Wonder Woman 1984 5 Fan Theories That Totally Make Sense (& 5 That Could Never Happen)

Wonder Woman 1984: 5 Fan Theories That Totally Make Sense (& 5 That Could Never Happen)


DCEU is about to release Wonder Woman 1984, and the fan theories keep coming in. Some, however, are more plausible than others. Let’s take a look!

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Wonder Woman 1984 5 Fan Theories That Totally Make Sense (& 5 That Could Never Happen)

Wonder Woman: 1984 is one of the most hotly anticipated films that DC has ever put out. There’s been plenty of fan theories circulating about what could take place in the sequel and the trailers have only helped to increase the hype.

While some of the fan theories make complete sense, others appear to be completely out there and possibly too far from the truth. We’re taking a look at 5 fan theories that we think could actually happen and 5 that seem almost impossible.


Wonder Woman 1984 5 Fan Theories That Totally Make Sense (& 5 That Could Never Happen)

Doctor Fate is a character that has been heavily rumored for this film but he would almost feel out of place. Although this sequel appears to be exploring the more magical side of the DC universe this may be too much still.

Doctor Fate isn’t exactly a well-known character amongst common audiences and there’s already plenty of new characters and concepts being introduced in the sequel. While it would be fun to see the character in the DCEU it may feel like too much.


Wonder Woman 1984 5 Fan Theories That Totally Make Sense (& 5 That Could Never Happen)

In the comics, Cheetah has a number of different origin stories. However, fans are convinced with all the magic that’s taking place that Minerva might gain her alter ego from a curse during one of her archaeological digs.

It makes sense that perhaps the jewel that Maxwell Lord seems to possess might have something to do with this. The curse would also signify a change in personality for the character, turning her against Diana.

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Wonder Woman 1984 5 Fan Theories That Totally Make Sense (& 5 That Could Never Happen)

Although Wonder Woman is part of the DCEU’s premium team, don’t expect any crossovers from the other Justice League members. There have been theories that this can somehow lead to the movie based on the JL, or perhaps even include characters from it.

However, due to the time period and the fact that the movie wasn’t that successful, it seems like Diana will be staying well away from anything to do with the Justice League; which is perhaps a major shame for fans of the franchise.


Wonder Woman 1984 5 Fan Theories That Totally Make Sense (& 5 That Could Never Happen)

Maxwell Lord has a number of different powers and abilities in the comics and even TV shows, so it’s difficult to know what version of the character we will be receiving. However, it appears to be one that is powered.

While the portrayal of the character is supposedly based on modern-day businessmen and politicians, the comic book roots of the character may come through from the special gem that Lord has managed to find; it possibly gifts him powers.


Wonder Woman 1984 5 Fan Theories That Totally Make Sense (& 5 That Could Never Happen)

With Steve Trevor making his return to the franchise many fans are making the assumption that he just never died. That doesn’t really explain why he has barely aged in these many years and seems like lazy writing.

There’s plenty of ways to bring Trevor back and just having him somehow survive doesn’t really fit with the rest of the film. The most likely option, therefore, is not this one, which is why we believe that it would never happen like this.


Wonder Woman 1984 5 Fan Theories That Totally Make Sense (& 5 That Could Never Happen)

We instead think that Steve being brought back with some kind of magic is the key to his return. Of course, with rumors of cloning and time travel it seems much more probable that with the magical themes, sorcery has something to do with it.

Perhaps Maxwell Lord is responsible or even a debuting Circe, but the watch we keep seeing in the trailers must also have something to do with it. Some believe that the watch is like an anchor point bringing Trevor into 1984.

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Wonder Woman 1984 5 Fan Theories That Totally Make Sense (& 5 That Could Never Happen)

With links to her future team-ups and talk of time travel, there are lots of talks that this film could finish in the modern-day so that it leads into a third film in the trilogy. However, this seems like too obvious a finish point.

What’s more likely is the final film could take place in the 90s so that we can continue to see Wonder Woman’s adventures before all the chaos of the modern world takes hold. This would continue to flesh out the DCEU.


Wonder Woman 1984 5 Fan Theories That Totally Make Sense (& 5 That Could Never Happen)

There’s been talk of the Greek gods in this universe before and of course, Ares showed up in the previous film. However, the Greek pantheon has not turned up in all it’s glory so far. Diana’s new costume is pointing to something Olympian though.

Some are suggesting that characters such as Zeus, Diana’s father, could be turning up which is also why she is riding a lightning bolt. There’s a lot of other clues that are pointing to the deities taking their throne.


Wonder Woman 1984 5 Fan Theories That Totally Make Sense (& 5 That Could Never Happen)

The future of the Flash is supposed to cause Flashpoint which will change the DCEU drastically. The effects of these will be felt across the whole universe. Some people are suggesting this could play into Wonder Woman’s adventure.

While some fan theories point to this being the reason that Steve Trevor is around, others believe the end of the film will see drastic changes. This seems like too confusing a move though to include, especially when it’s more a Flash than a Diana thing.


A status quo change appears to be on the horizon and what would be more dramatic than Themyscira burning. There has to be a reason that the Amazonians are in the film and a reason why Themyscira isn’t seen in the future.

Perhaps if it is destroyed this could be similar to Asgard burning in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. It would also increase the stakes leading into Wonder Woman’s third film, assuming that this sequel is as successful as it appears it will be.

Link Source : https://screenrant.com/wonder-woman-84-best-worst-fan-theories/

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