Who Is Darkseid Justice League Villain Uxas & Apokolips Explained

Who Is Darkseid? Justice League Villain Uxas & Apokolips Explained


Here’s what you need to know about Zack Snyder’s Justice League villain Uxas aka Darkseid, one of the biggest and most iconic DC Comics villains.

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Who Is Darkseid Justice League Villain Uxas & Apokolips Explained

Zack Snyder’s Justice League introduces one of DC Comics’ greatest and biggest villains with Darkseid. The Snyder Cut was always meant to set up a big adventure for DC Comics’ iconic superhero in the DCEU. But in 2017, through Warner Bros. and Joss Whedon, that original vision was tampered with after Snyder exited during post-production due to a personal tragedy. Several characters got removed while others had their storylines completely rewritten or, in some cases, their appearances redesigned. One of the characters to be affected by the theatrical cut was one of, if not the biggest, Justice League villains of all time: Darkseid.

While Darkseid has been portrayed in animation and video games for decades, the villain hadn’t been properly adapted for live-action. With the exception of Smallville, which never physically had the Apokolips ruler in the flesh, Zack Snyder’s Justice League would be the first time Darkseid ever got the live-action treatment. For the theatrical cut, Darkseid was removed entirely and the character of Steppenwolf was the only New God to be represented throughout the two-hour run. But through Zack Snyder’s Justice League, Darkseid got his due with Ray Porter voicing him.

Darkseid may not have been in Zack Snyder’s Justice League as much as his uncle Steppenwolf, but this character was always the ultimate puppet master. While no sequels are currently on the table, Darkseid would have been the Justice League trilogy’s big bad.

Darkseid & Apokolips In DC Comics Explained

Who Is Darkseid Justice League Villain Uxas & Apokolips Explained

Created in February 1971 by Jack Kirby, Darkseid is the ruling lord of Apokolips, one of the most dangerous planets in the DC universe. Originally named Uxas before taking on the iconic name that he’s known by for today, Darkseid is one of DC Comics’ oldest villains that has fought the Justice League in several iconic storylines. Darkseid is a New God – beings who live in the Fourth World and thrive on their connection to the Source, a primordial energy in the universe – who came from royalty, since he was a prince. While his origin story has been reimagined through the New 52, Darkseid is still the leading tyrant of Apokolips.

Since its inception, Apokolips has been a rival planet to New Genesis, which is where the good New Gods live. There is a divide amongst the New Gods with the Highfather a.k.a. Izaya being New Genesis’ ruler, who wants to defeat his brother, Darkseid. Apokolips represents the evil New Gods, where they enslave and conquer other planets with their citizens being forcefully turned into Parademons – the alien creatures from Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice and Justice League. Apokolips is the closest thing to hell the DC Universe has – visually and thematically.

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Darkseid Powers & Abilities Explained

Who Is Darkseid Justice League Villain Uxas & Apokolips Explained

Throughout every iteration, Darkseid has always been depicted as one of the most powerful supervillains in all of existence. In the older comics, when Uxas took the Omega Force, it helped him become the unstoppable force that he is known to be. The Omega Force is what enables Darkseid to use his Omega Beam, a deadly energy beam so deadly it can disintegrate anyone it touches; furthermore, unlike Superman’s heat vision, the direction of Darkseid’s Omega Beam can be controlled, bending and turning the beam as its being fired. In Zack Snyder’s Justice League, the Omega Beam is seen in action, but it’s not the only power tool in his arsenal; in Cyborg’s Knightmare vision, Darkseid can be seen fighting off Aquaman, revealing that not only can he breathe underwater but he’s just as dangerous as he would be on the surface.

The Omega Beam can even follow a target that is trying to escape it as Darkseid can lock it on to his opponents that in most cases die after not being able to outrun it. While it’s never seen from his point-of-view in the film, Darkseid is able to create Boom Tubes openings, allowing him to cross paths with other worlds. In the Snyder Cut, the Justice League first sees him when a Boom Tube is opened up with Darkseid, Desaad, and Granny Goodness staring at their opponents. Darkseid also has abilities like flight, super-strength, immortality, and so much more that aren’t fully displayed in the movie, such as telepathy, necromancy, and avatar creation. Darkseid’s powers are practically insurmountable for heroes, but only so much can be shown in one film.

Uxas/Darkseid History In The DCEU

Who Is Darkseid Justice League Villain Uxas & Apokolips Explained

The DCEU depiction of Darkseid is very close to the source material when presented in Zack Snyder’s Justice League. Darkseid is introduced first through the History Lesson sequences when he was still going by the name Uxas. Thousands of years ago, Uxas came to Earth to conquer Earth, but what he didn’t expect was the people of Earth to fight back. Amazons, Atlanteans, Olympian Gods, humans, and even a Green Lantern joined forces to take on Uxas and his army, who were trying to unite the three Mother Boxes so they could take over the planet. The war ended with Uxas severely injured by Ares, which caused the Apokolips invasion to be called off; he and the army then returned back to their world.

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The three Mother Boxes, however, were left on Earth with the Amazons, Atlanteans, and humans agreeing to protect one box each in case Darkseid or other Apokoliptians ever returns. Ever since then, Darkseid hasn’t made it back to Earth and that’s where Steppenwolf comes in, where he is seeking forgiveness from his nephew. In Darkseid’s name, Steppenwolf goes to collect the Mother Boxes to form unity, which would allow Darkseid to take over Earth. While the Mother Boxes are ultimately destroyed at the end, Steppenwolf gave Darkseid the answer he wanted: the location of the Anti-Life Equation.

Darkseid’s Anti-Life Equation & Justice League Plan

Zack Snyder’s Justice League, much like the comics, has Darkseid looking for the greatest power in the entire universe – the Anti-Life Equation. During Steppenwolf’s mission, he learns the power is on Earth and informs his master about it. The Anti-Life Equation is a dangerous formula that allows someone to control the mind of any intelligent being, no matter what species they are. It’s so powerful that even Superman can’t resist it, which the Snyder Cut alludes to in Cyborg’s vision of the Knightmare timeline in which Darkseid has murdered Lois Lane.

Darkseid took advantage of Superman’s grief and made the Man of Steel susceptible to the power of the Anti-Life Equation. This not only broke his free will but ended up turning Kal-El into a slave of Apokolips as well. That part is crucial to the Knightmare storyline, where Earth’s remaining heroes have resolved to fight an evil Superman. It’s also why Lois, as Flash from the future said in Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice, is the key, because her death is what helps bring the Knightmare reality to life. While Zack Snyder’s Justice League ends with another glimpse into Knightmare, it became clearer just how dangerous Darkseid can be with the Anti-Life Equation in his control, which is how he could take control of Superman.

As of right now, Zack Snyder’s Justice League 2 isn’t in the works, as Warner Bros. has no interest in continuing this franchise beyond the Snyder Cut. But the plan was always for Darkseid to be the main antagonist in the two additional films Snyder had crafted. Superman is one of the strongest beings in the universe, so there’s little Darkseid could do against someone like him. If Superman were to be controlled, then Earth would fall and Darkseid would be able to add the planet to his collection of conquered regions.

Link Source : https://screenrant.com/justice-league-snyder-cut-villain-darkseid-uxas-explained/

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