The Office 10 Things That Happened From Season 1 That We Completely Forgot About

The Office: 10 Things That Happened From Season 1 That We Completely Forgot About


Fifteen years and over 200 episodes later, it’s hard to remember everything that happened in The Office. Here are the forgotten moments of season 1!

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The Office 10 Things That Happened From Season 1 That We Completely Forgot About

In 2005, The Office released its first season and introduced us to the crazy workers at Dunder Mifflin Scranton. With Michael Scott as its fearless leader, viewers fell in love with this office’s unique dynamic.

But after nine seasons and over 200 episodes, The Office came to an end. Jim and Pam moved from Scranton to Austin for Jim’s new career, Michael moved to Colorado to start a family with Holly, and we got to witness Dwight and Angela’s wild wedding. So much happened throughout The Office that it’s easy to forget some of the things that occurred in the series’ first six episodes. Keep scrolling to see 10 things we forgot from season one!

10 Dwight & Jim Enter An Alliance

The Office 10 Things That Happened From Season 1 That We Completely Forgot About

In the episode “The Alliance,” rumors surrounding downsizing start to spread throughout the office and panic sets in. Dwight fears he could lose his job and in an act of despair forms an alliance with none other than Jim. Fans know that Dwight and Jim have a long history of loathing each other, so the fact that Dwight felt comfortable forming an alliance with Jim is shocking.

Jim, of course, jumped at the opportunity to form an alliance with Dwight because he saw it as a chance to mess around with him and that’s exactly what he did. Unfortunately for Jim, Roy ruined the prank and Jim was busted.

9 Amy Adams Made An Appearance Before She Was Famous

The Office 10 Things That Happened From Season 1 That We Completely Forgot About

In the season finale, a woman selling purses asks Pam if she’s able to sell her handbags in the office. At first, Michael said no but after seeing how attractive the “purse girl” was, he made an exception. The “purse girl” ended up being a woman named Katy who was played by Amy Adams!

If you listen to The Office Ladies podcast, you’ll know that Amy got the job right before her big break, but it’s fun for fans to see a famous face portray such a minor character. Katy ended up dating Jim for a while after meeting in the office but it ended once he realized he loved Pam more.

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8 Jim Lets On That He’s Crushing On Pam

The Office 10 Things That Happened From Season 1 That We Completely Forgot About

Diehard Office fans already know about the outcome of Jim and Pam. These two star-crossed lovers played cat and mouse for years before finally getting together. But in the first season, viewers catch on that Jim likes Pam by one simple fact: he knew what Pam’s favorite yogurt was without asking her.

By him simply watching her from his desk for years, he told the camera crew that Pam’s favorite yogurt was “mixed berry.” When the camera crew told Pam this, she immediately blushed and agreed. It was then that viewers knew something was brewing between these two.

7 Dwight Butchers Scranton’s New Healthcare Plan

The Office 10 Things That Happened From Season 1 That We Completely Forgot About

In the third episode, Jan instructs Michael to find a new healthcare plan for the office. But in classic Michael fashion, he panics at the thought of choosing something his employees wouldn’t agree with. To save face, he asks Dwight to pick out the perfect healthcare plan for the workers; a mission he took seriously.

Dwight ends up asking invasive questions to figure out which healthcare plan was best but butchers it all when Jan finds out. It was in this episode that we found out Kevin had anal fissures, something Dwight thought was fake.

6 Michael “Fires” Pam

The Office 10 Things That Happened From Season 1 That We Completely Forgot About

In the pilot episode, we all learn the kind of man Michael Scott is when he pulls a prank on Pam by pretending to fire her. With Ryan, the new temp, by his side, Michael calls Pam into his office and fires her for stealing Post-It notes. Pam is immediately appalled at the thought of her being fired for theft and begins to cry.

In an awkward moment of silence, Michael decides to pull the rug out from under her and tell her it was all a joke. Poor Pam looked so confused and called him a jerk before storming out. This little moment is easily forgotten but is very telling of the man Michael tries to be.

5 We Meet The Party Planning Committee

The Office 10 Things That Happened From Season 1 That We Completely Forgot About

The “PPC” (party planning committee) includes Angela, Pam, and Phyllis. Every time the office has a birthday or holiday party, these three women get together and plan it out. Angela is in charge of the PPC and it’s easy to see that the title goes to her head.

We’re introduced to the PPC in “The Alliance” when Michael tries to boost spirits by having a birthday party for Meredith amid downsizing (even though her birthday wasn’t for another month). The three women had to plan her party awkwardly since it wasn’t actually her birthday.

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4 Toby And Katy Went To The Same School

The Office 10 Things That Happened From Season 1 That We Completely Forgot About

In a blink-and-you’ll-miss-it moment, we find out in the season one finale that Toby and Katy (purse girl) actually went to the same high school! Funny enough, this is the second time Katy’s high school is brought up because Roy also asks her what school she went to on the booze cruise.

Toby appears to be much older than Katy so it’s doubtful they attended together but it’s obvious he had a little crush on the stunner. You know, before Michael ruined his chances by telling her he was a divorced, single father…

3 Meredith ‘Used’ To Be In Accounting

The Office 10 Things That Happened From Season 1 That We Completely Forgot About

Also in “The Alliance,” Michael and the PPC are planning Meredith’s birthday bash and he’s thinking of the perfect joke to put in her birthday card. As Michael’s holding her card, he’s reading everyone’s well-wishes when he gets to Jim’s.

He says “Meredith, I heard you’re turning 46 but come on you’re an accountant. Just fudge the numbers.” However, Meredith isn’t in the accounting department! She’s in her own department of supplier relations!

2 Michael Didn’t Know How A Walk-A-Thon Worked

The Office 10 Things That Happened From Season 1 That We Completely Forgot About

A subtle moment that happens in the first season is also a gold mine of giggles. Oscar approaches Michael about a charity that his nephew is running and if he’d like to donate. Michael notices that everyone in the office donated $2-3 and judges them for it, so he donates $25. It’s not until Jim tells him he’d be paying $25 a mile… not a $25 flat fee.

Michael looks beside himself and tries to get out of the donation but it doesn’t work. Oscar rubbed it in by saying he walked 18 miles the year before. It’s moments like these that made The Office get hooked for a second season.

1 Kelly Was Entirely Different

Anyone that listens to The Office Ladies podcast would know that Angela Martin and Jenna Fischer are obsessed with watching Kelly Kapoor transform on camera. Season one Kelly looks and acts completely different from season nine Kelly. She’s quiet, wears uncomfortable blouses, and has her hair up all the time.

As the series grows, Kelly starts talking more, wears colorful clothing, and becomes sassier at meetings. But she’s not the only one, all of the characters transformed at their own pace but Kelly definitely did in the style department.

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