But he really does mean well and wants to do the right thing. He has love in his heart, whereas Homelander doesn’t seem capable of love, making him among the least likable of all the supes.

4 Homelander: He Can Teach Him To Control And Use His Powers

The Boys 5 Ways Ryan Would Be Better Off With Homelander (& 5 With Billy Butcher)

Considering how Becca died, it’s clear that keeping Ryan sheltered from his own powers for this long was not the right decision. He has them whether he wants to or not, so it’s important that he understands how to use them, and that means having someone who can teach him.

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The only person who can teach him how to do that, especially without fear of getting hurt himself, is Homelander. Without Homelander’s guidance, Ryan might continue to use his powers when he doesn’t intend to and hurt people. Though, some theories predict that Billy might still find a way to exploit Ryan’s powers to use them against Homelander.

3 Billy Butcher: Homelander Is Dangerous

The Boys 5 Ways Ryan Would Be Better Off With Homelander (& 5 With Billy Butcher)

There’s no question that Homelander is a very dangerous person. While having Ryan could soften him, it could also make him feel more powerful. He might use the boy to his advantage, brainwashing him into being a sidekick.

One Homelander is bad enough, but two? That could spell disaster for the world. What’s more, Homelander is still under Vought’s thumb, which is dangerous in and of itself. While Homelander might have good intentions with Ryan, what does Vought want to do with him?

2 Homelander: Billy Butcher Will Always Resent Ryan

The Boys 5 Ways Ryan Would Be Better Off With Homelander (& 5 With Billy Butcher)

No matter how hard he tries, Billy will always resent Ryan deep down. Not only is Ryan the product of Becca being raped by Homelander, but he is also responsible for Becca’s death. Yes, he was trying to help. But because of Ryan, Becca died right in front of Billy.

Because of Ryan, Becca had to go into hiding for years. And because of Ryan, Billy lost the life he loved and the love of his life. It’s tough to get over that, even when it technically wasn’t Ryan’s fault. But while Ryan is just an innocent child, he also has Homelander’s blood running through his veins, which is something Billy will never be able to forget.

1 Billy Butcher: He Represents A Part Of Becca

Despite all of his flaws, Billy represents a part of Becca. He is the only person who can tell Ryan stories about his mother, recalling good memories and qualities about her.

While Billy might not be the ideal father or caregiver, he is the only real connection Ryan has left to his mother. And it’s important that Ryan has that connection somehow, especially as he works through his intense guilt.

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