Why Doom Patrol Can Introduce DC’s Original Trans Superhero

Why Doom Patrol Can Introduce DC’s Original Trans Superhero

The Doom Patrol TV show has already provided great LGBTQ+ representation, but now they have a chance to introduce a key historic character.

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Why Doom Patrol Can Introduce DC’s Original Trans Superhero

The TV adaptation of Doom Patrol has an opportunity to introduce DC’s original trans superhero, and now would be a perfect time. The Doom Patrol season 3 trailer shows that the TV show will be tackling a lot of different elements from the comics, with hints that unshown characters, such as Casey Brinke, might appear. The show is therefore primed for the introduction of the original trans superhero from DC.

DC’s TV shows have previously pushed the boundaries of LGBTQ+ representation (in a way that has been notably lacking from the MCU) having introduced television’s first trans superhero, Nia Nal/Dreamer (Nicole Maines), to Supergirl in 2018. Doom Patrol itself has already included multiple LGBTQ+ characters. This includes a founding member of the Doom Patrol, Larry Trainor/Negative Man (Matt Bomer), who is gay, and Danny the Street, a genderqueer entity who was created by Grant Morrison and Richard Case for a 1990 issue of “Doom Patrol.”

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While some characters had previously explored shifting gender roles in DC, Kate Goodwin was the first openly and explicitly trans woman to become a superhero. She first appeared in the “Doom Patrol” comics in September 1993 in an issue written by Rachel Pollack, who is also trans. She gains the ability to turn solids into liquids and liquids into solids and takes the name Coagula, derived from the Latin phrase “Solve et Coagula,” which means “dissolve and coagulate.” Coagula was killed off in a 2002 storyline and has not appeared since. The Doom Patrol TV show presents the perfect opportunity to provide a new depiction of the character.

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Some elements of the character would need to be updated to fit current-day circumstances and terminology. However, many of her storylines would still ring true. Coagula originally auditions with her powers to become a member of the Justice League but is turned down. She believes that the group was impressed with her powers but denied her application due to her gender identity and sexuality, reflecting the workplace discrimination that is still present in the 21st century.

In her comics run, Coagula has a romance with Cliff Steele/Robotman. So far, Robotman’s storyline in the TV adaptation of Doom Patrol has centered on his daughter, but with the two of them beginning to reconnect at the end of season 2, there is room for a new arc for the character. Including the romance with Coagula would allow the Doom Patrol to take a new deeper look at Robotman (played by Brendan Fraser) as well as reviving Coagula as a character.

Rachel Pollack originally introduced the character of Kate Goodwin to be able to expose comic readers to issues related to gender and named the character for trans writer Kate Bornstein and trans activist Chelsea Goodwin. While trans rights and trans acceptance have come a long way since the character first debuted almost 30 years ago, there is still a long way to go with 2021 seeing a huge spike in anti-trans legislation in the United States. Alongside the representation provided by Danny the Street’s use of they/them pronouns, Doom Patrol introducing Coagula would help to provide greater visibility for a historic character in the public eye.

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Link Source : https://screenrant.com/doom-patrol-dc-trans-superhero-original-introduce/

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