Wandavision 10 Hilarious Scarlet Witch And Vision Memes

Wandavision: 10 Hilarious Scarlet Witch And Vision Memes


As we wait for Wandavision to arrive on Disney+ here are some memes of Wanda aka Scarlet Witch, and Vision that will make you laugh out loud.

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Wandavision 10 Hilarious Scarlet Witch And Vision Memes

Currently, Marvel fans are languishing in a void of reruns. Instead of watching Black Widow take to the big screen, instead, MCU lovers must sit twiddling their thumbs and rewatching the Wandavision trailer. Since Disney has postponed all Marvel big-screen outings until 2021, Wandavision is the next installment in phase four of the MCU and the first to be a televised series.

Wandavision debuts in December and is set after Avengers: Endgame. It sees Wanda, also known as Scarlet Witch, and Vision settling down into a calm suburban life or so it seems. How this happens after the events of Avengers: Infinity War is still unknown. To ease the wait and celebrate this iconic duo we’ve collected some hilarious memes of both Scarlet Witch and Vision to remind you why the pair are going to light up the small screen.

10 Scarlet Witch Is A Force To Be Reckoned With

Wandavision 10 Hilarious Scarlet Witch And Vision Memes

Vision and Scarlet Witch may be sharing the small screen but there’s no doubt that Wanda is the most powerful of the pair. While some may be inclined to mark Vision as the strongest, the comics in particular, show that this is far from the case, especially with the “House of M” story arc.

Even in the MCU, you can see a glimpse of her superior strength in Avengers: Endgame as she holds off Thanos with one hand while dealing with the emotional events playing out just moments before. Her emotional and physical abilities far outstrip anything else we’ve seen from the other Avengers.

9 That’s A Nice Sweater

Wandavision 10 Hilarious Scarlet Witch And Vision Memes

When we first meet Vision and Scarlet Witch in the MCU their relationship isn’t yet established. Both are introduced during Avengers: Age of Ultron but they interact with each other very rarely.

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This sweater meme is perfect for showcasing the awkwardness of Vision who is trying to impress Wanda from the start, yet she seems blissfully unaware, at least to begin with. She only begins to acknowledge his “flirting” in Captain America: Civil War but then the pair find themselves on opposite sides of the divide and in some very unsettling situations.

8 On The Down Low

Wandavision 10 Hilarious Scarlet Witch And Vision Memes

At the beginning of Avengers: Infinity War the pair are very subtle about their fledgling relationship. It isn’t until later in the story that we see just how closely bonded they are. While we knew they were getting closer, everything is so fraught and chaotic that both play their cards very close to their chest.

This meme implies Vision is in charge but we’re pretty sure he’s never had the upper hand in this relationship, especially since Wanda has resorted to physically restraining him to stop him from being overprotective.

7 We All Wanted It

Wandavision 10 Hilarious Scarlet Witch And Vision Memes

Despite the fact the relationship between this pair is rocky at best, especially if the new series follows comic book narratives, we still want to see it. Vision saving a young Wanda seems like a great start to the story, although we know it goes much deeper than this.

When Wandavision finally hits screens we hope to see more of this unique dynamic and learn about what bonds these two characters together so tightly, despite the troubles they have.

6 Beauty And Grace

Wandavision 10 Hilarious Scarlet Witch And Vision Memes

Speaking of Wanda being in control, this cute rhyming meme perfectly sums up her personality. She is beautiful and graceful, even when using her powers but yet her anger isn’t restrained.

So far in the MCU, we’ve only seen her use violence in reaction to violence but in Wandavision that may change. Scarlet Witch is incredibly powerful and when things become too much it doesn’t always end well.

5 Don’t Destroy The Ship

Wandavision 10 Hilarious Scarlet Witch And Vision Memes

Many fans shipped Wanda and Vision together but the Avengers: Infinity War trailer showed the devastating scenes of Wanda harming Vision. Without the full context of the events surrounding this, shippers were fearful of the consequences.

No one wants to see their ship blown apart by what seems to be the destruction of everything that you’ve watched build up over time. Viewers were fully invested in the Scarlet Witch and Vision relationship and fans were fearful it may be falling apart.

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4 The Perfect Look

Wandavision 10 Hilarious Scarlet Witch And Vision Memes

The Wandavision trailer showed us some perfect poses of Wanda, living her best suburban life and they fit perfectly into this meme format. However, we’d argue that the black and white arty shot should be on Linkedin, while slightly more chilled, I’m a regular housewife Wanda belongs on Facebook.

No one is arguing with the others though, perfectly straight hair and a cheesy smile for Instagram, while Tinder gets Wanda’s fun, playful, and maybe even slightly raunchy side. Perfect.

3 A Monster

Wandavision 10 Hilarious Scarlet Witch And Vision Memes

You can’t beat a good out of context screenshot meme and this Vision meme is perfect. It sums up those early hours when sleep evades you and you open your eyes just a touch to see an ominous shadow on the chair. The 3 am clothes monster is there to greet you and your brain goes into overdrive.

Vision wondering if he’s a monster is a truly deep moment but we can’t help but smile at this meme that renders it both relatable and amusing. Next time you see a clothes monster in the night maybe you’ll wonder if it’s Vision and smile again.

2 Don’t Eat The Cake

Wandavision 10 Hilarious Scarlet Witch And Vision Memes

If you have younger siblings you’ll feel this pain of saving a piece of cake, chocolate bar or some other treat for later only to be foiled by them swiping it. You resist the temptation and stash it away, ready to reward yourself later in the day. Then when it’s finally time to enjoy, you find it gone.

Siblings eating each other’s food can be a common cause of rivalry and arguments and if you’ve encountered this you’ll realize that using this reaction from Scarlet Witch to Thanos’ actions is absolutely the same, honest. No overreaction here. We aren’t bitter, much.

1 Have Vision

It’s important to always have Vision and this meme needs to be included simply because everyone should know of its existence and use it in circumstances that require its presence.

Vision is important and there’s no better Vision to bring than MCU’s Infinity Stone wearing, red-faced marvel who is the only kind of Vision we want or need.

Link Source : https://screenrant.com/wandavision-mcu-scarlet-witch-vision-memes/

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