The Boys Season 3 Theory Cindy Is Victoria Neumans Sister

The Boys Season 3 Theory: Cindy Is Victoria Neuman’s Sister


The Boys season 2’s most dangerous new supes have strangely similar powers. Could season 3 reveal that Victoria Neuman and Cindy are sisters?

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The Boys Season 3 Theory Cindy Is Victoria Neumans Sister

The Boys season 2 introduced two new supes with incredibly dangerous (and oddly similar) powers – but could there be a sisterly connection between Congresswoman Victoria Neuman (Claudia Doumit) and escaped Sage Grove patient Cindy (Ess Hödlmoser)? Though Homelander is still present as the show’s main villain, The Boys’ season 2 finale revealed that Neuman was the supe responsible for many disgusting head explosions, and set her up for a bigger antagonist role in season 3.

Cindy was first introduced when the Boys investigated Sage Grove Center, a psychiatric facility where Vought was experimenting with the effects of Compound V on adult subjects, in an effort to stabilize the drug so that anyone could safely use it to give themselves superpowers. Former Seven member Lamplighter (Shawn Ashmore) was employed as a nurse at Sage Grove, to dispatch subjects who had outlived their usefulness and burn the evidence. The patients at Sage Grove were sent there due to mental illness, and then cut off from contact with their families, with their deaths officially written off as suicides.

After Lamplighter accidentally burned through the door of her cell, Cindy escaped and free the rest of the patients at Sage Grove. She was last seen hitching a ride to freedom, and The Boys showrunner Eric Kripke has confirmed that Cindy will return in the future. With terrifying powers and uncertain motives, Cindy is a major wild card – and she’s not the only one. Here’s why Cindy and Victoria Neuman could be sisters.

Compound V Effects Vary From Person To Person

The Boys Season 3 Theory Cindy Is Victoria Neumans Sister

Compound V was created by Vought founder Frederick Vought, and the first test subjects were prisoners in the Dachau concentration camp. The first willing Compound V recipient was Vought’s wife, Stormfront (Aya Cash), who developed powers of flight, near-invulnerability, and electricity generation. The drug appears to cause permanent genetic mutation, which is why Homelander’s son Ryan has the same powers as his father despite never (as far as we know) being given Compound V. The experiments at Sage Grove were geared towards making the effects of Compound V more refined. Though giving it to babies reliably produces supes, giving it to adults has varying effects. As Lamplighter put it, “Sometimes you get powers, sometimes you get a freak, sometimes you just explode.”

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Common effects of Compound V include increased strength and durability. Starlight withstood a .50 caliber sniper bullet to the chest without being much more than inconvenienced, while Black Noir survived an explosion that destroyed most of a building with only a few burns, and Kimiko healed from a wound that should have been fatal in a matter of seconds. Beyond that, there’s a great deal of variation – from unusual traits like Popclaw’s bony retractable claws and the Deep’s talent for talking to fishes, to more frequently occurring powers like super-speed (A-Train is under pressure from being in such a competitive category). Genetics are the most likely explanation for this variation, which means that super-powered siblings could end up with the same abilities.

Cindy and Victoria Neuman Have Similar Powers

The Boys Season 3 Theory Cindy Is Victoria Neumans Sister

Before The Boys’ season 2 finale revealed that Victoria Neuman was the supe who had been exploding heads, the popular fan theory was that Cindy was responsible, with Vought perhaps smuggling her out of Sage Grove to do their bidding. Cindy could have simply been introduced as a red herring, but the similarity between her and Victoria’s powers is interesting. They’re not exactly the same; Victoria specifically targets heads and causes them to explode Scanners-style, whereas Cindy uses her powers to crush people so that they implode (with a similar splattering effect). But given that Cindy is clearly unstable, they could actually have the same powers, with Victoria having learned to control hers better.

One potential problem with this theory is that we’ve already seen one set of siblings affected by Compound V in The Boys: Kimiko and her brother, Kenji. While Kimiko’s abilities are limited to super-strength, heightened agility and durability, Kenji developed telekinetic powers. This could be explained by Compound V only causing similar power sets in siblings in some cases – or, alternatively, Cindy could be Victoria Neuman’s daughter rather than her sister. The congresswoman mentioned having a daughter during a news broadcast, and Stormfront proved that supes don’t always age like normal people, so Victoria could be much older than she appears.

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What Are Victoria Neuman’s Motives?

The Boys Season 3 Theory Cindy Is Victoria Neumans Sister

Based on the people that Victoria Neuman has killed so far, everything seems to point to her secretly working for Vought while publicly protesting the company. After all, Vought already pulled something similar with Stormfront’s appointment to the Seven. When the truth about Compound V was made public, Stormfront railed against Vought at rallies – gaining the trust of people who had lost faith in the company itself. Neuman is doing essentially the same thing, though she’s appealing to a very different crowd. An obvious analog for real-life U.S. Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Neuman is Vought’s way of gaining control over a young, progressive demographic who distrust corporations and sincerely believe in the power of government to change things – people like Hughie, for example.

So, if Cindy is Victoria’s sister (or half-sister, to explain why one sister is mixed race and the other is not), does that mean that the congresswoman sold out her own family to Vought? Potentially, yes. She was ruthless enough to explode the head of her own staff member during the congressional hearing attack, just to make it look like she was a victim of the attack along with everyone else. Everyone she’s killed so far has moved Vought further away from being exposed: she killed Susan Raynor (Jennifer Esposito) when she got close to the truth about the emerging “super-terrorists,” killed Jonah Vogelbaum (John Doman) before he could testify against Vought, and killed Church of the Collective leader Alastair Adana (Goran Visnjic) after he told her that he had enough dirt on Vought to destroy the company.

Cindy having a personal vendetta of revenge against Victoria Neuman would certainly make things interesting. It would potentially make her an ally to the Boys, but since they still think Victoria is on their side, Cindy attacking the congresswoman would look like Vought trying to take out an enemy. And unlike Kimiko, Cindy doesn’t seem interested in limiting the carnage caused by her powers, which means that the Boys may face a difficult choice of whether to put her down, or let her run free to wreak havoc on Vought.

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