The Mandalorian Isnt The First Time Temuera Morrison Has Played Boba Fett

The Mandalorian Isn’t The First Time Temuera Morrison Has Played Boba Fett

Star Wars’ Jango Fett actor Temuera Morrison will return as Boba Fett in The Mandalorian season 2 – and it’s not his first time in the role.

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The Mandalorian Isnt The First Time Temuera Morrison Has Played Boba Fett

Temuera Morrison, who was first introduced as Jango Fett in Star Wars: Attack of the Clones, will return as Jango’s clone son Boba Fett in The Mandalorian season 2. Though Morrison is best known for playing Jango and his adult clone, Commander Cody, in the Star Wars prequel movies, he had also voiced Boba Fett several times in video games, and even in the original trilogy, before being cast in The Mandalorian.

Jango Fett was a bounty hunter and feared warrior who wore the armor of a Mandalorian (though the government of Mandalore refused to recognize him as one of their people). Due to his even temper, sharp mind, and elite combat skills he was recruited by Count Dooku to be the template for an army of clone troopers. These clone troopers would ostensibly exist to serve the Galactic Republic, but would later carry out Order 66 – the execution of all members of the Jedi Order, which marked the final fall of the Republic and the birth of the Galactic Empire.

Boba was another clone of Jango, but unlike the clone troopers he aged at a normal rate and was raised by Jango as his son. After Morrison’s face and voice became canonically the face and voice not only of Jango Fett, but of every single one of his clones (including Boba), he went on to have a busy career within the Star Wars universe. He voiced several different clones of Jango in Star Wars video games, as well as reprising the role of Jango himself. Morrison played Boba Fett for the first time when he dubbed over the character’s four lines in Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back for the 2004 DVD release of the original trilogy.

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In video games, Morrison voiced Boba Fett in 2005’s Star Wars: Battlefront II and 2006’s Star Wars: Empire at War, before returning to the role for Star Wars: Battlefront in 2015 and Star Wars: Battlefront II (different game, same title) in 2017. However, The Mandalorian season 2 will mark the first time that he has played Boba Fett in live-action.

Lucasfilm actually had a Boba Fett movie in development at one point, pitched by Fantastic Four director Josh Trank, but the project fizzled out after Trank quit. Morrison has said that he would love to return in live-action as one of Jango’s clones, so playing Jango’s son in The Mandalorian fulfils that wish. There’s already fan speculation that he might actually play another one of Jango’s clones in the show – perhaps Star Wars: The Clone Wars and Star Wars Rebels’ popular character Captain Rex.

Given that Din Djarin is a devout Mandalorian who lives by a strict creed and won’t even take his helmet off in front of another living person, it will be interesting to see how he interacts with an “imposter” like Boba Fett in season 2. Will Boba be a major new antagonist, or a surprise ally?

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