Vikings 5 Characters Who Deserve SpinOffs (& 5 Who Dont)

Vikings: 5 Characters Who Deserve Spin-Offs (& 5 Who Don’t)


Here are 5 characters that should make for worthy stars in a Vikings spin-off, along with 5 that likely wouldn’t work.

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Vikings 5 Characters Who Deserve SpinOffs (& 5 Who Dont)

Fans of the gripping historical fiction action-drama, Vikings, weren’t too pleased to learn that season 6 of this sprawling odyssey – which is set to resume in December 2019 – would be the last. Yet, those captivated by these Viking tales could breathe a sigh of relief as MGM, History, and show creator Michael Hirst also announced a spin-off that will take place 100 years after the original series. Details have only recently surfaced about the upcoming series, which will be picked up by Netflix and called Vikings: Valhalla. Given that this spin-off will hone in on the eventful lives of the legendary William the Conqueror and Leif Erikson, we’re almost certain to be in for another epic journey.

This gets us thinking – just what sorts of current characters could be featured for interesting spin-offs? There’s surely no shortage of dynamic and colorful characters amongst the 6 seasons of Vikings. Though there also exist plenty of less-ideal ones that would probably be best kept in within the realm of the original show. Let’s touch on 5 that should make for worthy stars in a Vikings spin-off, along with 5 that likely wouldn’t work.

10 Deserves Spinoff: King Ecbert

Vikings 5 Characters Who Deserve SpinOffs (& 5 Who Dont)

While you could say there is already more than enough content out there that revolves around Medieval English history, it would certainly be interesting to get more of a perspective of Viking culture and events from an “opposing” view. The show could be centered about the relatively segmented and chaotic society that comprised 8th-century England, while still touching on some Viking events and lore.

It also helps that this king of Wessex for much of the series, Ecbert, made for such a dynamic, interesting character – thanks in part to his dual nature and appealing attributes; even if he possessed some villainous, underhanded traits. He’s also no-doubt lived an interesting life, spending his younger years serving in the court of Emperor Charlemagne.

9 Doesn’t: Floki

Vikings 5 Characters Who Deserve SpinOffs (& 5 Who Dont)

This isn’t to say Ragnar’s long-time friend Floki stands as a weak, mediocre character – though he can grow a tad annoying at times. In fact, his goofy, lighthearted nature makes him stand out and provides him with some distinct, likable qualities that set him apart from the more solemn pack.

Still, while the explorer and ship-builder may have led an exciting life in his earlier years, his narrative gets a bit duller as he settles in Iceland – which begets a series of scenes that it’s just tough to get invested in. Even if this theoretical spin-off steers clear of his Iceland escapades though, it’d be pretty tough to have an entire show center around this quirky, peculiar character in general.

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8 Deserves Spin-Off: Athelstan

Vikings 5 Characters Who Deserve SpinOffs (& 5 Who Dont)

Part of the strength of the earlier episodes of Vikings came from the likable ex-Christian monk, Athelstan. He’s a character who plays the role of an orator of religious exposition, in addition to a sort of Ned Stark-like “moral backbone” amidst a rough, cutthroat type of society. Considering his likable personality as a sort of Medieval diplomat, and given his wealth of historical, religious, and political knowledge, he would surely make for a strong protagonist in a Vikings spin-off.

There is, of course, also his significance in the happenings of the original show – not just because of his relationship to major players like Ragnar, Ecbert, and Judith, but because of his fathering of the future King Alfred the Great.

7 Doesn’t: Ivar The Boneless

Vikings 5 Characters Who Deserve SpinOffs (& 5 Who Dont)

Don’t get us wrong – Ivar is actually a very strong and well-crafted villain, with his unsettling maniacal ways and his unquenchable bloodlust. But that’s just it – he’s a villain, and despite being a song of Ragnar, he’s a very harsh and cold one, who would be quite hard for viewers to relate to on any level. Outside of perhaps his physical limitations, there’s little to empathize with when it comes to this sociopath, unlike, say, a Walter White-type antihero who fell into awful circumstances while also proving likable.

Besides, the more recent episodes of Vikings are surely focusing on this character quite a bit as it is, mitigating any need to delve further into his history.

6 Deserves Spin-Off: Bjorn Ironside

Vikings 5 Characters Who Deserve SpinOffs (& 5 Who Dont)

When it comes to great lead characters in a Vikings spin-off, it would be tough not to make the case for one of the show’s most charismatic young Vikings, and Ragnar’s firstborn son, Bjorn. As an audience, we see Bjorn go through quite a bit, rising in the ranks from a humble, vulnerable youth to a King, essentially acting as the torchbearer after Ragnar’s demise. We see him endure various trials and engage in a number of relationships, making for a dynamic protagonist viewers can connect with.

While this might seem like a fairly “safe” pick, a Vikings show starring an older Bjorn Ironside (perhaps flashing back to his unaccounted time under Lagertha’s care) can act as a sequel series that’d be full of excitement.

5 Doesn’t: Hvitserk

Vikings 5 Characters Who Deserve SpinOffs (& 5 Who Dont)

When it comes to Ragnar’s sons serving as potential central protagonists, it’s hard to imagine a scenario in which Hvitserk makes a compelling choice. While he’s certainly more of a benign and overall likable character than, say, Ivar, he also is fairly wooden and tends to lack a backbone. His shifting allegiances from Ubbe to Ivar on a whim shows a weakness in his character, that’s seemingly easily manipulated and susceptible to peer pressure – not exactly an ideal strong Viking protagonist.

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His odd Buddhist tangent later in the series, while interesting and unique, doesn’t exactly scream “Viking” either.

4 Deserves Spin-Off: Lagertha

Vikings 5 Characters Who Deserve SpinOffs (& 5 Who Dont)

One of the strongest characters which would make for an inspirational protagonist for viewers to rally behind would have to be Lagertha, the shieldmaiden-turned-earl, and former husband of Ragnar. Given her unbreakable resolve, and the richness of her character (portrayed excellently by Katheryn Winnick) she would make for a solid lead role in her own series.

She’s also led quite an exciting, event-filled life, filled with moments of triumph and darkness. Between her rich history portrayed in the show, and the gaps in her life not yet explored, there is much potential in a series that centered around this Viking companion to Ragnar and mother of Bjorn.

3 Doesn’t: King Aelle

Vikings 5 Characters Who Deserve SpinOffs (& 5 Who Dont)

It’s tough to find a character more unlikeable than the King of Northumbria, Aelle – a ruler who pretty much exemplifies the stock caricature of a ruthless, tyrannical King. He’s a bit like Game of Thrones’s King Robert, minus the whimsical charm or sense of humor.

Even Ivar, with his crazed, sociopathic nature is at least interesting with how unique and insane he is. Of course, this isn’t a knock to his actor, Ivan Kaye; quite the contrary! He actually plays the snobby, authoritative King role so well that his character exudes a dynamic villain that’s easy for the viewer to root against, even before he casts Lothbrok into a pit of snakes. But that’s just it – a repellent villain typically isn’t going to make for an enticing lead role.

2 Deserves Spin-Off: Rollo

Vikings 5 Characters Who Deserve SpinOffs (& 5 Who Dont)

There’s much that could be explored and exploited when it comes to crafting an interesting Vikings series centered about Ragnar’s somewhat neglected brother, Rollo. It would be refreshing to see through the lens of a more downtrodden character, for one. While Ragnar begins his journey as a humble farmer, his elevation in status tends to be quick and sky-high, making it a bit tough to empathize with him as much down the road. Rollo maintains more of that humble role, and his dual nature would certainly add some depth as well.

It would surely be interesting to see his continued happenings in Normandy as Duke, especially since he ends up being the ancestor of William the Conqueror; an intriguing, important player in his own right.

1 Doesn’t: Earl Haraldson

As a relatively oppressive, reserved Chieftan who exemplifies the “status quo,” it would be very tough to see a scenario in which Earl Haraldson took on the lead role in an exciting Viking tale. His conservatism and utter refusal to bend, or venture out to seek new lands, would surely make for a pretty dull, stagnant experience. It also doesn’t help that he’s quite the unlikable fellow.

His only real purpose in the show seems to represent the incumbent “establishment” from which Ragnar must break from and rise above.

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