Why Robert Pattinsons Batman Is Radically Different

Why Robert Pattinson’s Batman Is “Radically Different”


The Batman is being described as “radically different” from past versions of the Caped Crusader, and here’s how different it will be.

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Why Robert Pattinsons Batman Is Radically Different

Warner Bros. is giving Bruce Wayne another chance on the big-screen in Matt Reeves’ The Batman, with Robert Pattinson now playing the title character, and who has been described as “radically different” – and here’s why. Batman has become one of the most popular and important superheroes in history, and as such, he hasn’t been limited to the comic book pages and has branched out to other media, most notably film. Batman’s history on the big screen began in the 1940s with two serial movies and continued in the 1960s with an adaptation of the TV series starring Adam West and Burt Ward, but the Caped Crusader reached popularity in this realm thanks to Tim Burton’s Batman and Batman Returns in 1989 and 1992.

Batman then went through a rough patch with Joel Schumacher’s Batman Forever (1995) and Batman & Robin (1997) and didn’t return to the big screen until 2005 with Christopher Nolan’s Batman Begins. Nolan’s take on Gotham and its citizens revived interest and excitement over Batman movies, with the Dark Knight trilogy regarded as some of the best adaptations of the character and the second installment, The Dark Knight, widely considered one of the best superhero movies ever. After Warner Bros. launched its own cinematic universe, known as the DC Extended Universe, a new version of Batman was introduced in Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, now played by Ben Affleck. However, this version failed to connect with the audience, and so the studio went for a new Batman, separate from the DCEU’s timeline, in the movie simply titled The Batman.

Now with Robert Pattinson as the Caped Crusader, The Batman will follow Bruce Wayne during his second year of fighting crime in Gotham City, but this won’t be an origin story. Little is known about the plot of The Batman, and so far, the only official look the audience has gotten of the characters was in the teaser trailer released during the DC FanDome event in August 2020. Now, footage from The Batman was shown at CinemaCon 2021, and Pattinson’s Batman is being described as “radically different” from previous versions – and here’s what they mean by that.

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How Robert Pattinson’s Batman Is Radically Different

Why Robert Pattinsons Batman Is Radically Different

As mentioned above, plot details about The Batman are still being kept under wraps, but it’s known that it will feature more than one villain (with Paul Dano’s The Riddler being the main threat) and that it will introduce the audience to a younger Bruce Wayne than in previous versions but without being an origin story. Nolan’s trilogy began with the origin story of Batman, and while the Burton-Schumacher movies weren’t origin stories either, Burton did go back to it in Batman, as his version of the Joker (Jack Nicholson) turned out to be the man who killed Thomas and Martha Wayne. The previous versions were also already mature and experienced vigilantes, while Pattinson will be in his second year of crime-fighting and thus is a much younger Bruce, and his story will also focus on the detective side of the character, which previous versions left aside.

One aspect from the teaser trailer of The Batman that had fans talking about it for days is how brutal this younger Batman is. Towards the end of the trailer, Batman brutally beats a gang member, with the rest watching in fear in disbelief, and Batman telling the guy “I’m vengeance”, followed a couple of scenes later by Oswald Cobblepot (Colin Farrell) saying “this guy’s crazy”. The footage shown at CinemaCon featured Robert Pattinson saying that Bruce is “really working out his rage. All the fights seem very personal”, so unlike other versions of the character, who fought for the greater good of Gotham City (though that can be subjective), Pattinson’s is still driven by revenge and channeling his anger in every fight. This Batman doesn’t seem to have much control over his actions, which could be because of how less experienced he is. It’s to be seen, however, how this side of Bruce will play into his detective phase, as he will surely have to have more control than when serving as a crime-fighter. In addition to all this, Reeves’ Batman seems to rely more on strategy and intelligence than high-tech equipment, which fits the movie’s realistic approach and it covering the early years of his crime-fighting career.

Why Robert Pattinson’s Batman Is Radically Different

Why Robert Pattinsons Batman Is Radically Different

Robert Pattinson’s Batman has to be radically different from past versions of the Caped Crusader for different reasons. First off, a different Batman fits Pattinson’s style better, and will surely give a (positive) twist to his career. Pattinson is best remembered for playing Cedric Diggory in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire and Edward Cullen in The Twilight Saga, the latter being a role that marked his career for years, but he has worked hard to shake it off. Pattinson has taken on challenging roles in movies that are far from what Twilight is, as are David Cronenberg’s Cosmopolis and the Safdie brothers’ Good Time, getting a lot of praise for his performances. A “radically different” Batman, then, fits with Pattinson’s acting style and will be another challenge for him to take and make his.

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Of course, another reason why Pattinson’s Batman has to be different is because of the previous versions of the Caped Crusader. Although Burton, Schumacher, and Nolan gave the characters their own touch, they all seem to follow the same line when it comes to how Bruce’s story is told. Pattinson’s version is the sixth since Michael Keaton took over in Tim Burton’s Batman, and after how Affleck’s version failed, Warner Bros. knows Reeves’ version has to do everything differently in order to appeal to the audience.

How Pattinson’s Batman Is Still Similar To Previous Versions

Even though Pattinson’s Batman is on its way to being very different from previous versions, there are still some similarities with his predecessors – after all, this is a Batman movie. Although their motivations are different, Pattinson’s Batman is defined by rage just like Affleck’s was, though how they channel that will obviously be different. What’s known about the story of The Batman is also somewhat reminiscent of Christian Bale’s time in the Dark Knight trilogy, with villains getting personal with Batman and the Caped Crusader dealing with personal issues at the same time as he deals with Gotham City’s seemingly never-ending crimes. Another similarity to Bale’s Batman is the suit, with both going for an armor-esque design, though one big difference is the cowl, which looks more homemade rather than done with the same material as the rest of the suit. As for similarities with Burton’s era, The Batman looks to be building Gotham’s world out and making the Caped Crusader more of a weirdo, which was the whole vibe of Batman and Batman Returns.

There’s a lot of expectation around The Batman and Robert Pattinson’s performance thanks to his previous roles and everything that has been teased about this new version, so it’s not that surprising that it’s being described as “radically different” as that was somewhat expected from the beginning. It’s to be seen how well all these differences and similarities will play out together, but for now, The Batman is on its way to being one of the most interesting big-screen adaptations of the Caped Crusader.

Link Source : https://screenrant.com/the-batman-pattinson-radically-different-changes-reason/

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