Why Hocus Pocus 2 Is Filming In Rhode Island (And Not Salem)

Why Hocus Pocus 2 Is Filming In Rhode Island (And Not Salem)

Hocus Pocus 2 is currently filming in Rhode Island, making fans of the first movie wonder why it isn’t being filmed in Salem, Massachusetts.

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Why Hocus Pocus 2 Is Filming In Rhode Island (And Not Salem)

Hocus Pocus 2 is currently in production and it’s doing things slightly differently by moving to Rhode Island to shoot instead of doing so in Salem – but why? Disney has explored a variety of genres and styles for decades, and in the process, it has produced movies for almost every holiday out there, including Halloween. One that has become a classic during Halloween season is Hocus Pocus, directed by Kenny Ortega and starring Bette Midler, Sarah Jessica Parker, and Kathy Najimy.

Hocus Pocus tells the story of the Sanderson sisters – Winifred (Midler), Sarah (Parker), and Mary (Najimy) – three witches who in 1693 are executed for their witchcraft practices and the murder of two siblings, Emily and Thackery. The Sandersons were responsible for the death of Emily as they took her life force to remain young, while Thackery was cursed to live as a black cat for eternity. Before being killed, Winifred manages to cast a spell that will resurrect her and her sisters during a full moon on Halloween when a virgin lights the Black Candle Flame, and centuries later, in 1993, teenager Max (Omri Katz) inadvertently resurrects them. The Sanderson sisters then start looking for a child to absorb their youth so they can live past Halloween, as the spell only allows them to live for that night and will turn them into dust when the sun rises.

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Hocus Pocus is one of those movies that has benefitted from the passing of time, as when it was released in 1993, it received mixed reviews, with critics calling it “mediocre”. Hocus Pocus is now considered a cult classic and a must-watch during Halloween season, and over two decades later, it’s finally getting a sequel. Hocus Pocus 2 was rumored to be in development for years, but it wasn’t confirmed until 2019, and Midler, Parker, and Najimy were confirmed to return in 2021. Hocus Pocus 2 is currently filming and is projected to be released in 2022 on Disney+, and set photos and videos have already made their way to social media, revealing that the Sanderson sisters’ return is being filmed in Rhode Island instead of Salem, Massachusetts, which is odd given that their story is set in Salem.

A TikTok video shows a village being built for Hocus Pocus 2 in Rhode Island, so it’s possible that a good portion of the movie will be set hundreds of years ago, exploring more of the Sanderson sisters’ backstory, so it would make sense to build a set in Rhode Island. It’s worth noting, however, that while Rhode Island never held a single trial during the witch hunts, it did have a death penalty for witchcraft, and given how close it is to Massachusetts, it’s not that strange that production of Hocus Pocus 2 is taking place there. As plot details for Hocus Pocus 2 are being kept under wraps, it’s unknown if the story will be set in Salem or somewhere in Rhode Island, so there’s a 50/50 chance that the Sanderson sisters will expand their horizons a little bit and leave Salem or, simply, Rhode Island is being used as the new Salem, and it’s not the first time a movie is filmed in one place disguised as a different one.

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Although most of Hocus Pocus was filmed on sound stages in Burbank, California, and daytime scenes in Salem and Marblehead, Massachusetts, it might seem a bit strange for fans that production of Hocus Pocus 2 is staying away from Salem. Of course, this isn’t a detail that should affect the experience of watching Hocus Pocus 2 nor the story, as it could be justified either by setting the story outside Salem or dressing parts of Rhode Island as the legendary city of Salem, and both would work.

Link Source : https://screenrant.com/hocus-pocus-2-rhode-island-salem-filming-location/

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