Vikings Things Ivar Did That Fans Just Cant Let Go

Vikings: Things Ivar Did That Fans Just Can’t Let Go


Ivar was an epic villain for Vikings – and these are some of the things that fans just can’t get over.

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Vikings Things Ivar Did That Fans Just Cant Let Go

Ivar The Boneless was a barbarous, scornful, and arrogant person. These traits were evident since his childhood and they are what truly made him one of the show’s best antagonists. Fans still can’t wrap their heads around some of the things he did, such as murdering a fellow child for refusing to give him the ball and burned his brother Hvitserk’s girlfriend.

Ivar was also a master tactician, with a fighting ability most of his brothers couldn’t match. This enabled him to rise to the highest levels of power. His actions weren’t only tied to brutality. Some of the decisions he made were innocent ones, but they weren’t well thought out hence they ended up impacting several other people (and even himself) in a negative way.

10 He Ignored Hvitserk’s Warning

Vikings Things Ivar Did That Fans Just Cant Let Go

Ivar was born with what fans have presumed to be the congenital disorder osteogenesis imperfecta (fragile bones). He could tell how weak his bones were at any given time by having someone check the color of his eyes. Hvitserk warned him that his eyes had turned too blue (a danger sign), but he downplayed his concerns and chose to continue fighting.

Ivar’s defiance was tied to his general stubborn nature but it was hard to justify his refusal to back down. Ivar was no saint but he was a brilliant warrior that was entertaining to watch. For that reason, fans would have loved to see him live to fight more wars and build on his personal glory. Sadly, his yearning for Valhalla exceeded was far too great.

9 He Left His Son Baldur To Die

Vikings Things Ivar Did That Fans Just Cant Let Go

Ivar was overjoyed when his son was born (though another man was the biological father). He named him Baldur Ivarsson after Odin’s son. When he realized he had been born with an unspecified health problem, he took him out to the woods and left him to die It was later revealed that Baldur’s remains had been found eaten by foxes.

Ivar’s assumption that he would suffer like him was misguided. He’d still have potentially made a great warrior, although it’s hard to know given that the specific issue isn’t revealed. Ivar’s actions also reeked of ungratefulness since his own father Ragnar had chosen not to abandons him. Instead, he believed in him and encouraged him to look past his weaknesses and seek greatness.

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8 He Executed A Lagertha Lookalike

Vikings Things Ivar Did That Fans Just Cant Let Go

History has proven that all tyrants use the same playbook by making desperate attempts to impress the people. Ivar did just that when he executed a Lagertha lookalike to make it look like he had dealt with one of his biggest rivals. The deception was quickly discovered by the citizens, causing his support to lessen.

This move was a perfect demonstration of Ivar’s lack is wisdom. He ought to have known that the real Lagertha would show up somewhere down the line, thus exposing his lie. He also didn’t need to try and please the citizens since he planned to wage a tyrannical reign all along.

7 He Declared Himself A God

Vikings Things Ivar Did That Fans Just Cant Let Go

After the invasion of England, Ivar developed a “God Complex,” believing himself to be the greatest human on Earth, someone who had descended from the gods. His wife Freydis helped fuel this narrative, lying to him that there was none like him. Eager to be worshipped forever, he stripped the citizens of their voting rights and asked everyone to declare loyalty to him alone.

As someone familiar with all Norse beliefs, it was strange for Ivar to believe that he was actually a god. He knew that gods resided in Fólkvangr and Valhalla, not Earth. Even worse, his inability to see beyond Freydis’ manipulative tendencies was surprising. A strategist like him ought to have spotted the signs early. This way, he could have avoided the coup-de-tat that eventually happened.

6 He Killed Sigurd

Vikings Things Ivar Did That Fans Just Cant Let Go

Just like his brothers, Sigurd “Snake-in-the-Eye” Ragnarsson had a promising future. During the celebratory feast at the royal villa of Wessex after the Sack of Winchester, Ivar and Sigurd exchanged insults, leading to Ivar throwing an axe at his brother.

It can be argued that Sigurd had it coming since he had a habit of pointlessly mocking Ivar. However, most of the things he said about Ivar later turned out to be true. He labeled Ivar reckless and child-like and this was proven when Ivar became ruler. Mocking each other was also something all the brothers did, so Ivar had no reason to be angry to the point of killing.

5 He Betrayed Harald

Vikings Things Ivar Did That Fans Just Cant Let Go

Ivar needed plenty of muscle and allies as he planned to attack Kattegat so he urged Harald to help him take the throne. In return, Harald would succeed him. Instead, Ivar pulled one of the worst betrayals. As soon as he became ruler, he tried to get a child so that he would have a worthy heir. A disgruntled Harald thus began working with Bjorn to overthrow him.

It’s a mystery why Ivar thought he would jeopardize relationships with influential allies without any consequences. Having risen to such a high level, he ought to have known what would happen if he made people unhappy. An alternative move would have been to have Harald killed. This way, he might have just kept his kingdom.

4 He Fatally Wounded Bjorn Ironside

Vikings Things Ivar Did That Fans Just Cant Let Go

Before the battle against the Rus army, Bjorn had proven himself to be a better ruler than Ivar ever was. Sadly, it was Ivar who stabbed him in the battlefield. When his wife Gunnhild informed him that the Rus army was stationed outside the gates, Bjorn tried riding out one last time but this time he was properly killed.

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Bjorn’s death coming at the hands of Ivar was painful for fans since the son of Lagertha was a better man in all aspects. It was a case of the bad guy winning once again. Bjorn had been a breath of fresh air for the people of Kattegat, giving them various freedoms and outlawing the death penalty.

3 He Poured Molten Gold Into A Priest’s Mouth

Vikings Things Ivar Did That Fans Just Cant Let Go

Ivar’s attack on the City of York left plenty of casualties. One particular murder was too much for fans to bear. Ivar instructed his soldiers to yank a golden cross from the church’s walls and melt it. He then pinned down a priest, pulled his mouth open using axes, and poured the molten gold into his mouth. This counted as one of the most brutal kills in the show.

Even though the Vikings generally didn’t love Christians, Ivar’s actions were extreme. Ivar’s treatment of the priest was saddening, especially when compared to his father Ragnar’s treatment of the priest Athelstan. Like Ragnar, Ivar could have learned things from Christians instead of just being brutal towards them.

2 He Laughed After Learning Of Siggy’s Death

Vikings Things Ivar Did That Fans Just Cant Let Go

As children, Ubbe and Hvitserk found themselves in danger when they went off to play in a frozen lake. Luckily, Siggy was close enough to rescue them. In the process, she ended up drowning, a death no one saw coming. When Ivar heard the news, he laughed.

Rejoicing at the death of someone who had saved the lives of his brothers was ignoble even by Ivar’s standards. Though Ivar being unfazed by death ended was something that happened regularly, he had no reason to actually laugh and make a mockery out of the situation.

1 He Helped Cover Up The Wessex Massacre

The peace treaty between King Ecbert and Ragnar was violated when the entire Danish settlement was slaughtered. It turned out that Ecbert was in on it all along because he never wanted the Viking warriors to settle on his lands. When Ragnar learned the truth, he hid from his warriors to keep them focused on Paris and not revenge. Ivar, who was aware too, kept the secret as well.

Considering the hundreds of Ivar’s own people that had died in the massacre, it was unacceptable for him to keep the secret. Had Ivar chosen not to keep the secret, a war would have been waged against Ecbert, with the king possibly being killed. This would have been beneficial for Ragnar in the long run since it was Ecbert who handed him over to Aelle to be killed.

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