Wrong Turn 3 Included A Landmark From The First Movie

Wrong Turn 3 Included A Landmark From The First Movie


Wrong Turn 3 is one of the more inventive Wrong Turn sequels, but it also returns to an important location from the first film in a unique way.

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Wrong Turn 3 Included A Landmark From The First Movie

The gratuitous Wrong Turn series turned a lot of heads with its extreme violence, and while the sequels all went direct-to-video, the franchise returned home by re-using a prominent landmark in Wrong Turn 3: Left For Dead.

There have been six Wrong Turn movies, all of which center around the exploits of some backwoods cannibals who tend to run amok of unsuspecting travelers. Since the premise of the Wrong Turn movies isn’t that deep, the sequels have found ways to get creative and explore the franchise in unique ways. Wrong Turn 3: Left for Dead is lauded as one of the better Wrong Turn sequels, with much of that having to do with the film’s unconventional cast of characters and how it pays service to its predecessors.

The majority of the Wrong Turn movies center around hapless tourists or hormonal teenagers who find themselves lost and out of their league in the wilderness. Wrong Turn 3 takes a major swing by how it features a bus full of prisoners that gets derailed and pits a bunch of fugitives and officers of the law against the deranged, deformed cannibals. Declan O’Brien found enough success with his take on Wrong Turn 3 that he went on to direct the following two entries in the series, making him the de facto Wrong Turn expert. Wrong Turn 3’s atypical cast is a treat (and remarkably similar to what The Predator would do years later), but an even bigger delight is the nod to the fans as the characters retrace the steps of the original film’s characters.

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Wrong Turn 3 Revisits The Radio Watchtower From The First Movie

In Wrong Turn 3: Left for Dead there’s a lot more going on than the mere quest for survival. There’s the fact that everyone is being hunted, but these prisoners are also desperate for a chance at freedom, plus there’s also a bag with a gigantic sum of money in it that’s up for grabs that almost adds a Hitchockian MacGuffin element to the horror film. As these characters are looking for a place to assess their loot and reach out for help, they approach a burned down husk of a building. They’re dismayed to learn that this is the state of the area’s radio watchtower, which effectively eliminates their hopes of making contact.

What’s so fun about this discovery is that this watchtower is actually used by the characters in the first Wrong Turn and they do make contact with the authorities. The cannibals retaliate by burning down the radio watchtower, which makes for the thrilling climax to the original movie where the characters are forced to jump out of the tower’s windows. If the characters from Wrong Turn hadn’t turned Three Fingers and his brethren’s company towards this watch tower, then perhaps the people in Wrong Turn 3: Left for Dead would have been able to use it and actually get away alive. Regardless, the events introduce an interesting cause and effect dynamic to the Wrong Turn universe as more films continue to cover the same compact environment. Maybe even the new upcoming entry in the series will continue in this tradition.

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Link Source : https://screenrant.com/wrong-turn-3-radio-tower-first-movie/

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