The MBTI of Sam Rockwell Characters

The MBTI of Sam Rockwell Characters


Sam Rockwell has a range when it comes to acting, portraying characters in all genres. With the Myers Briggs, we did a test on all his characters.

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The MBTI of Sam Rockwell Characters

Sam Rockwell has been in the acting game for a long time, mainly focusing on character acting, and he’s recently been flung into the spotlight during awards seasons with starring roles in both Three Billboards Outside of Ebbing, Missouri and Jojo Rabbit.

Over his long career, he’s played various iconic characters with a wide array of personalities. And will continue to do so as it looks like he’s not slowing down anytime soon. Let’s revisit some of Rockwell’s famous characters and analyze what types of personalities they represent on the screen.

10 Justin Hammer – ENTP

The MBTI of Sam Rockwell Characters

Sam Rockwell starred opposite Robert Downey Jr. as one of the main antagonists in Iron Man 2. Like this personality type, Justin Hammer is certainly energetic and charismatic, just like Rockwell himself. Given the chance, he turns his invention presentation into a show where he’s the star (not unlike Stark) and dances around the stage as only Sam Rockwell can.

He works hard to prove himself and believes each time he’ll succeed, but tends to let his larger than life ego get in the way. Justin Hammer, the success obsessed inventor who can’t seem to get out of Tony Stark’s shadow, represents aspects of extroversion, intuition, thinking, and perception in his personality.

9 Billy – ESTP

The MBTI of Sam Rockwell Characters

Rockwell starred opposite Colin Farrell in the dark comedy Seven Psychopaths. He is delightfully manic and psychotic in this role as the sly yet outlandish supportive best friend to Farrell’s Marty. Although he shows a weakness of the personality as he becomes increasingly impatient with Marty’s lack of self-esteem and willingness to write a story Billy wants to see.

He’s very sociable when he wants to be, making quick friends with Christopher Walken’s Hans, and once his true personality is revealed he’s quite direct and bold. Billy, the dog stealing psychopath represents aspects of extroversion, sensing, thinking, and perception in his personality.

8 Francis – ISFP

The MBTI of Sam Rockwell Characters

Sam Rockwell stars in the comedy action film Mr. Right alongside Anna Kendrick. Beginning as a hitman for hire, he has a change of heart and decides to kill the ones who hire him to kill instead, because killing is wrong.

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Even though he kills people, he’s charming, sensitive to others, and passionate. He wants to break free of his past and be independent to make his own decisions and start a new life with Anna Kendrick’s Martha. Francis, the hitman with a heart of gold represents aspects of introversion, sensing, feeling, and perception in his personality.

7 Dixon – ESFP

The MBTI of Sam Rockwell Characters

Sam Rockwell finally won an Oscar for his portrayal of the bumbling small-town cop, Dixon, in Three Billboards Outside of Ebbing, Missouri. Dixon is “the entertainer” personality through and through.

The ESFP personality type is the most likely to break into song and dance, which is exactly what Dixon does in the film and as he is so enamored with ABBA it almost causes his death. The stubborn and easily bored Dixon represents extroversion, sensing, feeling, and perception in his personality.

6 Captain Klenzendorf – INFP

The MBTI of Sam Rockwell Characters

Sam Rockwell’s latest role is as the charismatic and complex Captain K in the award-winning 2019 film, Jojo Rabbit. Captain K is one of the most interesting characters in the film as there is a lot to interpret without much explicit explanation.

He’s a private person, but the audience is shown hints at a relationship with fellow officer Finkel (Alfie Allen) and true caring for Jojo (Roman Griffin Davis) and his family. There’s also hints that he is not in the least on board with the direction the Reich is heading in and takes every chance he can to safely and subtly oppose them without letting everyone know what he’s doing. The creative and open-minded Captain K represents introversion, intuition, feeling, and perception in his personality.

5 Sam Bell – ISTJ

The MBTI of Sam Rockwell Characters

The only thing better than Sam Rockwell is two Sam Rockwells, which is exactly what the audience is treated to in Moon. The two have different personalities but they both ultimately stem from the same person.

Both of them are strong-willed as the audience sees them try to figure out who is the real Sam Bell as they survive alone in a confined area on the moon. The (mostly) calm, practical and rule-driven personalities of Sam Bell represent introversion, sensing, thinking, and judging.

4 Craig – ISFJ

The MBTI of Sam Rockwell Characters

A lesser-known character and movie of Sam Rockwell’s is as the mild-mannered Craig in Laggies. The film follows Keira Knightley’s character who is lost in her adult world. About to get married, she suffers a quarter-life crisis and finds a surprising friend in Sam Rockwell’s daughter, ChloĆ« Grace Moretz, despite their age difference.

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Slowly but surely a relationship between Rockwell and Knightley begins to form and we see that Rockwell plays a supportive and caring role in his daughter’s life, which extends to his blossoming relationship with Knightley. The supportive, reliable and patient personality of Craig represents introversion, sensing, feeling, and judging.

3 Owen – ESTP

The MBTI of Sam Rockwell Characters

Sam Rockwell stars as the forever childish water park owner, Owen, in The Way Way Back. The main character, teenaged Duncan (Liam James), meets Owen playing Pac Man and Owen lets Duncan play the rest of his quarter as he goes back to work, but proclaims that he isn’t allowed to use any patterns to win. In the beginning, Owen is the polar opposite of Duncan. Duncan is quiet and reserved while Owen is direct and witty.

The ESTP personality type tends to be adverse to rules, live in the moment, and are very sociable. The quick-talking and larger than life personality of Owen represent extroversion, sensing, thinking, and perception.

2 Guy Fleegman – ESFJ

The MBTI of Sam Rockwell Characters

Sam Rockwell plays an unnamed (until the very end) guest star of the fictional integral Star Trek-like series, Galaxy Quest, in this movie of the same name. At the beginning we see him joining the main cast (including Alan Rickman, Tim Allen, and Sigourney Weaver) for various comic cons and Galaxy Quest appearances. He stays loyal to them and keeps them on track with their daily schedules and energetically announces their actor names alongside their character names.

When they’re brought into the real-life Galaxy Quest he’s constantly worried he’ll be killed (which is what happened on the show) and he’s unwilling to deviate from any of the plotlines. The energetic, supportive, selfless, and nervous personality of Guy represents extroversion, sensing, feeling, and judging.

1 Zaphod Beeblebrox – ESFP

Sam Rockwell plays the literally two-faced Zaphod Beeblebrox in Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy. Zaphod is the former President of the Galaxy and is the “entertainer” personality through and through. He dazzles Trillion with his confidence and quick-talking adventurous attitude, but we quickly see his flaws as he’s easily bored with no long-term planning skills.

The irresponsible and outrageous personality of Zaphod represents extroversion, sensing, feeling, and perception.

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