Which Arthur Character Are You Based On Your Zodiac

Which Arthur Character Are You Based On Your Zodiac?


Arthur is one of the most successful television shows on PBS. Here’s how its beloved characters align with the signs of the zodiac.

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Which Arthur Character Are You Based On Your Zodiac

The show Arthur is one of the most successful television shows on PBS. It’s been on the air longer than older shows like SpongeBob SquarePants and South Park. In fact, the only animated show in America to have aired longer than Arthur is The Simpsons. All these years, Arthur has been able to sustain its quality with its engaging themes and likable characters.

All of the characters in Arthur are diverse and go through different experiences. They’re all distinguishable from one another, even to the point that they can represent a specific zodiac sign. For each of the twelve zodiac signs, here is an Arthur character that best personifies it.

12 Aries – Francine

Which Arthur Character Are You Based On Your Zodiac

Of all the characters in Arthur, Francine is the most competitive. She’s good at almost every sport and she knows it. She’s athletic, confident, and can also be hot-headed at times. Not only do these traits describe Francine, but they also describe an Aries.

People who are Aries are known for their confidence and determination. They want to be the best at whatever they do, and they can’t stand getting anything lower than first place. Francine is a perfect Aries because she also strives to always be at the top.

11 Taurus – Muffy

Which Arthur Character Are You Based On Your Zodiac

Muffy is all about fashion and her belongings. She enjoys being surrounded by her possessions, such as her clothes, magazines, and anything else that brings her joy. Though she has a high interest in materialistic things, she cares about the people closest to her deep down. With this in mind, Muffy has the qualities of a Taurus.

Both Muffy and Tauruses are possessive when it comes to the things they value. They’re extremely creative and often add to the latest art and fashion trends. They can also be stubborn, but it’s only because they truly believe in their ideas.

10 Gemini – Prunella

Which Arthur Character Are You Based On Your Zodiac

Geminis are known to be affectionate towards everyone. They’re not as afraid to share their feelings as other signs may be, and they’re also particularly smart and adaptable. While multiple Arthur characters may fit this description, the one that does the most is Prunella.

Prunella is older than most of the other kids in Arthur, but that doesn’t stop her from being sociable with everyone. She also enjoys reading and playing the trombone. Like Geminis, she’s eager to learn with her friends, and she also has creative interests.

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9 Cancer – Buster

Which Arthur Character Are You Based On Your Zodiac

Buster has always been there for his friends, and especially for Arthur. He cares most about the people he loves and helping them achieve their goals. Though he often puts other people’s feelings first, he also has his own interests like food and comic books. These traits make Buster most similar to the Cancer sign.

Cancers deeply love the people in their lives and want to share their interests with them. They’re protective of their loved ones, and while they may not always see things as their family does, they’re still devoted to them. Much like that, Buster remains loyal to the people he considers family.

8 Leo – D.W.

Which Arthur Character Are You Based On Your Zodiac

D.W. is infamous for being Arthur’s annoying little sister. She can be selfish, arrogant, and also manipulative towards others. But behind all the teasing that she does, she eventually learns that her actions can have consequences on other people. D.W.’s stubbornness and passion make her most fit a Leo.

Leos know exactly what they want, and they aren’t afraid to get it. That doesn’t mean that they’re completely soulless, though. Much like D.W., Leos may not feel guilty about their actions at first. However, it will take effect over time. This is especially true if it’s towards someone close to them.

7 Virgo – Pal

Which Arthur Character Are You Based On Your Zodiac

Though every character in Arthur is an animal, Pal is one of the few who’s treated like a pet. He can only be understood by a few people, including Arthur’s baby sister, Kate. Through his interactions with her, his personality shines through and is most comparable to a Virgo.

Pal loves to be around company, and he likes things to be neat and tidy. He doesn’t quite understand other people so much, but that doesn’t stop him from worrying about them. Virgos are also like this, in that they’re organized, critical of others, and a little shy.

6 Libra – Arthur

Which Arthur Character Are You Based On Your Zodiac

Being the main character of the show, Arthur is usually at the center of episodes’ conflicts. As such, he often helps his friends with their problems and solves arguments between them. He also does this in clever and unique ways that most pertain to them. Because Arthur is fair, smart, and helpful, he is the best example of a Libra.

Libras are naturally peaceful and try to avoid getting in fights. They’re smart about their actions, and though they don’t always know the right thing to do immediately, they can figure it out along the way. Like Arthur, they’re flawed, witty people who enjoy helping others.

5 Scorpio – Sue Ellen

Which Arthur Character Are You Based On Your Zodiac

Of all the zodiac signs, Scorpios are some of the more natural-born leaders. They have strong beliefs and won’t change them for anyone. They aren’t afraid to go the extra mile to prove their worth, which is exactly like Sue Ellen.

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Sue Ellen is strong, assertive, and stands by what she believes is right. She doesn’t force her ideals on other people, but she does gently push them towards her direction. She can even admit when she’s wrong and is open to hearing other people’s views. These traits and more make Sue Ellen resemble a Scorpio.

4 Sagittarius – Mr. Ratburn

Which Arthur Character Are You Based On Your Zodiac

Because Mr. Ratburn is a teacher, he often asks deeper questions than the other characters in Arthur. He enjoys traveling the world and exploring life in search of happiness. Throughout the happy and philosophical life Mr. Ratburn’s led, he’s shown clear traits of a Sagittarius.

Sagittariuses aren’t satisfied with sitting around all day. They need to keep busy, which is why they find numerous hobbies to occupy their time. They also don’t like having unanswered questions, so they’ll do almost anything to find the truth. Mr. Ratburn is also like that since he’s a teacher for both his students and himself.

3 Capricorn – Brain

Which Arthur Character Are You Based On Your Zodiac

Brain got his nickname for being one of the smartest kids at Lakewood Elementary School. His intelligence can make him condescending and a know-it-all, but there are times when he helps his struggling friends and family. Brain’s helpfulness and intelligence make him the perfect Capricorn.

Capricorns are practical and explicitly look at the facts presented to them. They don’t like being hypothetical or leaving things to chance. They’re extremely smart, responsible, and disciplined. Capricorns share these traits with Brain, who often thinks about the bigger picture.

2 Aquarius – Fern

Which Arthur Character Are You Based On Your Zodiac

When Fern meets new people, it takes some time for her to open up to them. At first, she’s quiet and doesn’t give much information about herself. The times she does give off her personality, she shows that she’s fun and imaginative, much like an Aquarius.

While Aquariuses are quiet people, they’d rather be with others than to be by themselves. They can be social, it just takes time for them to come out of their shells. Fern was the same way, as she used to rarely talk to her friends before she got to know them.

1 Pisces – George

Many of the characters in Arthur are nice, but arguably the nicest one is George. Though he’s kind to everyone, he doesn’t have a best friend, so he resorts to talking to his puppet, Wally. George is creative, sweet, and usually alone, which also describes the traits of Pisces.

Pisces are friendly, gentle people who are hardly ever deceitful. They’re empathetic to other people’s needs and feelings, but they also often take time to themselves. George is like Pisces because they are both kind, introverted people.

Link Source : https://screenrant.com/which-arthur-character-are-you-based-on-zodiac-muffy-francine-buster/

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