Wade Wilson Is Every Founding Avengers Member In Deadpool 3 Fan Posters

Wade Wilson Is Every Founding Avengers Member In Deadpool 3 Fan Posters

A fan poster for Deadpool 3 sees Wade Wilson foreshadow his tenure in the Marvel Cinematic Universe by impersonating every founding Avenger.

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A fan poster for Deadpool 3 sees Wade Wilson foreshadow his tenure in the Marvel Cinematic Universe by impersonating every founding Avenger. Ryan Reynolds’ Merc with a Mouth made his true debut 2016’s Deadpool, the success of which lead to Deadpool 2 (2018). Both films in the franchises are some of the highest-grossing R-rated films of all time, changing the way people look at comic book movies. That being said, Deadpool 3 was a soon-to-see certainty before the Disney-Fox merger, which brought the meta mercenary, the X-Men, and the Fantastic Four under the control of Marvel Studios.

The fate of Deadpool 3 remained in limbo until Reynolds recently made his irreverent MCU debut alongside Korg in a promotional video for Free Guy. Now, it’s become clear that the film is in development at Marvel Studios with Bob’s Burgers writers, Wendy Molyneux and Lizzie Molyneux-Logelin, on board to pen the script. While little is known about the film, and whether it’ll include Deadpool 2 characters like Cable (Josh Brolin), Domino (Zazie Beetz), and Colossus (Stefan Kapičić), it is expected to be R-rated with Reynolds saying there’s a 70% chance it begins filming next year.

In anticipation for Deadpool 3, artist Erathrim on Instagram recently shared some art imagining Reynolds’ Wade Wilson as every founding member of the Avengers. The pieces mock Nick Fury’s famous “there was an idea…” speech by depicting Deadpool as Iron Man, Hulk, Thor, Black Widow, Captain America, and Hawkeye, who, instead of an arrow, draws back Wolverine’s severed hand. Check it out below:

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A post shared by Erathrim (@erathrim20)

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Now that Hugh Jackman appears to have permanently retracted his claws, Reynolds’ Deadpool is easily the most popular character to come out of Fox’s X-Men franchise. That’s something Kevin Feige and company will likely double down on. Projects like WandaVision, Loki, What If…?, and Spider-Man: No Way Home have already teased the idea of already-established, beloved characters from Fox and Sony universes making their way into the MCU.

Deadpool’s meta nature could facilitate this transition, or, at the very least, crack jokes about it—which is a penchant of the Marvel brand. It’s not hard to imagine Reynolds joking about What If…?’s recent tendency to off Tony Stark or mock the Mad Titan’s strength. Feige has previously confirmed Deadpool 3 has a place in Marvel’s packed release slate. Hopefully, the studio will share updates regarding the film in the coming months and maybe even consider promotional material similar to the pieces above.

Link Source : https://screenrant.com/deadpool-3-avengers-wade-wilson-fan-poster-image/

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