What Jack Whispered To Nina In 24 Season 2

What Jack Whispered To Nina In 24 Season 2

24 season 2 saw Jack forced to work with his wife’s killer Nina Myers, and here’s what he really whispered to the CTU traitor in their final scene.

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What Jack Whispered To Nina In 24 Season 2

What did Jack Bauer whisper in Nina Myers’ ear during their final scene in 24 season 2? 24 debuted in 2001 and cast Kiefer Sutherland (Designated Survivor) as CTU agent Jack Bauer, whose life is turned upside down when he’s assigned to find the figures behind an assassination plot against a Presidental candidate. Jack’s wife and teenage daughter are also kidnapped, and each episode followed an hour of his very stressful day. 24 became a surprise hit for Fox thanks to its rapid pace and a great cast, and it soon became a worldwide smash.

At its best, 24 could be an incredibly intense thriller filled with shock twists and exciting action. That said, the format tended to burn through storylines quickly, and some episodes were just filler intended to pad out the season. 24 originally ended with season 8 in 2010, though there was a plan to give Jack a spinoff film. When that didn’t come to pass Sutherland returned for the last time – to date – for miniseries 24: Live Another Day. While Fox attempted a soft reboot with 24: Legacy in 2017 starring Corey Hawkins as a new CTU agent, it only lasted one season.

Many followers of 24 would consider the first five seasons to be its best, with season 2 taking place over a year after the events of the first series. David Palmer (Dennis Haysbert) is now president, while Jack is still grieving over the death of his wife Teri at the hands of CTU traitor Nina Myers (Sarah Clarke). He’s called back to stop a new threat and has to work with Nina. The two are later ambushed by mercenaries, but after a failed attempt to kill Jack and escape, Bauer is seen whispering something menacing to her as she’s taken back into custody.

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Viewers don’t get to hear Jack’s whispered threat, but the scripted line for this 24 scene said “I will hunt you down for the rest of your life.” That should be enough to elicit a concerned response, though that’s not the line Sutherland said while filming the scene. Instead, he ad-libbed “I love you, Sarah. Why did you marry Xander?” This is in reference to Sarah Clarke’s then-recent marriage to actor Xander Berkeley, who played CTU boss George Mason on the first two seasons of the show.

Sutherland was clearly trying to provoke a startled response during the scene, and it must have worked since that’s the take used. Nina is considered one of Jack’s great foes, though the series wisely decided not to drag out their conflict for too long. The two encounter one another again in the third season of 24, and after Nina Myers tries to escape again, Jack makes good on his promise and shoots her dead in cold blood.

Link Source : https://screenrant.com/24-show-jack-nina-whisper-threat/

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