10 Secrets To Playing D&D Every Dungeon Master Should Know

10 Secrets To Playing D&D Every Dungeon Master Should Know


Being a Dungeon Master is a daunting task, but there are several tips and tricks that will elevate a game of Dungeons and Dragons from good to great.

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10 Secrets To Playing D&D Every Dungeon Master Should Know

The role of the Dungeon Master in D&D is arguably much more complex than that of the players, and having a good understanding of the game can be important for a DM’s success. That said, there are a few important things to know that can go a long way towards helping DMs create a fun experience for everyone.

The accumulated knowledge of decades of Dungeon Masters past can be one of the best ways to learn the game, and understanding some of the game’s hidden conventions can help a DM level up their skill.

10 No Dungeon Master Knows All The Rules

10 Secrets To Playing D&D Every Dungeon Master Should Know

One mistake new Dungeon Masters tend to make is feeling like they need to know all the rules to make an informed decision during the game. While knowledge of the rules certainly helps, knowing how to make a fair decision when a specific rule isn’t known or available is arguably more important.

Most experienced DMs will be aware of this already, but it bears repeating; nobody can know all the rules, and that’s okay. Dungeons and Dragons is a game of improvisation, both for the players and the Dungeon Master, and that applies to the mechanics and rules as well as to the story.

9 The Dice Are A DM’s Best Friend

10 Secrets To Playing D&D Every Dungeon Master Should Know

Everyone who has played a tabletop roleplaying game has had an experience where their rolls during a session always seem to turn out badly, and this can be discouraging. It may even feel like the dice can be preventing a player from telling their story.

Both player and Dungeon Master alike can benefit from understanding that when the dice don’t go their way it is an opportunity, not a disappointment. Taking those situations and turning them into moments of hilarity or tragedy go a long way towards telling a compelling story, and should be welcomed rather than cursed.

8 There Are More Settings Than Just The Forgotten Realms

10 Secrets To Playing D&D Every Dungeon Master Should Know

The Forgotten Realms is the flagship setting for D&D and has been since the 1980s. Dungeon Masters joining the game in the last few years, however, might not be aware of just how many alternate settings have been created over the years, or that they can craft their own, entirely unique settings.

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Older players might know that the original D&D setting was Greyhawk, created by Gary Gygax himself. Some settings, like Dark Sun and Spelljammer, diverge greatly from traditional fantasy, while others such as Exandria and the Magic: The Gathering settings are more recent introductions to the game.

7 D&D Can Be Played With Only Two People

10 Secrets To Playing D&D Every Dungeon Master Should Know

Generally, when people think of Dungeons and Dragons they think of a group of players sitting around a table, or perhaps meeting up online. While having a group of players is indeed typical, D&D can also be played with just a DM and one or two players.

While running such a game may require some small changes, a D&D game with one or two players won’t be that much different than one with six or seven. In many ways, this can create a more intimate, character-driven experience that focuses on the story of one or two characters, much like a classic fantasy novel.

6 The Basic Rules Are Available For Free

10 Secrets To Playing D&D Every Dungeon Master Should Know

Getting into Dungeons and Dragons may seem like an expensive hobby, with the three core books and dozens of supplemental materials available, not to mention peripherals such as dice and miniatures. But a Dungeon Master doesn’t need to spend a fortune to start playing the game.

Luckily for aspiring DMs, Wizards of the Coast has made a set of basic rules available online on their website, including the core rules, options for creating characters, and other materials needed to get started. This is the perfect option for a group looking to get into the game but that isn’t ready to invest a lot of money.

5 There Are Dozens Of Other Free Resources Available Online

10 Secrets To Playing D&D Every Dungeon Master Should Know

Along with the basic rules available from Wizards of the Coast, there is a huge amount of other online resources available to Dungeon Masters that can supplement what they already have, and they are more accessible than ever.

Many of the best resources cater towards the growing shift to online play, including online battle map programs and organizational tools. There is also a vast amount of homebrew content available, meaning DMs looking to spice up their games can pick and choose the materials they want to add into their worlds.

4 Inspiration Can Come From Anywhere

10 Secrets To Playing D&D Every Dungeon Master Should Know

Many people interested in becoming a Dungeon Master for D&D may be fooled into thinking that they need to be particularly creative in order to create a story worth playing. This is most certainly not the case. There are dozens of premade adventures available, but these are far from a DM’s only option.

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Creating a homebrew setting or adventure can be a rewarding experience, and one of the easiest ways to get started is by building on a story seed inspired by other material. Taking ideas from a favorite book series or TV show and then turning that into a unique setting is a perfectly valid way of playing the game, and can be a great way for new DMs to get introduced to worldbuilding.

3 Dungeon Masters Don’t Always Start As Players

10 Secrets To Playing D&D Every Dungeon Master Should Know

It is quite typical for someone new to the game to learn the ropes as a player before moving into the role of Dungeon Master. But it is entirely feasible for a new group of players to choose the most eager member to take on the role of DM even if none have ever played the game before.

Starting in the role of the Dungeon Master may be intimidating, but most players are excited enough to play D&D that they will eagerly overlook any mistakes a new DM makes Some of the best DMs have never even been on the other side of the screen, giving rise to the somewhat rueful title of “The Forever DM.”

2 Events Can Be Retconned If Necessary

10 Secrets To Playing D&D Every Dungeon Master Should Know

In a D&D campaign that spans multiple sessions, involves interconnecting plotlines, and features a cast of dozens of NPCs, it can be quite easy to lose track of things. This confusion may lead to plot holes further down the road.

Dungeon Masters should feel free to retcon events when necessary, taking care to inform the players of these situations when they arise. Alternatively, improvising the story around plot holes can lead to some interesting narrative possibilities as well. Players can create their own explanations for events that a savvy DM will latch onto and adapt into the game.

1 The Game Doesn’t Need To Be A Monster Slaying Dungeon Crawl

Considering the title of the game, a person might be forgiven for thinking that Dungeons and Dragons is a game all about delving into dungeons and slaying monsters. While this may have been the origin of the game, it has evolved into much more over the years.

Now, it is entirely feasible to play a game with minimal combat, instead focusing on roleplaying, intrigue, politics, humor, and anything else the group wants it to be. Some of the latest D&D materials, such as Strixhaven: Curriculum of Chaos, are perfectly suited towards these playstyles and can be a fun diversion from the typical style.

Link Source : https://www.cbr.com/secrets-to-playing-dnd-every-dungeon-master-should-know/

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