Trollhunters 10 Things You Didnt Know About Jim

Trollhunters: 10 Things You Didn’t Know About Jim


Jim Lake Jr. was Trollhunters’ lead character and seemed like an unlikely candidate for the Trollhunter role. Here’s 10 facts about him.

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Trollhunters 10 Things You Didnt Know About Jim

Jim Lake Jr. was Trollhunters’ lead character and seemed like an unlikely candidate for the Trollhunter role. Jim lived in Arcadia, and he appeared to be a regular 15-year-old boy. Fans loved how much he was able to improve in a concise period of time. His life changed from one moment to another, and the always nervous boy turned into an awesome troll hunter.

He turned out to be worthy of the title and managed to prove his doubters wrong. The Trollhunters fantasy animated series was a huge hit, and fans enjoyed immersing themselves in the Tales Of Arcadia Universe.

10 He Was The First Human Trollhunter

Trollhunters 10 Things You Didnt Know About Jim

It was a historic moment when the Amulet of Daylight chose Jim Lake Jr. to take over as Trollhunter. Many potential trolls were waiting to be chosen, but the amulet picked Jim. He was the first human who has ever been appointed. Naturally, it caused some upset in troll circles, and Jim himself didn’t feel ready for it. Thanks to his thorough training and determination, Jim quickly grew up to the task and beat all the odds. Some trolls expected him to die sooner than later. However, thanks to his wits, his friends, his armor, and one of the most powerful weapons in any series, he was always able to find a way to defeat his enemies.

9 His Character Was Created By Guillermo Del Toro & By Daniel Kraus

Trollhunters 10 Things You Didnt Know About Jim

The Trollhunters book was written by fantasy geniuses Guillermo Del Toro and Daniel Kraus. Their contribution was a huge success. The pair also wrote Shape of Water together. Not long after the book was published, Del Toro began the animated series’ production. Jim’s character quickly became one of the most inspirational characters for both young and adult viewers. He proved to be adaptive, who showed tremendous strength mentally and physically.

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8 Her Mom Raised Him

Trollhunters 10 Things You Didnt Know About Jim

Jim lived with his mother, Barbara Lake, in the quiet town of Arcadia. The fifteen-year-old boy had to take on quite a lot of chores as his mother worked a lot. Barbara worked as a doctor and couldn’t look after his son full-time.

Viewers could see that the two are in a very close relationship, and both care for the other. Jim enjoyed supporting his mother, and Barbara was very thankful for the boy’s maturity.

7 He Was Different In The Books

Trollhunters 10 Things You Didnt Know About Jim

The show was significantly different from the book. Many readers were surprised to see how many changes were made. First of all, the book was way darker, and probably it wasn’t intended for children at all. In the Netflix show, Jim was raised by his mother, while in the book, he actually lived with his father. Their surname was different too. In the book, it was Sturges while fans met Jim Lake in the show. There were other differences, such as Toby didn’t understand trolls in the book. Even with all the changes, it’s always good to see fantastic novels come to life in a series or a movie.

6 The Legend Of King Arthur Inspired His Character

Trollhunters 10 Things You Didnt Know About Jim

Guillermo Del Toro was a huge fan of the historical tales, and he said the Excalibur legends played a significant role in creating Jim’s character and looks. For instance, the Amulet of Daylight’s design was influenced by Arthurian steampunk. King Arthur’s armor strongly inspired Jim’s armor in the 1981 Excalibur movie. In that classic fantasy movie, the armors had a similar magical glow, just like Jim’s.

5 He Had A Crush On Claire

Trollhunters 10 Things You Didnt Know About Jim

Jim’s schoolmate Claire Nunez was a superb addition to the cast as her character was strong and proved to be a remarkably brave person. In the beginning, she didn’t seem to be interested in Jim or anything related to him, but later she became a worthy ally.

Despite growing to be a fearless Trollhunter, Jim had difficulties with asking Claire out. He had strong feelings for her, yet it took a little while for them to get together finally.

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4 His Best Human Friend Was Toby

Trollhunters 10 Things You Didnt Know About Jim

Tobias “Toby” Domzalski was a true and loyal friend to Jim. He wasn’t physically fit for any fights, yet he never backed out from supporting his friend. Fans loved how cheerful and open Toby was from the beginning. He was easily the funniest character in the show, and Jim could always confide in him. Probably Jim wouldn’t have been so successful if Toby wasn’t around to help in any situation. Toby and Jim had one of the best friendships in any series.

3 His Best Troll Friend Was Blinky

Trollhunters 10 Things You Didnt Know About Jim

When the Amulet of Daylight chose Jim to take on as the next Trollhunter, no one believed in him, apart from Blinky. He was always by Jim’s side and did his best to support the first human Trollhunter. As time passed and the two grew closer, Jim found a father figure in Blinky. The troll mentor often helped Jim with all sorts of advice and insight into the world he didn’t know existed. Blinky considered Jim his good friend, and loved him as a son. Blinky was a commanding, thoughtful, but caring mentor to Jim. Thanks to his intelligence and caring nature, Blinky is now considered one of the best fictional mentors of all time.

2 He Was Turned Into A Troll

Trollhunters 10 Things You Didnt Know About Jim

There were some exhilarating twists in the series, and when Jim turned into a troll, his life changed significantly. While he enjoyed being much more powerful, at some point, Jim began to have second thoughts. He couldn’t go out in direct sunlight, and human food was not an option anymore. Fans could see Jim in both half-human, half-troll, and full troll forms. It was exciting to see Jim deal with many issues throughout the series, and turning into a troll was a huge obstacle in his life.

1 He Had Two Scars On His Face

After Jim returned to his human form, fans could see two scars on his face. He was a good fighter, but he still got away with fairly little damage with all the challenges he had been through. The one over his right eyebrow was actually inflicted by AAARRRGGHH!!!, who lost control over himself and became a raging monster. Jim’s left cheek was scared by Angor and his poisoned dagger.

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