The Sex Lives Of College Girls 10 Things It Gets Right About College

The Sex Lives Of College Girls: 10 Things It Gets Right About College


HBO Max’s comedy The Sex Lives of College Girls shows what the first year of college is really like, from friendship to roommate drama to academics.

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The Sex Lives Of College Girls 10 Things It Gets Right About College

As the title suggests, HBO Max’s comedy The Sex Lives of College Girls does tell the story of young adults navigating intimacy. But the four main characters are shown figuring out their freshman year in general, from which classes they want to take to which parties will offer up the most thrilling experience.

From realizing that some classes are super hard to bonding with each other, the main characters on The Sex Lives of College Girls accurately show the experience of attending college, and viewers can relate to a lot of the storylines.

10 Getting To Know Roommates

The Sex Lives Of College Girls 10 Things It Gets Right About College

When looking at the personalities of The Sex Lives of College Girls characters, the four roommates Kimberly, Leighton, Bela, and Whitney stand out as they’re each charming and kind in their own way. These characters prove that getting to know roommates can be a lot of fun but it can also be a lot to navigate.

In the first episode, Bela seems more enthusiastic than the others about being in college and having fun, and it’s moving watching everyone bond by the end of season 1. The roommates go through it all, from wondering why the fridge is so smelly (and laughing when Bela forgot that she unplugged it) to staying in their rooms when Kimberly’s boyfriend comes to visit.

9 Struggling Academically

The Sex Lives Of College Girls 10 Things It Gets Right About College

Kimberly is surprised when she starts attending classes at Essex College that her good grades in high school don’t help her much. She’s got a worse grasp of the French language than the other students in her seminar and she does so poorly in Economics that she steals the test and cheats during her final exam.

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It’s heartbreaking see Kimberly go through this, but academic struggles are a big part of college life, especially during the first semester. The amount of work is often overwhelming.

8 Exploring Extracurriculars

The Sex Lives Of College Girls 10 Things It Gets Right About College

Bela’s main storyline is hoping that she is chosen to join The Catullan, Essex College’s comedy club. She wants to be a writer and feels that following all of the great people who have done the same is a great idea. Unfortunately, it’s a horrible experience.

Bela’s plotline allows the show to talk about how college freshman explore extracurriculars, trying to see which hobbies they want to work on or what interests they want to develop.

7 Balancing Schoolwork With Sports Or Work Study

The Sex Lives Of College Girls 10 Things It Gets Right About College

Whitney and Kimberly are both likable characters on The Sex Lives of College Girls, and their struggles allow viewers to see that they are just doing their best. Their main storylines also show that balancing everything that is going on in college can be super tricky.

Whitney loves being on the soccer team, but it definitely takes up all of her time and energy. Kimberly takes on a work/study position at Sips coffee shop and finds it really difficult to keep up with her classes, have a social life, and work so many hours. Many people can relate to this part of the show.

6 The Excitement Of Parties

The Sex Lives Of College Girls 10 Things It Gets Right About College

For the characters on this HBO Max comedy, nothing seems more exciting than attending a college party. But the show portrays this part of college life accurately as many of the parties are total disappointments, which rings true to life.

Bela and Kimberly embrace the “Naked Party” and they like getting out of their comfort zone, but some of the other parties that they go too are a lot less fun, which is an experience that a lot of people have.

5 The Class Differences Between Students

The Sex Lives Of College Girls 10 Things It Gets Right About College

Of all the most memorable TV and movie colleges, one thing is always true: the students come from a variety of backgrounds.

The Sex Lives of College Girls does a good job showing that while money is no object for Leighton and her parents give her a credit card to use whenever she wants, things are much different for Kimberly. The scene when Kimberly realizes that the group dinner will cost a fortune is perfectly crafted as Kimberly feels ashamed of where she comes from for the first time.

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4 Breaking Up With A High School Partner

The Sex Lives Of College Girls 10 Things It Gets Right About College

Kimberly thinks that she and her high school boyfriend Max will be together forever. But when he visits her at Essex College, they lose their virginity to each other, and then he breaks up with her, leaving her devastated.

The Sex Lives of College Girls does a good job showing that sometimes, high school relationships don’t work out, and they might not even last past the first few weeks of freshman year. Max wants to explore the world and while it hurts Kimberly’s feelings, she realizes that he is right.

3 The Awkwardness Of Dorm Meetings

The Sex Lives Of College Girls 10 Things It Gets Right About College

There are a few hilarious season 1 scenes that focus on the four main characters meeting with the rest of their dormmates. While the R.A. means well, he often loses control of the group and isn’t sure how to get through to them.

Many people remember attending dorm meetings and other college events that feel nerve-wracking. While these are meant to be forums where people can share stories or ask questions or get to know each other, they can feel a little awkward.

2 Making Great New Friends

The Sex Lives Of College Girls 10 Things It Gets Right About College

Whitney is one of the most intelligent The Sex Lives of College Girls characters, and it’s moving watching her become close to her teammate.

Whitney and Willow’s friendship is a meaningful part of season 1 and it also allows the series to explore how important it is to make new friends, especially during the first few months of college. Whitney and Willow connect when Willow covers up Whitney’s affair with their soccer coach Dalton so Whitney’s mom doesn’t find out, and they are forever bonded.

1 Letting Go Of High School

All four main characters begin to say goodbye to their high school selves and experiences as the season progresses. This is hardest for Leighton most of all, as she arrives at Essex College believing that she will live with her two best friends from back home.

When Leighton’s friends tell her that she’s too mean and self-absorbed and they won’t be pals with her any longer, Leighton means a journey of self-discovery that is echoed by her roommates. The characters all let go of who they were before and their expectations for college and start to have more fun.

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