The Marvelous Mrs Maisel 10 Things We Want To See In Season 3

The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel: 10 Things We Want To See In Season 3


The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel premiered on Amazon Prime in 2017 and has been a success ever since. Here’s what we want to see in season 3!

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The Marvelous Mrs Maisel 10 Things We Want To See In Season 3

The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel has been tickling our funny bone ever since it premiered on Amazon Prime Video in 2017. In addition to its plucky protagonist, the show boasts an ensemble of hilarious characters. Set in the world of 1950s Manhattan, Maisel’s period sets and costumes pop off the screen, giving the viewer a second-hand glamour high.

Season 2 finds Midge achieving more success in comedy than she ever dreamed possible. But with it comes setbacks, both personally and professionally. This has a ripple effect for every major character in the series, resulting in misunderstandings, feuds, and the loudest, most dysfunctional Yom Kippur dinner ever. Maisel effortlessly dodged the dreaded sophomore jinx that plagues many a series, but can it go for the hat trick and deliver an equally stellar Season 3? We think so, but here’s a few items on our wish list.

10 New locations

The Marvelous Mrs Maisel 10 Things We Want To See In Season 3

From the Maisels’ opulent Upper West Side apartment to the dingy Gaslight Café, we were swept off our feet by Maisel’s portrait of NYC in the ’50s. In Season 2, the show also took us to the romantic Paris and the scenic Catskills.

These out-of-town episodes not only freshened up the scenery, but they provided some of the season’s juiciest story lines. Who could forget Midge getting her heart broken on the streets of Paris when Joel refused to take her back? Or the newly single Midge finding herself the subject of gossip and tut-tutting at Steiner Resort? And of course, it was in the Catskills where Abe discovers Midge’s comedy secret as he suffers through her raunchiest set ever.

It looks like we’ll get our wish. Last season ends with Midge agreeing to go on an international tour with famous musician Shy Baldwin. If anyone has a chance of getting herself into trouble abroad, it’s our girl Midge Maisel.

9 A place for Benjamin

The Marvelous Mrs Maisel 10 Things We Want To See In Season 3

Zachary Levi was a welcome addition as Dr. Benjamin Ettenberg, Midge’s Season 2 love interest. Benjamin possesses a quirky charm, refusing to put on airs in a decade that places a premium on reputation. He and Midge don’t hit it off at first, but when the finally connect, sparks fly to the extent we’re worried they’ll break our TVs.

However, at the end of the season, Midge realizes she’s meant to be more than just a wife. Though we don’t see an official breakup, Midge tells Joel that she’s meant to be in a relationship with her comedy career, not a man. It’s her gutsiest move to date and we applaud her for it.That being said, we don’t want to see Benjamin go. His only connection is to Midge so it’s hard to see picture how he’ll fit into Season 3, but we won’t give up hope. Maybe he can take the adrift Abe to an art show.

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8 Fresh characters

The Marvelous Mrs Maisel 10 Things We Want To See In Season 3

After seeing Benjamin mesh so well in the show, we’d love to see even more new characters in Season 3. As Midge broadens her horizons beyond her upper-class Manhattan bubble, the people she meets on her travels should reflect that. With her being on tour, the possibilities are endless.

Lucky for us, it was announced that Sterling K. Brown will be joining the show. He regularly made us weepy on This Is Us. Will he make us cry from laughter on Maisel? Nothing has been reported on what sort of role he’ll play but we’re sure he’ll fit right in.

7 Midge quitting B. Altman’s

The Marvelous Mrs Maisel 10 Things We Want To See In Season 3

Midge takes a job at the B. Altman’s makeup counter to support herself after her split with Joel. It’s her first job in a long time—possibly ever—and Midge finds a sense of purpose she never felt as a housewife. Even after she gets demoted to the switchboard, Midge still provides service with a smile.

However, it becomes increasingly frustrating that Midge seems to value a department store job over her comedy career. She makes Susie cancel a block of gigs because she’s going away to the Catskills, yet is willing to come racing back at the opportunity to work the makeup counter again. The fact that Midge is going on an extended tour might mean she’s saying goodbye to B. Altman’s. It’s time for her to move on. And while we’re at it, we wouldn’t mind seeing her move out of her parents’ place either.

6 Maisel and Roth Garment Company hijinks

The Marvelous Mrs Maisel 10 Things We Want To See In Season 3

Moishe and Shirley Maisel have got to be the most annoying in-laws ever, which makes them hysterical characters. They had a much bigger role in Season 2, once Joel goes to work for the family business, Maisel and Roth Garment Company.

As far as we’re concerned, the factory should get its own spin-off. We’ve got the Maisels, the chain-smoking Manny, the long-suffering Mrs. Moskowitz, and the fact that there’s no Roth. The show writes itself.

Though with Joel’s effort, the factory is running better than ever, Moishe fires his son. It’s a rare selfless move for Moishe, and one we support. Joel really needs to figure out who he is and he can’t do it while putting out fires in the family business. That being said, we still hope the factory factors into Season 3. That, or Amazon Prime releases our proposed spin-off. We can see it now: The Marvelous Mrs. Moskowitz.

5 Joel moves on

The Marvelous Mrs Maisel 10 Things We Want To See In Season 3

With a fat check from his father—payback for Moishe stealing Joel’s bar mitzvah money—Joel can move on pretty much wherever he wants. We hope he not only seizes the monetary opportunity, but also the emotional one.

There’s no denying that Joel and Midge have radiant chemistry, despite their roller coaster marriage. But we’re sick of the Will They or Won’t They game. It’s been going on for most of the series and thankfully, looks like it’s played itself out. Joel is a great character. Despite his indiscretions, he remains likable, even if he still has lots of growing up to do. We hope we see it in Season 3.

4 Abe the hot mess

The Marvelous Mrs Maisel 10 Things We Want To See In Season 3

Abe Weissman is a man of science. He enjoys logic and order and loathes any deviations from routine. But all that goes, to borrow the show’s catchphrase, t*ts up in Season 2. He learns that both his children have been keeping him in the dark about their real professions—Midge as a comedian and Noah as a CIA analyst. Then there’s the fact that his dream job at Bell Labs turns out to be a farce and he actually has less security clearance than even the janitors.

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This causes Abe to go into the most amusing downward spiral TV has ever seen. Though he still talks like the same even-tempered man, he becomes ornery-on-steroids. He barks at his students, mocking their ambitions, and maybe or maybe not threatens to stab people with butter knives. Abe’s Season 2 arc wraps up with him deciding to leave his tenured position at Columbia University. We have no clue what Abe will do next, but he’s sure to keep us on our toes and always laughing.

3 A Midge-Sophie smackdown

The Marvelous Mrs Maisel 10 Things We Want To See In Season 3

Up until now, Midge vs. Sophie was a total David and Goliath tale. But now, David/Midge is packing more heat than ever. In Season 2’s telethon episode, comedy legend Sophie Lennon performs her same old self-deprecating schtick, and it’s obvious that it’s growing stale. But she’s still got clout to burn, and Sophie uses it to bump Midge to the graveyard time slot. As the last act of the night, the pressure is completely off, and Midge performs her best set to date. This results in her getting the tour invitation from Shy Baldwin.

We know that Sophie isn’t going to take her nemesis’ success lightly and will do everything in her power to stop it. We also know that it looks as if Sophie’s about to poach Susie. There’s no way Midge is going to let that go without her manicured claws coming out. Season 3 might find Midge not just at war with Sophie, but Susie too.

2 Susie’s personal life

The Marvelous Mrs Maisel 10 Things We Want To See In Season 3

The dirt-poor, potty-mouthed Susie Myerson is an exquisite foil to the privileged Midge, and also a fantastic character in her own right. In Season 1, Susie reveals that she had a crappy childhood and family life, which we get a glimpse of in Season 2.

But we want more. Specifically, we want to delve into her sexuality. It doesn’t appear that Susie has any romantic life whatsoever. How come? Perhaps she’s just not interested in having one. Or, given her unpleasant upbringing, Susie’s possibly too scared to put herself out there and be vulnerable. There’s also speculation that Susie’s gay. Maisel hasn’t explored any queer story lines and should they choose to go down this avenue with Susie, we think it would only enrich the show.

1 Midge’s self-awareness

For all her problems, Midge leads a rather charmed life. The fact that she thinks hers it the norm is her biggest character flaw. Case in point: She takes part in a protest to kill an afternoon, rather than fight for real change. She also spends her entire summer on a Daddy-sponsored vacation where she fills her days with manicures and Simon Says.

Even on the road with Susie, Midge is hopelessly entitled. When they check into a cheap motel, Midge actually believes the manager is going to bring her bags to the room. Season 3’s much-anticipated tour is going to be much glitzier than her first, but hopefully Midge sees that there’s a whole world out there beyond the three-block radius of her apartment.

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