Twin Peaks Which Character Are You Based On Your Zodiac

Twin Peaks: Which Character Are You Based On Your Zodiac?


Something that’s great about Twin Peaks is that most of the characters are complete, with both good traits and bad.

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Twin Peaks Which Character Are You Based On Your Zodiac

Twin Peaks is already known for having quite a mystical side to it, which got explored more and more as the show went on, and was increasingly apparent 25 years later when we got Twin Peaks: The Return. It’s known for having a very real and loveable cast of characters, even though some of them are absolutely villainous people occasionally.

For the sake of exploring more of the important characters in the show (and so no one feels bad for getting compared to Leo), we’re going to be looking at mostly characters who aren’t pure evil incarnate. That being said, something that’s great about the show is that most of the characters are complete, with both good traits and bad.

12 Scorpio – Laura Palmer

Twin Peaks Which Character Are You Based On Your Zodiac

Laura Palmer is almost the quintessential Scorpio, harboring behind her innocent yet passionate facade a decent amount of sex, death, secrets, and mystery. That’s really what the whole Scorpio thing is.

We could look at her character from a supernatural standpoint, including characters such as BOB, but if we look at him as a metaphor for her own shadow self, she makes much more sense in the Scorpio framework. She loves her friends and she’s genuinely a good person, she’s just been led astray, and you never actually know who the real Laura is.

11 Gemini – Leland Palmer

Twin Peaks Which Character Are You Based On Your Zodiac

Leland Palmer isn’t just a Gemini because Gemini’s tend to get a bad rap or anything like that, it just fits his character really well. Once we find out about halfway through the original run of the show that he’s the one who killed Laura Palmer, possessed by BOB, driven to do evil things like murder Laura and torture Ronette, his dual nature is revealed.

In all reality, if it wasn’t for his possession, he’s a great father, a loving man, and a legitimately good person, which is why Dale releases him into the pure light during his death.

10 Taurus – Shelly Johnson

Twin Peaks Which Character Are You Based On Your Zodiac

Shelly Johnson is an archetypal Taurus. She’s incredibly hard-working, passionate about the things she enjoys, and she truly cares about the people who are really close to her. Sometimes those passions get the better of her as evidenced in her affair with Bobby Briggs, but that definitely makes sense given the awful relationship she’s somehow found herself in with Leo.

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At the same time though, she’s a bit stubborn about the kind of life she expects from Bobby, mostly because she knows what she deserves.

9 Cancer – Andy Brennan

Twin Peaks Which Character Are You Based On Your Zodiac

Andy, poor underrated Andy. Our introduction to this character is when Pete finds Laura’s corpse along the bank of the river and calls the police to investigate and figure out who it is. Andy, upon seeing the corpse and recognizing her, begins to bawl his eyes out, struggling to even snap a good picture of the corpse because of how overcome with emotion he is.

He goes to take 5 and gets coffee for everyone. This outpouring of emotion is definitely a big Cancer trait, and although he might come off as a little airheaded occasionally, he’s a great guy.

8 Capricorn – Garland Briggs

Twin Peaks Which Character Are You Based On Your Zodiac

Garland Briggs is a bit of an oddball, and for a good amount of the show, he comes off as a pretty bad father and a generally cold and uncaring person, but that couldn’t be further from the truth.

Garland is a Capricorn through and through, as evidenced by the fact that he’s a hard-working person, he leaps to heights no one else would dare to, like a goat, and he’s always looking past the foundation of things into what exists beyond. There’s also the beautiful dream he shares with his estranged son in the diner, which is one of the most beautiful moments in the series, showcasing what a compassionate man he is.

7 Aquarius – Audrey Horne

Twin Peaks Which Character Are You Based On Your Zodiac

Audrey, for as much of a fan favorite as she is, probably encompasses more negative traits of the Aquarius than any of the good ones. She’s aloof in a way that’s really frustrating, making it hard for any of the characters in the show to have a meaningful relationship with her until she falls in love with John.

She originally falls in love with Dale and does her usual acting out routine to get his attention, putting her in some awful situations. Even though you never know what to expect from Audrey, she definitely comes around to being a better person in the end.

6 Libra – Donna Hayward

Twin Peaks Which Character Are You Based On Your Zodiac

Donna is a character that’s really important to the structural integrity of the show, being the voice of reason for pretty much everything Laura tries to convince her to get into. She’s a little bit rebellious, yeah, which only makes sense given her friendship with Laura, but she only ever dipped her toe in the kind of secret life that Laura was living, instead of drowning as she did.

She does her best to embody Laura after she dies to keep the affection of James, who’s still in love with her but realizes that the act is only a way of putting herself into balance. A completion of her character.

5 Virgo – Dale Cooper

Twin Peaks Which Character Are You Based On Your Zodiac

Dale is absolutely a Virgo, as evidenced by his hard-working and calculating nature. Dale is also a super compassionate person, and even though he’s always doing what he does from a place of love, he’s also not afraid to upset or reprimand people when they’re wrong, showing his critical side.

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The biggest part of what makes Dale a Virgo though, isn’t what happens as a result of his personality. Before he comes to Twin Peaks, he hasn’t really been exposed to the evil outside of what he’s seen in the Bureau. His entrance into the Black Lodge is his initiation, it should have been a chance for him to be whole, if only he had passed the trial.

4 Aries – Bobby Briggs

Twin Peaks Which Character Are You Based On Your Zodiac

Bobby embodies both negative and positive traits of the Aries, being both a rambunctious and hotheaded person, but also someone who’s confident, ambitious, and ready to meet his goals no matter who gets their toes stepped on.

When the show starts, Bobby is kind of irreconcilably a huge jerk, until we see his therapy meeting with Dr. Jacoby and realize the only reason he acts like that is that he’s conflicted about who Laura really was. Once he has his conversation with his father in the diner, he’s still kind of a jerk, but a positive change has taken place.

3 Pisces – Lucy Moran

Twin Peaks Which Character Are You Based On Your Zodiac

A total Pisces, Lucy is nothing if not filled with romantic notions of the world and what it should be. While she’s definitely an emotional person, prone to silent treatments and fits of anger, she’s also level-headed at times and not afraid to show people when she’s upset or when she’s being treated unfairly.

Lucy is also sometimes comfortable going wherever life takes her, whether that’s in her best interest or not. She always sees the best in people, whether it’s the creepy and posh Dick Tremaine, or the sweet and caring but simple-minded Andy.

2 Leo – Gordon Cole

Twin Peaks Which Character Are You Based On Your Zodiac

Some people might disagree with this placement, and maybe this entry is more about David Lynch than it is about his character in this show, Gordon Cole, but Gordon absolutely steals the screen any time he’s in view of the camera.

From the fact that he’s probably deaf and not just pretending, so he needs people to scream at him to maybe understand what they’re saying, to the fact that he pretty much steals Bobby’s girl right in front of him, Gordon is a show-stopper. That being said, he’s also strong enough to be an important player in the FBI.

1 Sagittarius – James Hurley

James is definitely a Sagittarius, maybe even more so than Wally, who only has one scene as Andy and Lucy’s son in The Return. James is a free spirit, despite the fact that he has so much tying him down emotionally, as evidenced by the fact that sometimes he thinks “Sometimes I just want to get on my bike and go”.

Jokes aside, he’s very independent and always goes with what he thinks is right at the moment, even if that’s just because he’s looking for the next little bit of trouble he can get himself in.

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