Valve Revamping Dota 2 With New Interface and Engine

Valve Revamping ‘Dota 2’ With New Interface and Engine

Valve announces a major overhaul for the popular MOBA title ‘Dota 2’, complete with a move to a new engine, a new user interface, and guided bot matches.

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The Multiplayer Online Battle Arena market is amongst the most popular in the video games industry. Recently, a report has shown that MOBA titles are the fastest-growing in the PC gaming market, with a North American revenue of $406 million split between League of Legends and Dota 2. Valve’s title has been breaking a number of records, including beating Steam’s concurrent user record during the in-game New Bloom festival.

Dota 2 has not just been a hugely successful venture for Valve, either, as the title has also left a big impression on the world of eSports. It was recently revealed that The International 2015, which is effectively the Dota 2 world championships, has broken its previous prize pool record with over $11 million up for grabs. It’s expected that this year’s competition will be even bigger than last year’s, which pulled in a breathtaking 20 million online viewers.

In spite of the game’s progress, however, it looks as though there are going to be a few changes to Valve’s massively popular MOBA. In a blog post over at the official Dota 2 website, the Steam creator has outlined that the MOBA is going to have a huge overhaul. The revamped version of Dota 2, which has been dubbed Dota 2 Reborn, is going to be released to the public in several stages, and features a number of new features.

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Dota 2 players will be pleased to know that the title is going to get a tweaked user interface, making the game easier to access. There is going to be a large redesign of the title’s dashboard, with an aim to make it easier for players to both join a game and to locate and chat with their friends. In particular, Valve is looking to readdress invites and party management with a new party system.

The developer is also looking to make Dota 2 less intimidating to new users, with a brand new system to acclimatize players to the fast-paced world of the MOBA. Fresh faces to the title will have the chance to play through a number of guided bot matches, letting new players get to grips with Dota 2. Meanwhile, the developer is still going to keep the simplified mechanics tutorials for those completely new to the world of the Multiplayer Online Battle Arena.

Finally, Dota 2 is going to be brought over to a brand new engine, speculated to be the as-yet-unannounced Source 2 engine. Savvy Dota 2 modders noticed that the game’s 2014 Workshop Tools featured a very large difference in relation to the game’s engine, leading many to believe Valve was planning to soft-launch the highly anticipated engine. There will be more details about the engine changes coming soon, as Valve aims to incrementally unveil more on the Dota 2 Reborn project.

What do you make of the news? Will the UI changes streamline the Dota 2 experience? Let us know in the comments below.

Source: Dota 2 Website

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