Univisions Spanish Breaking Bad Adaptation Not Authorized by Sony

Univision’s Spanish ‘Breaking Bad’ Adaptation Not Authorized by Sony

Univision recently announced a Spanish version of ‘Breaking Bad’ would air as part of next year’s lineup – one that Sony did not authorize.

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Univisions Spanish Breaking Bad Adaptation Not Authorized by Sony

There’s no doubt that AMC has hit a home run with Breaking Bad. Not only does every episode draw millions of addicted viewers, but its twists and turns continue to surprise and impress critics, many of whom consider AMC’s methamphetamine drama to be one of the finest shows on television. With all its success, it was only a matter of time before someone wanted to adapt it.

With Breaking Bad coming to a close later this year, the time may be now to begin development on a spin-off – like the Saul Goodman show that creator Vince Gilligan was championing – or adaptation in foreign markets. Sony, which owns the rights to the show, has been working on some foreign-language adaptations for a while now, but hasn’t reached a deal with any network. That’s why the company was shocked to hear Univision announce a Spanish Breaking Bad adaptation titled Metastasis as part of its 2013-2014 lineup.

A source close to the situation told The Wrap that Sony reached out to Univision mere hours later on Friday to inform it that no deal has been reached for an adaptation. Sony revealed that they shot an internal pilot for Latin American markets, but that it was in talks with several networks, Univision being only one. Said the source:

“We have made a pilot for a Spanish version of ‘Breaking Bad’. It’s not in development with them or anything like that.”

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For Univision – which is the world’s largest Spanish-language TV network – the flub is not only extremely embarrassing, it’s likely to be very costly. After jumping the gun, it can pretty much kiss any potential deal with Sony goodbye now.

That doesn’t mean Sony won’t pursue an adaptation with another network, but the premature announcement has definitely put a damper on things. Sony said it has not decided whether to move forward with a Spanish-language adaptation of the hit show at all.

Of course, in this current age of reboots, sequels, franchises and spin-offs, a show as impactful and as popular as Breaking Bad is bound to show up again somewhere in some form. It’s hard to imagine any other version being as enthralling and unpredictable, but there may be more money to be made out of Walter White’s enterprise, and introducing a show with such gravitas and significance to a new audience somewhere down the line might not be a bad thing after all.


The highly-anticipated second half of Breaking Bad’s final season returns to AMC on August 11, 2013.

Source: The Wrap

Daniel Johnson is a graduate of the University of Oregon’s School of Journalism and Communication. He’s had a passion for all things film and television since early childhood, but these days is drawn most to TV comedies, comedian-hosted podcasts, sketch shows and stand-up comedy. He even listens to DVD commentaries of his favorite comedy films. Okay, he’ll admit he’s a comedy nerd and that writing about himself in third-person is a bit weird…

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Link Source : https://screenrant.com/breaking-bad-spanish-univision-sony/

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