The Walking Dead 5 Survivors Who Were Underused (& 5 Who Overstayed Their Welcome)

The Walking Dead: 5 Survivors Who Were Underused (& 5 Who Overstayed Their Welcome)


The Walking Dead has seen many characters come and go, and while some were gone too soon, others overstayed their welcome.

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The Walking Dead 5 Survivors Who Were Underused (& 5 Who Overstayed Their Welcome)

Throughout The Walking Dead’s 10 seasons to date, many characters have come and gone. Sometimes, they have been killed off at just the right moment, like Shane. Other times, they deserved much more, like Noah.

In some cases, characters among the group of survivors have not been used the way they could have been, missing an opportunity for some serious character development. Meanwhile, there are others who overstayed their welcome, milling about in the background when they were really dispensable five episodes prior.

So who, over the course of the series, could have used more air time and who stayed far longer than they should have? There are many who fall into both categories, but here’s a look at 5 of each.

10 Rosita: Overstayed Welcome

The Walking Dead 5 Survivors Who Were Underused (& 5 Who Overstayed Their Welcome)

Still on the series, now with Siddiq’s child and in a relationship with Gabriel, Rosita is a polarizing character. Viewers either love her or don’t. She joined the group along with Abraham and Eugene. A fierce fighter, she seemed too cocky for her own good. And while she has been involved in some major storylines, she often seems forgettable.

Once Abraham decided to dump Rosita and fell hard for Sasha, it would have been the right time to let Rosita go. In fact, it should have been Rosita holed up in that cell and eventually taking a pill to end her life instead of Sasha.

9 Sophia: Underused

The Walking Dead 5 Survivors Who Were Underused (& 5 Who Overstayed Their Welcome)

Way back in season one, Carol had a daughter named Sophia. In one of the most heart-wrenching episodes of the series ever, the gang discovered the missing Sophia in Hershel’s barn as she slumped out…as a walker.

It was a major departure from the comics, where Sophia actually survives. It’s Carol who dies instead, after which Glenn and Maggie adopt Sophia. And later, Sophia marries Carl Grimes and gives birth to his daughter. While we definitely wouldn’t want to have seen Carol go, there was so much more that could have been done with Sophia.

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8 Beth: Overstayed Welcome

The Walking Dead 5 Survivors Who Were Underused (& 5 Who Overstayed Their Welcome)

Beth was the sweet and innocent younger sister of Maggie, and she was a main part of a storyline, including her escape with Daryl, their budding friendship (or romance?) and then her kidnap and placement into the hospital where she met Noah.

Beth was a nice character, but it seemed even her own sister Maggie forgot about her, desperate to find Glenn and rarely even mentioning Beth. The storyline with Beth being shot in the head and watching Maggie fall to her knees in grief was intense. But Beth’s character really served no purpose once they left Hershel’s farm.

7 Andrea: Underused

The Walking Dead 5 Survivors Who Were Underused (& 5 Who Overstayed Their Welcome)

Like Sophia, Andrea was a main character in the comics. In fact, it was she who started up a romance with Rick, not Michonne. And she who became like a mother to Carl. Instead, the series decided to change Andrea’s story completely, having her take up with the Governor.

It was too late when she realized she made the wrong choice and she ended up being killed, or rather killing herself before she could turn. She was a fierce fighter and if the series followed the comics, there was a lot more story to tell around her.

6 Magna: Overstayed Welcome

The Walking Dead 5 Survivors Who Were Underused (& 5 Who Overstayed Their Welcome)

Still on the series today, were viewers really happy to find out Magna survived the cave being blown to bits? Frankly, most likely wished it was Connie who showed up again, not Magna. A prisoner prior to the apocalypse, accused of a murder that she recently revealed to Yumiko she actually did commit, Magna serves no purpose.

She’s a decent fighter but is always dark, angry, and brooding. She doesn’t seem to want to form any bonds with anyone, so we wouldn’t be sad if she was taken out before the season’s end.

5 Jesus: Underused

The Walking Dead 5 Survivors Who Were Underused (& 5 Who Overstayed Their Welcome)

Paul “Jesus” Rovia came in like a ninja, flexing his martial arts skills and really annoying Daryl. But they soon became friends and allies and Jesus joined the group. He was an integral member so it was a total surprise when he was killed brutally by a Whisperer.

There was so much more story to tell about Jesus. We never got to see him have a love interest. Never got to see him be a true leader of the community. Never got to see him reunite with Maggie or actually fight the Whisperers once they discovered who and what they were.

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4 Tara: Overstayed Welcome

The Walking Dead 5 Survivors Who Were Underused (& 5 Who Overstayed Their Welcome)

Tara started out on the wrong side of things, working with the Governor and being one who helped him take down the prison. That eventually led to the brutal death of Hershel. Tara soon realized she was in with the wrong group.

She had one major storyline when she discovered Oceanside, but that was about it. Tara could have been gone long before her reanimated head was chopped off and stuck onto a post. She was being positioned to be a leader but didn’t really fit the role.

3 Merle: Underused

The Walking Dead 5 Survivors Who Were Underused (& 5 Who Overstayed Their Welcome)

Merle, Daryl’s older brother, was one of the primary antagonists of the first season. He was reunited with the group that left him to die on a rooftop while working for the Governor, fake and weaponized arm intact since he had to saw off his own to escape.

He helped kidnap Glenn and Maggie, and eventually showed his brother his loyalty. Perhaps Merle had to die in order for Daryl to evolve as he did. But the dynamic between the two of them could have gone on a bit longer. Or, we would have loved to have seen a reformed Merle.

2 Gregory: Overstayed Welcome

The Walking Dead 5 Survivors Who Were Underused (& 5 Who Overstayed Their Welcome)

Gregory, leader of Hilltop, was a terrible person all around on the show. He was a coward who hid in the background, pretending to lead when he was really simply acquiescing to the Saviors. He did nothing to benefit his people, only himself.

We’re thankful Maggie finally took this traitor out, but it took far too long. His smug face and extreme cowardice made you wince whenever he showed up on screen. He could have been eliminated long before he was so the community could move on with Maggie as leader.

1 Simon: Underused

Many believe that Simon was the bigger threat and better villain than Negan. As Negan’s right-hand man, Simon was the one who often showed up at the community to intimidate people and make the demands. He was the muscle and the brains. One look or stare-down and you’d fall to your knees.

Simon was killed far too soon. We would have loved to have seen him revolt against Negan, or even take over as leader. Or at least die in a much more theatrical fashion that would honor how amazingly terrifying the character was.

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