World War Z Gameplay Uglier Than Days Gone But Has Coop

World War Z Gameplay: Uglier Than Days Gone But Has Co-op


A gameplay trailer for Paramount Pictures and Saber Interactive’s World War Z video game shows off the multiplayer action in a Moscow setting.

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There may be no Brad Pitt in sight, but that hasn’t stopped Paramount Pictures and Saber Interactive from unveiling the latest trailer for their World War Z video game and emphasizing a four-player co-op experience.

Marc Forster’s 2013 movie had fast zombies akin to Danny Boyle’s 28 Days Later monsters if they’d been given a shot of adrenaline, and it’s these ravenous zombies that once again appear in the game. Paramount’s movie was loosely based on Max Brooks’ 2006 novel, World War Z: An Oral History of the Zombie War, and Saber’s game appears to be a cocktail of both titles, hence the fast-moving zombies.

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Taking the action to a snow-capped Moscow, the cinematic “Stories in Moscow” trailer zooms in on an unknown man and his three comrades, conveniently explaining the game’s four-player mechanics. The trailer, then, showcases the hordes of fast zombies swarming towards the group’s defenses as the bullets start flying. Gamers are tasked with keeping their base secure or face the wrath of being overrun by the undead, just like what happened in the movie.

It is a premise that has been done 1,000 times before and it isn’t hard to spot the similarities between World War Z and the upcoming Days Gone – albeit with co-op play. World War Z at least looks to be relentless if nothing else as players wade through waves of zombies in Moscow, New York, and Jerusalem. Other locales are being teased for post-launch, but there’s plenty to get stuck in with alongside the game at launch. The trailer teases “coming soon,” meaning that an E3 2018 reveal could be on the cards for World War Z.

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Cashing in on the blockbuster success of the movie, there seems to be little connection between the game and Forster’s world apart from some iconic locations. That being said, developers have said that the game will be about “survivor stories and missions around the world,” which fits more with the ideals of Brooks’ novel. Saber has been particularly cagey about the game, leaving information about the single-player campaign a mystery. That being said, if there is a traditional story mode, it could follow the events of its big screen counterpart more closely.

Considering a long-mooted World War Z sequel still doesn’t have a release date, now might seem like an odd time for a World War Z game to come to consoles and PC. Also, with Days Gone already being compared to The Last of Us, World War Z could be accused of being just another zombie shooter in an already saturated market. Using traps and environmental barriers to slow down the zombies is being pitched as a USP by Saber, but so many games have done this kind of thing before. Here’s hoping that World War Z has something else up its sleeve when it launches on PC, Xbox One, and PlayStation 4.

More: The 50 Most Anticipated Video Games of 2018

Source: Saber Interactive

Tom Chapman is a Manchester-based writer with square eyes and the love of a good pun. Raised on a diet of Jurassic Park and Jumanji, this ’90s boy had VHS movies flowing in his blood from a young age. Heading into further education, Tom turned his passion for the silver screen into a degree in Broadcast Journalism at Leeds University. These days, he is addicted to all things Game of Thrones, The Walking Dead, and Westworld, while reading up on what the X-Men are doing and imagining a life in Gotham City. Having previously worked at What Culture, Movie Pilot, and Digital Spy, Tom is now finding his way at Screen Rant and CBR. No topic is too big or too small for this freelance writer by day, crime-fighting vigilante by night.

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