The Flash 5 Reasons That Season 6 Has The Best Suit (& 5 Reasons It Was Season 2)

The Flash: 5 Reasons That Season 6 Has The Best Suit (& 5 Reasons It Was Season 2)


The Flash has had several wardrobe changes throughout the show, but not all of them have been great. Between season 6 and 2, which suit is the best?

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The Flash 5 Reasons That Season 6 Has The Best Suit (& 5 Reasons It Was Season 2)

For six seasons, The Flash has shown off several different suits in every season. Whether it was the studio, making suits out of different materials for the actor’s comfort, or a plotline in the show, we’ve seen a total of five suits worn by Barry Allen.

Each one has had its time and given us some of the best looks from a live-action Flash. While they are all great and unique, not all are fan-favorites. If we look at the suits from season 2 of The Flash and season 6, which one is the best? Here are five reasons why season 2 is the best and five reasons why season 6 is.

10 SEASON 2: More Realistic For The Show

The Flash 5 Reasons That Season 6 Has The Best Suit (& 5 Reasons It Was Season 2)

As we’ve learned in both the comics and the show, Barry needs a special suit to prevent friction and provide durability while he runs are lighting speeds. The leather material provides a tough and durable look that would be more realistic for scientists to design, unlike his newest suit that looks more comfortable than scientific.

While every suit up until season 5 is made with leather material, season 2’s suit had the most realistic style and technology to back up their claims.

9 SEASON 6: More Comic Book Accurate

The Flash 5 Reasons That Season 6 Has The Best Suit (& 5 Reasons It Was Season 2)

Although season 6’s suit is a little tougher to believe that it’s realistic, it is still the closest the costume department has gotten to creating a suit right from the comics. It has all the right emblems and gold outline that his comic counterpart sports. All it’s missing is the yellow boots.

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They have also made the earpieces more accurate to the suit and added a lighter red to give it a vibrant splash. It even comes out of the ring like in the comics.

8 SEASON 2: Easier On Grant Gustin

The Flash 5 Reasons That Season 6 Has The Best Suit (& 5 Reasons It Was Season 2)

Grant Gustin, the actor that plays Barry on the show has admitted that although the season 6 suit looks cool, it is a nightmare to wear because of how much it smells. Running around in spandex all day and only a couple suits to film with, it’s tough for all the sweat and odors not build up after a day of shooting.

While season 2 might’ve not been any better, it was easier to replace as well as more free movement by the actor to prevent heating up.

7 SEASON 6: More Comfortable For Grant Gustin

The Flash 5 Reasons That Season 6 Has The Best Suit (& 5 Reasons It Was Season 2)

So it may not be the best suit after a long day, but it is much more comfortable with the actor due to the material it is made out of. It is easier for Gustin to make the most out of his character without worrying about discomfort or any rips while he’s running around.

It’s a durable suit that can put up with a full day of shooting, although it is smelly.

6 SEASON 2: Longer Tenure Wearing The Suit

The Flash 5 Reasons That Season 6 Has The Best Suit (& 5 Reasons It Was Season 2)

In just about every season, Barry had an upgraded suit for one reason or another, except for the season 3 premiere. He managed to keep the suit in top condition for two seasons and even after he upgraded, he ended up wearing it one more time in season 5.

It could’ve been for a number of reasons, but fans sure loved the season 2 suit and the season 4 premiere suit and season 5 were met with some backlash and a lot of “if it ain’t broke don’t fix it” arguments.

5 SEASON 6: The Suit Was Innovative

The Flash 5 Reasons That Season 6 Has The Best Suit (& 5 Reasons It Was Season 2)

Like we mentioned before, most suits up until season 5 were made with a leather material that looked a bit wonky but still did the job. The material in the season 5 suit gave Gustin more mobility but it was still met with some backlash that was perfected in season 6.

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Season 6 is the best version of all the suits and addresses almost every concern that was given by the fans and actors.

4 SEASON 2: Color Scheme

The Flash 5 Reasons That Season 6 Has The Best Suit (& 5 Reasons It Was Season 2)

It seems like as the seasons progressed, the suits got lighter and lighter in color. With the first three seasons sporting a maroon/scarlet red, it was no wonder he was called the Scarlet Speedster, and the color scheme was just more favored than the cherry red.

It was just something we were all used to seeing before his suit got lighter as the themes got darker.

3 SEASON 6: Less Bobblehead-Like Appearance

The Flash 5 Reasons That Season 6 Has The Best Suit (& 5 Reasons It Was Season 2)

Although fans favor the earlier suits compared to the newer ones, it’s hard to deny that he looked like a bobblehead with his helmet. It might’ve not been intentional but seeing him run around with a head proportional looked more comical than anything.

Season 6 addressed those issues and gave him a much more comfortable looking headgear that didn’t look like a huge helmet on his head.

2 SEASON 2: Easier To Put On

The Flash 5 Reasons That Season 6 Has The Best Suit (& 5 Reasons It Was Season 2)

Another claim made by Grant Gustin and the costume design team for The Flash is that the suit in season 2 is a lot easier to put on than the season 6 that is like a onesie.

The season 2 suit had multiple zippers that Gustin could adjust to make himself more comfortable whereas now he has to wear the suit for the whole day

1 SEASON 6: Harder To Replicate

The designs for the season 6 suit is one of the most comic accurate suits in cinematic history, with him beating out the old Flash show and even the DCEU version. It’s simply the best iteration and it will be hard to replicate should there be another Flash show or another reboot in the DCEU.

It’s got everything except the yellow boots but it still looks like its ripped from the comics and it will be tough to replicate in the near future without stealing the design ideas from the CW.

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