What Cyberpunk 2077s Best Moments Are

What Cyberpunk 2077’s Best Moments Are


Through Cyberpunk 2077’s engaging storylines and fascinating characters, players will experience many incredible moments around Night City.

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What Cyberpunk 2077s Best Moments Are

Cyberpunk 2077 is a dense game full of unique quests and characters for V to discover, but what are the game’s best moments? Cyberpunk 2077’s launch may have been disastrous, and the game is far from perfect, especially on last-gen consoles, but developer CD Projekt Red has proven that they know how to craft engaging storylines full of fascinating characters. Most of Cyberpunk 2077’s best moments involve V’s relationships with other characters and the intricate quests that catch players by surprise.

In Cyberpunk 2077, V is racing against the clock to get Johnny Silverhand’s construct out of their head before he takes over their consciousness for good. In the meantime, V needs to build up their street cred, gather allies, and make some money. Between the complex main story quests and dozens of intriguing side missions, V will experience many incredible moments.

Some of Cyberpunk 2077’s best moments are the personal connections with V’s friends and allies, while others involve questlines that force players to grapple with morality, religion, abuse, and exploitation. Here are seven of Cyberpunk 2077’s best moments.

Jackie’s Ofrenda: “Heroes”

What Cyberpunk 2077s Best Moments Are

If V chooses to send Jackie’s body to his family at the end of “The Heist” or asks Delamain to wait while they meet with Dex, Mama Welles will invite V to Jackie’s wake. V gets to really talk to Mama Welles for the first time in the game, and then has the opportunity to explore Jackie’s garage to find an offering for the Ofrenda (a ritual altar honoring the dead). Then, all of Jackie’s family and friends gather to give heartbreaking eulogies, and V has a chance to speak as well.

Jackie’s death at the end of Cyberpunk 2077’s Act I is both shocking and poignant, so having the opportunity to attend his wake gives V (and the player) some much-needed closure. V is also introduced to Padre and the Valentinos and gets the chance to chat with Viktor, Mama Welles, and Misty.

Cyberpunk Quest: “Every Breath You Take”

What Cyberpunk 2077s Best Moments Are

Female popstar Blue Moon hires V to help with a stalker fan who seems to be escalating to violence. She asks V to follow her around Cyberpunk 2077’s Night City in a public place to try and identify the stalker. V must follow at a safe distance (without getting too close, or Blue Moon will spook) and try to pick the stalker out of a massive crowd.

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The stakes in “Every Breath You Take” are unusually high: if Blue Moon calls the mission off, or if V identifies the wrong stalker, Blue Moon will be killed later. The scene in the crowd is incredibly tense, and even at higher levels, the fight at the end can be quite difficult. This quest is sure to stick with V for a long time.

Cyberpunk Quest: “Love Like Fire”

What Cyberpunk 2077s Best Moments Are

Throughout Act I, V mostly knows Johnny Silverhand’s name in passing as one of the terrorists responsible for the Arasaka Tower bombing. After the disastrous heist that ends with Jackie dying and V using their own brain as a storage container for the stolen biochip, players suddenly find themselves seeing through Johnny’s eyes. “Love Like Fire” is an interlude mission in which Johnny plays his final show, storms Arasaka Tower, and is interrogated and killed.

Johnny Silverhand is one of the best characters in Cyberpunk 2077, due in no small part to Keanu Reeves’ stellar voice acting. Getting to finally meet him and live through his most infamous moments makes “Love Like Fire” stand out even though it interrupts a very tense scene.

Sinnerman – There is a Light That Never Goes Out – They Won’t Go When I Go

What Cyberpunk 2077s Best Moments Are

“Sinnerman” starts with a phone call from Wakako Okada, giving V the impression that this is just another side gig. Wakako wants V to kill a target at the request of a man named Bill Joblonsky, who wants to tag along to make sure the job is done. Soon after meeting with Joblonsky however, this gig takes an odd turn for V when Joblonsky is shot in the head by an NCPD officer, and his target wants to speak to V.

Convicted murderer Joshua Stephenson has agreed to be crucified for a braindance studio in lieu of execution, and for some reason wants V to help him. If V chooses to go along, they’ll be faced with questions about faith, redemption, and corporate exploitation, and ultimately is asked to participate in an actual crucifixion. In the end, V is left listening to Stephenson’s labored breathing for several agonizing minutes as he dies on the cross, and players are left grappling with the morality of their choices.

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Cyberpunk: Riding in Cars with NPCs

What Cyberpunk 2077s Best Moments Are

Occasionally V will be asked to ride along in a car with an NPC driving. Players have the option to skip car rides, but often these rides are opportunities to have conversations, check out Night City’s scenery, and just take a moment to relax. In particular, V should take the time to chat with Jackie and Panam, as they’ll both open up and help players feel more connected to them.

Night City is a hectic place, and Cyberpunk 2077 makes V feel rushed to find a solution for the ticking time-bomb in their head. Having an opportunity to relax for a moment, watch the futuristic landscape pass by through the window, and get to know V’s friends better is priceless.

Cyberpunk Quest: “Life During Wartime”

What Cyberpunk 2077s Best Moments Are

“Life During Wartime” is a main quest in Cyberpunk 2077 in which V and Panam have to chase down the Kang Tao AV carrying Anders Hellman. Unfortunately, after V and Panam blast the AV with an EMP and shoot it down, some Aldecaldos spot it and rush in to rescue survivors and search for salvage, unaware of the danger they face. On top of finding Hellman, V also needs to rescue Mitch and any other living Aldecaldos.

“Life During Wartime” allows V to learn more about Panam and what’s most important to her. Panam’s anguish over her dead clan members is heart-wrenching, and this is the first opportunity V has to emotionally connect with her and the rest of the Aldecaldos. Making the right dialogue choices in “Life During Wartime” also allows a masculine V to romance Panam later on.

Cyberpunk Quest: “The Hunt”

In “The Hunt,” NCPD detective (and potential romance option for feminine Vs) River Ward needs help tracking down his missing nephew, Randy, who was kidnapped. The kidnapper was caught, but he’s in a coma so he can’t tell them where Randy is. V needs to dig around in the kidnapper’s brain to solve the mystery.

“The Hunt” is sad and disturbing, with braindances featuring surreal scenes of childhood neglect and abuse. Cyberpunk 2077 does a good job of humanizing both the victim and the criminal, making “The Hunt” one of the most moving side quests in the game. On top of that, it’s an interesting murder mystery that keeps V guessing.

Cyberpunk 2077 offers players a rich world full of thrilling storylines and vibrant characters. With so much to discover in Night City, V will have plenty of memorable moments.

Link Source : https://screenrant.com/cyberpunk-2077-best-moments-quests-jobs-missions/

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