The Witcher 10 Other Powerful Women In Ciris Bloodline

The Witcher: 10 Other Powerful Women In Ciri’s Bloodline


Ciri from Netflix’s The Witcher may control a vast amount of power, but she’s not the only woman in her family to do so.

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The Witcher 10 Other Powerful Women In Ciris Bloodline

In The Witcher, the main driving force in Geralt’s life is his love for Ciri, a very powerful young woman that becomes his adoptive daughter. However, Ciri didn’t become so powerful just by training or skill alone. Becoming a Witcher was just bonus points in that case. A lot of her abilities come from her insanely powerful bloodline and the women before her.

And no, every entry is not just Calanthe, the Lionness of Cintra, terrifying every man, woman, and child in her path.

Power literally runs in Ciri’s veins, so why not look at the ladies who made that possible?

10 Calanthe

The Witcher 10 Other Powerful Women In Ciris Bloodline

The Lionness of Cintra, Calanthe was the only daughter of Queen Adalia and King Dagorad. Though they had no male heir, no one questioned Calanthe’s fitness to rule. And if they did, they didn’t live long. She was a much-loved royal, brutal in battle but loving to her people.

While it didn’t present in Calanthe, she also was the carrier of great magic. Both her parents had Elder Blood in their veins, making any heir from Calanthe all the stronger. No wonder both Pavetta and her daughter, Cirilla, ended up with tremendous magic.

Though Calanthe’s end was not in a glorious battle, her legacy will always inspire her people to be strong and resilient despite Nilfgaardian brutality.

9 Riannon

The Witcher 10 Other Powerful Women In Ciris Bloodline

The half-elf daughter of one of the greatest elven sorceresses ever, Riannon was adopted by a human queen to give her a better life than the persecution of her hybridization.

Unfortunately, Riannon still didn’t live the best life.

As a child, she did well enough and charmed the court. She even secured a marriage with the king of Temeria. However, shortly after she got pregnant, she was kidnapped and imprisoned by a rebelling witch. Throughout her pregnancy, she was left to rot in the dungeon. She eventually gave birth to twins, but went mad in the process.


8 Cerro

The Witcher 10 Other Powerful Women In Ciris Bloodline

While Cerro is a very distant relative of Ciri’s from hundreds of years ago, her role in Ciri’s existence is very important. When Riannon, the half-elf child, had her life threatened, she was the one who took the young girl in. Without Cerro’s kindness to raise Riannon as her own, Ciri might never have been born, both of her great-grandparents’ bloodlines flowing from Riannon.

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Cerro had every reason to be sympathetic to the child; she was a half-elf herself.

Even though Redania could be a perilous place, Cerro held her own in trying to raise her children well. She did her best job until her step-daughter Falka destroyed everything.

7 Fiona

The Witcher 10 Other Powerful Women In Ciris Bloodline

Daughter of Riannon and sister of Amavet, Fiona did her best to live a simple, unnoticed life. Granted, though, as the princess and heir apparent to Temeria, she never could be ignored.

After her brother’s bombastic and tragic passing, and her mother’s similar tragedy, Fiona lived in survival mode. And worse, she lived an unhappy marriage with her husband, Coram II. However, when her husband unexpectedly died, she was free to go home and live out the rest of her life in Temeria with her beloved father. In such a tragic household, Fiona did the best thing she could for herself: live.

6 Becca of Nazair

The Witcher 10 Other Powerful Women In Ciris Bloodline

The Cintran house that Ciri and her entire house belong to is called the House of Raven, founded by the first king of Cintra, Cerbin. While Cerbin was the head of the house, the person who supported him through it and supplied him with heirs was the devoted Becca of Nazair. She was just as dedicated to their house as he was. They had many children together, trying to create a dynasty of their own.

Cerbin’s name may get the credit, but to build a monarchy from the ground? She probably put in a lot of work to support her husband and growing family. That’s what the Mother of the House of Raven would do.

5 Lara Dorren

The Witcher 10 Other Powerful Women In Ciris Bloodline

Possibly the most powerful elven sorceress ever, Lara Dorren did everything her own, unique, way, including falling in love. Unlike most people, who preferred to stay to their own race, Lara fell in love with a powerful human mage and even had a child with him, named Riannon. She was the magical child that eventually led to the Elder Blood in Ciri that made her so powerful. After all, elf-blood makes people more attuned to magic, but the blood of two powerful mages? Even more potent.

Unfortunately, to save her daughter, Lara lost her life protecting her from humans and the elements. If it wasn’t for Queen Cerro taking the child in, Riannon never would have survived, either.

4 Muriel

The Witcher 10 Other Powerful Women In Ciris Bloodline

The illegitimate daughter of a Temerian prince, Muriel played her exile much smarter than her brother. Muriel kept to herself, charmed any locals she could, and eventually secured herself a good marriage. She also gave birth to one of Ciri’s most powerful ancestors, Adalia.

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While she wasn’t very powerful in her own right, Muriel had a power many of her family members never had: humbleness. She persevered through great hardships (a disgraced father, illegitimacy, her brother’s disappearance, her own husband’s passing) and still came out with a happy life with children she adored.

That’s power in its own right.

3 Pavetta

The Witcher 10 Other Powerful Women In Ciris Bloodline

Ciri never met her mother, but this brave young woman would have been very proud of the brave warrior her daughter become. After all, she was raised by a woman warrior herself.

Even though Pavetta’s power didn’t present until much later in life (and arguably could’ve just been Ciri’s power from the womb) she was willing to risk her own life for the love of a man her mother would never approve. After all, he was a hedgehog, of all things.

Beautiful and powerful in her own right, Pavetta was often soft-spoken, but she fought for what she believed in when it mattered.

2 Aideen

The Witcher 10 Other Powerful Women In Ciris Bloodline

The illegitimate daughter of King Benda, she refused to let her life be quieted for his benefit. Rebellious and ambitious, Aideen fled his kingdom and went to the lands that would one day be Kovir and Poviss. While Benda denied her being his daughter, her own daughter called him grandfather when Kovir and Kaedwen met for treaty negotiations.

Aideen and her rebels built up Kovir and made it into a kingdom, not just a collection of poor lands.

While little is known about the queen, she clearly did things her own way and made them work. That’s admirable.

1 Adalia

Remember when Calanthe said Pavetta got her magical powers from her grandmother and it skipped a generation? This is the grandmother she was talking about. Powerful and beautiful, Adalia was the daughter of the illegitimate Muriel, but she got the full force of Elder Blood power coursing through her veins. When she was young she was offered a place at Aretuza, but unlike many sorceresses, Adalia chose growing old with her loved ones.

When Ciri was born, Calanthe and Adalia talked about how best to raise her (the witch could feel the magic in her great-granddaughter, no doubt).

Unbeknownst to Adalia, her marriage was doomed to bring about powerful heirs. After all, her husband Dagorad was secretly her cousin and he was also born of elder blood.

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