Worst Things Ever Done to Morty On Rick And Morty

Worst Things Ever Done to Morty On Rick And Morty


Whether it’s at the hands of his grandpa, his family, or some interdimensional being, Morty has been put through the gauntlet and then some.

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Worst Things Ever Done to Morty On Rick And Morty

There’s an old saying that all comedy comes from some form of suffering. If that’s the case, then the creators of Rick and Morty have a veritable platinum mine when it comes to Morty Smith. Sometimes the predicaments Morty land himself into when adventuring with Rick are quite laughable, but other times they can be painful to watch.

To say the kid has the short end of the stick wouldn’t even come close to describing how screwed he is. Whether it’s at the hands of his grandpa, his family, or some interdimensional being, Morty has been put through the gauntlet and then some.

10 The Mega-Fruit Seeds

Worst Things Ever Done to Morty On Rick And Morty

Right out of the gate, we already have the multiverse distributing its cruel sense of humor on Morty when he goes with Rick to find some Mega-Fruit.

As if the poor guy breaking his legs wasn’t enough, he’s forced to smuggle the gigantic seeds of said fruit in a rather… uncomfortable location. Not only that but once they dissolve inside his body, he’s left convulsing on the floor while Rick goes on a trademark rambling.

9 A Life Well-Lived

Worst Things Ever Done to Morty On Rick And Morty

While Roy: A Life Well-Lived might be an amusing jab at VR games getting too immersive, consider the side-effects someone like Morty, who’s never experienced something like this, might have. It might look like a game, but Morty essentially lives another lifetime and has it all pulled out from under him.

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As Roy, he had a wife, a family, and a completely different existence. You can’t just take memories like those away and expect to be okay.

8 Armothy

Worst Things Ever Done to Morty On Rick And Morty

If Rick hadn’t injected Morty with that muscle-memory serum, he would have been torn to shreds in that thunder-dome.

That being said, he also wouldn’t have been responsible for so many deaths on a severed arm’s plot for revenge either. It might have been for a noble motivation, but Morty’s still going to have to live with the many deaths of Armathy’s enemies on his hands.

7 Escaping Rick’s Death Traps

Worst Things Ever Done to Morty On Rick And Morty

Rick is responsible for most of the entries on this list. That’s one thing impeccably true. But this little example of the scientist’s ego getting in the way of what should have been a normal adventure definitely needs mentioning.

Not only does Morty have to figure out the riddles behind the traps so he, Rick, and the Vindicators can all escape their lives, but the end result is more insulting than rewarding.

6 Assaulted by King Jelly Bean

Worst Things Ever Done to Morty On Rick And Morty

Honestly, who on earth would think this was needed in the episode? Everyone was having a good time and then audiences we’re introduced to King Jellybean.

The sequence where Morty is literally assaulted in tavern’s men’s room is it just unfunny, it’s uncomfortable. Thankfully, his assailant gets his just deserts in the end.

5 Playing Host to an Alien Parasite

Worst Things Ever Done to Morty On Rick And Morty

There aren’t many things that could be worse than the previously mentioned entry, but playing the unwilling host to an alien parasite is probably up there.

Not only that, but the parasite seemed to have a better life in Morty’s body than Morty himself. He was moving up socially and emotionally in the world. Too bad the same can’t be said for his host. It was nice while it lasted, right?

4 Having His Better Self Taken From Him

Worst Things Ever Done to Morty On Rick And Morty

Having all of one’s toxic qualities removed sounds like a good idea. But as demonstrated by Rick and Morty, it all depends on what their definition of Toxic is.

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Once Morty is free from his fears and inhibitions, he becomes a more confident and successful self who breaks away from Rick and goes to live a happier and more fulfilling existence. That is until Rick and Jessica hunt him down and get him exposed to the toxins again.

3 The Vat of Acid Episode

Worst Things Ever Done to Morty On Rick And Morty

This episode was all kinds of messed up, but for Morty especially. Not only does Rick completely put Morty through a giant mind game that forces the kid to unwittingly kill multiple versions of himself scattered across the multiverse, but he does it all for some petty amount of pride over a scam involving a vat of acid.

Some people can’t admit when they’re wrong, but other people will screw with multiple realities to get their way.

2 Burying His own Corpse

Worst Things Ever Done to Morty On Rick And Morty

The title alone should say it all, but that’s only the end result of this giant interdimensional nightmare. When Morty acts as the catalyst that turns all who are exposed to a love-potion-laced virus that leads to them turning into horrible monsters, he and Rick are forced to jump to another reality.

In the reality in question, however, its versions of Rick and Morty die in an explosion, which forces Morty and Rick to hide their own bodies. That’s bound to mess anyone up for life.

1 Morty’s Mindblowers

For the top spot, it’s definitely a numbers game when it comes to this episode. In “Morty’s Mindblowers,” the audience is shown just how cruel the kid’s existence can be.

From discovering a society of sentient squirrels to driving a man to suicide, Morty has been hosed more times than he cares to remember. Honestly, how can one truly blame him?

Link Source : https://screenrant.com/worst-things-ever-done-morty-rick-morty/

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