Why Green Lantern Hates Red Lanterns More Than The Sinestro Corps

Why Green Lantern Hates Red Lanterns More Than The Sinestro Corps

The Red Lanterns are returning to a place of prominence in the DC Universe, and no one is more surprised than the Green Lanterns!

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Why Green Lantern Hates Red Lanterns More Than The Sinestro Corps

Spoilers for Green Lantern #1 ahead!

After a few years away, the Red Lantern Corps are returning to a place of prominence in the DC Universe in Green Lantern #1, part of the publisher’s Infinite Frontier initiative. No one is more surprised over their reappearance than Hal Jordan.

In the DC Universe, there exists the Emotional Spectrum, where each color is given an emotional drive – green for willpower, yellow for fear, and red for anger, among others. The first Red Lantern, Atrocitius, harnessed the Red Power Battery and built an army of mindless, bile-spewing warriors, all ready to spread the message of rage across the cosmos. Naturally, this brought them into conflict with the various other Lantern Corps. Over the last few years, the publisher has de-emphasized the multi-colored Lanterns in favor of a back-to-basics approach, but now the Red Lanterns are making their return.

The issue, written by Geoffrey Thorne, with art by Dexter Soy and Marco Santucci and colors by Alex Sinclair, sees the United Planets beginning to come together, and Oa is up for admission. Hal Jordan and John Stewart are there to observe the ceremonies, and Stewart mentions the “Reds” are here – a reference to the Red Lantern Corps. Hal is surprised they are present, saying it will be difficult to “swallow.”

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Both Hal and John are justified in their surprise. Since their introduction in the build-up to The Blackest Night, the Red Lanterns have been depicted as mindless and brutal, looking to destroy what they cannot convert… hardly United Planets material. Yet during the Red Lanterns’ initial run, a few members, such as Bleez, were able to break free and reassert their will, while retaining the Red Lantern powers. Has such a change affected the whole Corps?

The members of the Red Lantern Corps have shown a willingness to work alongside others, such as the other Lantern Corps in the aforementioned Blackest Night; Bleez was also a member of the New Guardians team, which was composed of members of the other multi-colored Corps. While there is precedent for cooperation with the Red Lanterns, their hive-mind nature makes it difficult – hence Hal and John’s surprise. What is truly surprising, however, is that the Red Lanterns will apparently be working alongside the Sinestro Corp. Many former Red Lanterns were victims of Sinestro, and indeed Atrocitius took advantage of Sinestro’s attack to recruit new members. Many Red Lanterns have been victimized by him, so the fact they are pushing old grudges aside is surprising.

The Red Lanterns were arguably the most popular of the multi-colored Lantern Corps, and they have now returned to the pages of Green Lantern, at the dawn of Infinite Frontier. The issue is on sale in print and digital now.

Link Source : https://screenrant.com/green-lantern-red-hate-sinestro-corps-dc/

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