You The Biggest Problem For Season 4 Is Already Obvious

You: The Biggest Problem For Season 4 Is Already Obvious

Netflix’s You ends its third season with a clear setup for its fourth, but said setup might be for a direction the show could do without.

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You The Biggest Problem For Season 4 Is Already Obvious

Warning: Contains spoilers for You season three.

As You concludes its third season and sets up its fourth, it also sets up a potential problem of running the risk of repeating itself. With the way the season ends, it would be all too easy for the next season to simply fall back into familiar territory, and it would be far worse off for it.

At the end of season three of You, Joe once again finds himself forced to kill his lover — said lover still being Love — to save his own life. Unlike the past two seasons, however, Joe and Love had done too much damage to the community of Madre Linda at that point for everything to be swept under the rug after a few murders, so after killing Love, Joe was forced to fake his own death while framing it as a murder-suicide, paint Love as responsible for everything that happened in the season, abandon his infant son to be raised by others, and ultimately leave the country to start his life anew. Joe ends up in Paris under the identity of “Nick” to try and track down Marienne, his latest obsession, and season four is likely to continue from there, but therein lies the potential problem: nothing very new is being promised here.

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On the surface, the ending of You season 3 comes across as new ground for the show to cover, with Joe having to fake his death and flee the country, but the previous seasons also ended with Joe having to leave somewhere and start his life over, just for him to get caught up in the same situations all over again. As it stands, the only thing that would make season four different from You season 3 is the idea of it both being set in Paris and Joe chasing after someone he was already involved with, but none of that reads like it would be as big of a change to the status quo as season three was.

By keeping Joe with his latest obsession — even if he had fallen out of love with Love — and giving them a child to raise together, season three of You immediately set itself up to be different from its predecessors, but season four looks as if it’s ready to go back to the basics, and that’s a bit disappointing. “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it” is a classic expression that could easily be at play here, but stories are often at their best when they evolve in some way, and that can only be done by moving forward. Going through the familiar motions can work for a while, but it gets tiresome after a certain point, and You post-season 3 could be that point.

Netflix’s You is still firing on all cylinders, but season four could easily ruin its goodwill by falling back onto old routines. There’s no way of knowing how things will go at this point, and there could easily be a surprise in store, but the fact that there’s no guarantee of that remains a bit disconcerting.

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