The Crown 10 Hidden Details About Queen Elizabeths Costume You Didnt Notice

The Crown: 10 Hidden Details About Queen Elizabeth’s Costume You Didn’t Notice


You’d expect Queen Elizabeth to rock some amazing costumes in The Crown, and she absolutely delivers – here are 10 hidden details you didn’t know.

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The Crown 10 Hidden Details About Queen Elizabeths Costume You Didnt Notice

While The Crown is about to premiere its third season, we’ve definitely fallen in love with the show over the past couple of years. Claire Foy plays Queen Elizabeth, and it’s safe to say she absolutely slayed this role through and through. While she isn’t returning for the next season, Olivia Colman will take over as the royal lady. In the past two seasons, we’ve seen a plethora of brilliant, stunning, and mesmerizing costumes. Sure, she’s the Queen, and her gowns and outfits absolutely blow us away. In case you’ve been wondering about these magnificent costumes, we’ve made a list. We’d also like to make a shout out to the brilliant Michele Clapton and Jane Petrie, who were the costume masterminds behind season 1 and 2 respectively. Here are 10 hidden details about the Queen’s costumes.

10 The Blue Dress as a Uniform

The Crown 10 Hidden Details About Queen Elizabeths Costume You Didnt Notice

She wore this during a tour following World War II, and it was important to show herself as strong and powerful on Downing Street. Thus, this high-buttoned dress is actually meant to reflect a military uniform or a man’s suit. It’s formal, and it’s not feminine or sentimental, but it’s meant to show power and strength for her position and for the veterans following the war. This dress it the female equivalent of a uniform, and this was definitely done on purpose.

9 Her Dark, Plain, Modest Clothes

The Crown 10 Hidden Details About Queen Elizabeths Costume You Didnt Notice

Elizabeth is a woman with a lot of power in a world full of men, and usually, older men. Whenever she’s meeting with these men, or Elizabeth is in an important political meeting, you’ll likely find her in a modest dress with a cardigan or shawl, and they’re probably dark colored or have one tone. The costume designer describes this as her uniform, to show that she is the Queen, and that it is her job, and that she takes her role seriously. Oh, and that these men should know she does, too.

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8 She Contrasts Margaret in Almost Every Scene

The Crown 10 Hidden Details About Queen Elizabeths Costume You Didnt Notice

If there’s a scene with both of these brilliant and fiery women, you can bet that the colors they’re wearing are polar opposite. If Margaret is down, she’ll be dark, and Elizabeth will be light. This also changes as the series progresses, especially when Elizabeth is gaining her place and Margaret feels lost. Their outfits almost always contrast each other, and of course, it’s to represent the stark contrast between these two women.

7 Her Clothing Away from the Castle

The Crown 10 Hidden Details About Queen Elizabeths Costume You Didnt Notice

Whether it is at her place in Scotland, on a safari with her husband, or even alone with her mother and children, you’ll notice there’s a lot more variety to what the Queen will wear. In fact, she even wears jeans on one occasion. When she’s away from the castle, Elizabeth’s wardrobe is almost completely different. There’s more color and boldness, which is meant to represent Elizabeth being free and being herself. When she’s the “Queen,” and at the castle, she’ll revert to simple, elegant, and plain colors, to show her authority and dedication to her duty.

6 Her Gowns Become More Defiant and Bold

The Crown 10 Hidden Details About Queen Elizabeths Costume You Didnt Notice

From the beginning of season 1 to the end of season 2, you can see a pretty clear change in the types of gowns the Queen wears. She starts subtle, modest, and simple, to represent her uneasiness and hesitance to the role. However, as she begins to feel more comfortable and gains her footing, she wears bold outfits with eccentric and defiant accessories. She has embraced her role as Queen. Yes, we’re talking about this fur overcoat.

5 Her Style Initially Resembled Her Mother, Then Changed

The Crown 10 Hidden Details About Queen Elizabeths Costume You Didnt Notice

In the first season, as Elizabeth is getting used to the idea of being the new Queen, her outfits resemble her mother’s to a vast degree. She wears old-fashioned, button-up blouses that her mother could also be seen wearing. Throughout the series, the Queen Mother’s style remains the same. However, there is a clear growth of Elizabeth, as she changes from the maternal, traditional women’s wear to the more powerful, official outfits that resemble a uniform. She gains more modernity and power from the outfits she wears, and it’s an interesting transition to see, if you keep an eye out for it.

4 Her Outfit Always Resembles the Role She’s Playing

The Crown 10 Hidden Details About Queen Elizabeths Costume You Didnt Notice

We’ve already mentioned how Elizabeth’s casual, out-of-the-castle outfits are more unique and bold than her official Queen looks, but there’s much more than just these two roles. When she’s on tour with her husband, after the war, we see Elizabeth take the role of the naval wife. In this polka-dot dress and white hat, you could easily pass this woman on the street and think she’s the wife of a solider, and nothing more than that. Her purpose was to show that she is a naval wife, and that she understands the loss and role of the war. This outfit is stunning, but it was more than purposeful.

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3 The Contrast Between Jackie Kennedy and Queen Elizabeth

The Crown 10 Hidden Details About Queen Elizabeths Costume You Didnt Notice

Still with an eye out for historical accuracy, these beautiful gowns were more than just stunning. The costume designer wanted to ensure a stark contrast between the gowns. Although they’re both blue, it’s pretty obvious they’re vastly different. Jackie’s is simple and elegant, while the Queen’s is complicated and has many elements and fabrics. While the outfits are historically pretty accurate, this was also done on purpose to demonstrate the nature of their position and their personality. While these women were put on an even playing field, it’s important to notice how the costumes made this distinction in a subtle, but powerful, way.

2 The Use of Color

The Crown 10 Hidden Details About Queen Elizabeths Costume You Didnt Notice

You’ve probably noticed that the colors become more vibrant as the season progresses. According to the costume designer, this is to demonstrate the transition of time into the swinging ’60s. As well, color was used very purposefully to show Elizabeth’s connection with the palace. If you look closely, you’ll likely see that a scene uses a singular color palette. Mainly, Elizabeth’s costume will match something within the interior of the room. Throughout the series, this becomes more prominent, and the costume designer claims this was her way of showing Elizabeth has grown and become a part of the castle.

1 The Pearl Necklace

You can pretty much tell the exact nature of a scene by whether or not Elizabeth is donning her infamous peals. If she’s meeting Winston Churchill, determining his resignation, or on a tour as the Monarch, you can bet she’s wearing this necklace. Basically, anytime she’s on strict, serious Queen duty, you’ll know, because she’ll have a string of pearls around her neck. This pearl necklace is a sign of her position, and is a subtle costume trick that’s consistent in pretty much every scene where she asserts her powerful position. Now you’ll never not notice it, right?

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