YouTube To Protect Users Against Copyright Issues

YouTube To Protect Users Against Copyright Issues


YouTube’s new biannual Copyright Transparency report gives us a glimpse into how YouTube identifies and removes copyright content on its platform.

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YouTube To Protect Users Against Copyright Issues

YouTube is launching its first Copyright Transparency report today, giving users an insight into how the company is protecting users from copyright issues. Anyone who’s ever uploaded anything to YouTube knows that the platform’s Content ID system can be pretty aggressive about what it deems as copyrighted material. It could be several seconds of music playing in the background at a coffee shop, and YouTube will likely offer a copyright strike.

But YouTube’s system isn’t perfect. For example, two people were charged earlier this week for reportedly scamming YouTube out of $20 million in a YouTube Music royalty scam. The duo was monetizing a library of 50,000 Spanish-language songs for which they did not own rights for. The scam began sometime in 2017 and ended in April 2021, and the duo collected $20.77 million worth of royalty payments.

Now, in an effort to be more transparent about what it’s doing, YouTube is launching a biannual Copyright Transparency report. In the report, YouTube says that 99-percent of all copyright claims made in the first half of 2021 were done through the company’s automated Content ID system. That means about 722 million claims were made automatically via the Content ID algorithm. YouTube is also trying to protect creators with its Copyright Match Tool, which tries to find and identify content that gets reposted to other channels. And of the total number of reports within that same time frame, only 1.67 million were removed with the Copyright Match tool. YouTube also says that most copyright claims made by the Content ID system go undisputed, with under one percent of them ever getting disputed. The company goes on to say that 60-percent of all disputed claims usually fall in favor of the uploader.

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More Transparency Is A Good Thing

As mentioned earlier, YouTube will be releasing a report biannually, with this being the first. It shows that the vast majority of claims are legitimate and that a combination of the platform’s various technologies helps ensure copyright owners get paid and prevents malicious users from re-uploading content and earning revenue from it. Hopefully, YouTube continues to work on these systems to lower the number of misidentified copyright content.

And the more transparency from YouTube, the better. While this won’t immediately fix issues for creators who continue to have problems with the system, it at least gives an insight into what’s going on. YouTube says that while “no system is perfect,” the dispute process offers creators a way to create a case in the rare occurrence that Content ID misidentifies certain content.

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