The Real Housewives Of New York Luanns Most Shocking Decisions NEXT 10 Scenes Viewers Love To Rewatch Over And Over On RHONY

The Real Housewives Of New York: Luann’s Most Shocking Decisions


After 13 seasons on The Real Housewives of New York, Luann has made some shocking decisions on Bravo that she can’t get away from.

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The Real Housewives Of New York Luanns Most Shocking Decisions NEXT 10 Scenes Viewers Love To Rewatch Over And Over On RHONY

Luann de Lesseps is an OG of The Real Housewives of New York. She’s been a part of every season of RHONY for the past 13 seasons. As a result, Bravo fans have seen every possible side of Luann. From being a mother of two to getting divorced on TV to exposing every skeleton in her closet, Luann is a household name in the Bravo-sphere for being so open.

However, for every kind heart-to-heart and sweet hug she’s given, Luann has also made an equal amount of shocking decisions. With the ups and downs of her life being filmed for the past 13 years, Luann has no choice but to confront these decisions and make up for them over time.

10 Marrying Tom Despite All Of The Dirty Evidence She Had

The Real Housewives Of New York Luanns Most Shocking Decisions NEXT 10 Scenes Viewers Love To Rewatch Over And Over On RHONY

Luann’s behavior began to change when she became engaged to Tom D’Agostino. It was as if she no longer needed her friends or the show because she finally found love again after her divorce from the Count. But when Bethenny received word that Tom hasn’t been faithful to Luann, she had no choice but to tell her. Bethenny’s iconic line of “It’s about Tom” became an instant sensation with fans because Luann begged her to keep any Tom news to herself. But Bethenny knew Luann had a right to know about the state of her engagement.

Instead of thanking Bethenny and working on her relationship, she was angrier that Tom kissed another woman in public, which embarrassed her image. To make matters worse, Luann went through with the wedding, only to divorce him shortly later for infidelity.

9 She Took Home The Pirate (And Lied About It)

The Real Housewives Of New York Luanns Most Shocking Decisions NEXT 10 Scenes Viewers Love To Rewatch Over And Over On RHONY

When the women of New York headed to St. Barths, Luann was dating her boyfriend Jacques at the time. Considering her relationship status, the women found it odd that Luann was partying so hard with a group of men dressed as pirates, whom she claimed she knew.

Heather Thomson woke up the next morning and noted seeing the pirate in their rental, which frightened her. Carole Radziwill also said she heard both of their voices through the night, and she was right. Luann denied it all but a curious phone call made in French proved that she was lying and that she was, in fact, with the pirate.

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8 Her Run-In With The Law

The Real Housewives Of New York Luanns Most Shocking Decisions NEXT 10 Scenes Viewers Love To Rewatch Over And Over On RHONY

As legendary as being an OG Housewife is in the Bravo universe is, Luann fell from grace in 2017. A few months after filing for divorce from Tom, Luann seemed to be in a downward spiral.

While in Palm Beach, Florida, Luann was taken into custody for trespassing in a hotel, and she was then arrested for assaulting a police officer, according to US Magazine. Watching the former Countess in handcuffs was shocking and it proved that Luann had some major demons to deal with.

7 She Didn’t Pay Sonja Morgan What She Was Worth

The Real Housewives Of New York Luanns Most Shocking Decisions NEXT 10 Scenes Viewers Love To Rewatch Over And Over On RHONY

When Luann was repairing her image after her stint in rehab and arrest in Florida, she focused on her cabaret show. As part of the show, Luann invited some of her famous friends (like Sonja Morgan) to join the show for a song or two. But after one drunken night in the Berkshires, Sonja admitted that Luann wasn’t paying her what she was worth. In front of everyone, Sonja said Luann only paid her $225, which was less than Sonja’s hair, makeup, ensemble, and transportation.

A fight soon started between Sonja and Luann because Luann found Sonja ungrateful. But at the same time, Sonja was in financial trouble and thought her friend Lu would have been more considerate.

6 Luann Made Outlandish Remarks About Dennis & Bethenny (Without Knowing Him)

The Real Housewives Of New York Luanns Most Shocking Decisions NEXT 10 Scenes Viewers Love To Rewatch Over And Over On RHONY

At a 2016 reunion show, Luann accused Bethenny of being involved with a married man. At the time, Bethenny didn’t reveal her boyfriend’s name but defended their relationship by saying he was separated.

Fast forward to season 10 when Bethenny and her mystery man Dennis were official, Luann finally came head to head with the man she spoke so poorly of. Oddly enough, Luann had no idea that Dennis was the man she was talking about years prior. She asked the couple how they met, and Bethenny reminded Luann that he’s “the guy” that Luann made accusations of. Luann was caught out in her lies and acted as if she had no idea who he was or that she said those awful things at the reunion.

5 She Insulted Dorinda’s Hosting Abilities

The Real Housewives Of New York Luanns Most Shocking Decisions NEXT 10 Scenes Viewers Love To Rewatch Over And Over On RHONY

When Dorinda invited the women over to her house in the Berkshires around the holidays, she made her home inviting and welcoming for all. But when Luann and Bethenny began arguing with each other over unresolved issues, Dorinda became upset. Her weekend getaway was becoming tainted by fights. The moment got worse when Luann began bashing Dorinda’s home and questioned why Dorinda’s mom still made her birthday cakes. After hearing Luann’s harsh words, Dorinda exploded. Fans supported Dorinda as she scolded Luann because she “made it nice” and expected some sort of gratitude for her hard work.

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4 One Man: Harry Dubin

The Real Housewives Of New York Luanns Most Shocking Decisions NEXT 10 Scenes Viewers Love To Rewatch Over And Over On RHONY

Harry Dubin is one man who can’t get enough of the RHONY women. He’s been married and divorced from former Housewife, Aviva Dresher. He has been in a hot and cold relationship with Sonja Morgan for years. He has had a few rendevous with Ramona Singer. Lastly, he’s also had a fling with Luann.

Where things go south for Luann is when Sonja claimed Harry gave her a ring and told her he was ready for a commitment. The two went to a party that was filmed for RHONY, but instead of leaving with Sonja that night, Harry left with Luann. Luann knew how Sonja felt about Harry and left with him anyway. That moment hurt Sonja deeply and ruined her relationship with Harry.

3 Luann’s Behavior Towards Bethenny In Miami

The Real Housewives Of New York Luanns Most Shocking Decisions NEXT 10 Scenes Viewers Love To Rewatch Over And Over On RHONY

Bethenny and Luann’s feuds over the years were some of the most dramatic storylines — especially in season 11 when the women went to Miami. It was the cast vs. Luann regarding Luann’s entitlement issues. And there came a time where Bethenny had had enough.

While at dinner, Luann’s assault charges were brought up and Bethenny admitted that she and Dennis helped her with her case. Luann, however, didn’t show any sort of appreciation or acknowledgment for Bethenny’s gestures or what she’s been through. Bethenny’s breakdown showed how out-of-touch Luann was with the other women.

2 The Countess > Everyone Else

The Real Housewives Of New York Luanns Most Shocking Decisions NEXT 10 Scenes Viewers Love To Rewatch Over And Over On RHONY

In the early seasons when Luann was still married to Count Alexander de Lesseps, Luann took the title of a Countess to a whole other level. Not only did she write a book about being classy (Class with the Countess: How to Live with Elegance and Flair), but she also expected her friends to treat her as an elevated member of society.

In one scene, Bethenny introduces Luann as Luann to their driver for the evening. Once they were in the car, Luann told the cameras she felt “awkward” because Bethenny introduced her as simply “Luann.” As she said to Bethenny, “If you introduce to me to, like, a driver, it’s Mrs. de Lesseps… It’s a level of respect.” That line became one of the most memorable early moments because it proved where Luann thought she was in society.

1 Luann’s Rude Remarks On Weight

If there is one scene that fans can’t get over, it’s when Luann tried inspiring a young group of teens at school. One young lady told Luann that she wanted to be a model, so Luann asked to see how tall she was and said how beautiful she was. But the shocking moment came when Luann told her “And you know what, losing weight is easy. Losing weight is the easy part.” The conversation about weight was not shown on camera, so the fact that Luann assumed that the young lady should lose weight to be a model was appalling.

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